Settings and activity
17 results found
5 votes
Sarah Pickard shared this idea ·
7 votes
Hi Matthew and Anthony, appreciate perhaps not as streamlined as you'd like here there is the ability to apply a prepayment to a bill.
In Xero, you would enter the bill to recognise the expense, payment itself would generally be recognised through the bank account when reconciling which is where you can create a prepayment and then apply the credit to the bill.
Alternatively, if you'd like to do this from the bills screen, you could use the create icon (+) in the top blue navigation and select Spend Money when redirected you'll want to switch the 'Spent as' to Prepayment from Direct Payment.
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
8 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
5 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
27 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
1 vote
Hi Sarah, when a bank rule is applied it'll use the date of the statement line to apply to the transaction it creates so you don't need to set this within the rule itself. Or are you saying you'd like to set the date of the transaction that's going to be created when the bank rule is applied?
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Pickard commented
I'd like it to recogise that say, ESFA receipts between 1-5 of the month are posted to one nominal and those recived after should be posted elsewhere.
i.e. ESFA income around the 1st of the month is always GAG but receipts after the 6th may be other income so would need manual interventionSarah Pickard shared this idea ·
21 votes
Hi Barbara, when considering your idea here - is there a specific report you'd find the option to exclude rather than deselecting most useful?
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Pickard commented
Can we please have the option to EXCLUDE fund codes from I&E reports rather than include? We add new fund codes regularly and with 17 schools this means I need to edit the layout of so many reports each month. If we could simply exclude the ones we don't want I would not need to edit the layouts
An error occurred while saving the comment Sarah Pickard commented
We really need this option for I&E reports. We use fund codes a lot and are often adding new ones for school trips, we are then required to edit the layout for 3 reports for each of our 17 schools every month
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
7 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
8 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
31 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
146 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
230 votes
Hi everyone, thanks for the interest in this idea.
As you can appreciate, user roles span across the entire Xero product so there’s many combinations of permissions our customers want to see us build. Specifically, our reporting product team is very much aware of the challenges with the current permission sets relating to sharing individual reports with different users and are beginning to look into how we might be able to alleviate some of these reporting challenges.
However, at this stage it’s far too early to anticipate or confirm any direction on where this discovery work will lead, but it will inform our next steps. Additionally, as I'm sure you can appreciate there are sensitivities of data access and security. Creating upgrades to user permissions will need very careful consideration. As most will be across, the reporting team are leading up to retiring older versions of Xero’s reports on 31…
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
6 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
377 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
62 votes
Appreciate the detail, and thanks for raising this here in the forums.
While this isn't something we have direct plans for atm, we're keeping an active eye on the idea here and will share if there's any change.
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
33 votes
Thanks for the example, Shellee! That's a good few departments 😮
There's no facility to create folders in the Reports Centre for this sort of categorisation atm.
We'll begin tracking support in this here.
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
115 votes
Sarah Pickard supported this idea ·
It would be great to be able to identify bills you wants to prepay and easily create related journals. i.e. see the rates bill needs to be spread across 12 months, Xero creates a journal to move cost to prepayments on the balance sheet and create a repeating journal to release the cost monthly. I currently do this manually but it seems obvious for Xero to be able to create these journals with some easy input (i.e. number of months to spread cost over, confirm account code for released cost)