4653 results found
Reports: Expense claims report to include mileage totals
To assist organisations to be able to carbon offset km travelled, we should be able to pull a report from Expense Claims in an Excel format so we can add the amount of miles/km travelled to figure out travel footprint.
6 votes -
Payable invoice reports - Ability to filter individual lines or sections rather than whole report
The ability to customise a bills report so that each line (or different sections) can be filtered for description, account code, contact etc, rather than the whole report
1 voteHi Paul, can you share a bit of detail of why you'd find it useful to filter only particular sections of the report, and perhaps an example of the way you see yourself being able to use this sort of function in the report?
We don't have any plans at this stage for multi-tiered filtering but it'd be good to better understand your needs behind it?
Global Pay Run - Include additional employee fields
Add a few more fields for employees such as Date of Birth, start date, Position, Next of Kin, and the ability to have more than one bank account per employee. These are nice HR fields which make a simple payroll system just a little bit better.
1 vote -
Reconciliation - Notify users when there are new entries in Discuss tab
the discussion tab in bank reconciliation is a wonderful tool to communicate issues encountered in doing bank reconciliations. What would make it better would be if there is an option to notify specific users when a new entry or response has been entered in the tab. This would increase productivity for service providers and allow their clients to respond quicker to queries from their service provider
14 votes -
Expenses Payments - Auto-Populate Approved Amount
Generally working in Xero is very efficient. However, when paying approved expense claims (and recording the payment) I have to constantly switch between keyboard to type in the payment amount (which is displayed in a cell above) and the mouse to select the payment date and payment account. I can't imagine a scenario when the amount paid is not the amount approved. Why is this cell not pre-populated with the approved amount? If it was it would halve the time it would take me to register payments against expense claims.
2 votes -
Income & Expenditure Report - Add funds brought forward & carried forward rows
Adding "Funds Brought Forward" row for "Income & Expenditure Report", and a "Funds Carried Forward" at the bottom.
2 votes -
Subscription - Allow downgrade any time (effective at the end of the subscription period)
It is ridiculous that you are forced to set a calendar reminder to come back and downgrade a Xero Subscription in a month's time.
A client may need to increase their subscription purely to account for the crossover period of one staff member leaving and a new one starting and whilst we have no issue paying the additional for the one extra employee, to make it impossible to downgrade for a month after that upgrade is a pathetic cash grab by Xero.
Make it possible to downgrade the file immediately and have it take effect from the future date.7 votes -
Expenses - Option to 'Query' in addition to Approve or Deny
Expenses - Claim query function. Rather than just approve or deny, an option to query with a note to the submitter about the details of the claim or to add a better/proper receipt etc
1 vote -
Reports - Refresh page to load report in new organisation
At the moment on the old P&L and Balance Sheet reports if you change the company on another tab and have the P&L and B/S open in another tab if you press F5 on your keyboard it will update to the new company you have changed to. This feature is not available on the new P&L & B/S which will be the only source from July. I really need this F5 function on the new reports as I have 20 ledgers to run and if I have to keep re-running the P&L & B/S at month end it will significantly…
1 vote -
Bank Reconciliation - Option to not remember last comment
Have a tick option to remember old comment OR not remember for the bank rec. Otherwise people are just going to ignore and use the same comment every time they reconcile a similar transaction, even if it's not valid. Nice to apply this just to comments vs forgetting coding.
1 vote -
Bills - Show unapproved bill costs in accounts
Currently bill costs are not posted to the accounts until it has been approved. It would be beneficial if once a bill was entered/submitted for approval in xero the costs were shown in the accounts. If the approver is not available to approve the bills it holds up finalising month end accounts.
4 votes -
Xero Analytics | Short-Term Cash Flow Projection - Enter Overdue Invoices
It would be helpful to have the ability to add overdue invoices into the Short-Term Cash Flow Projection report without having to change any details in accounts receivables.
4 votes -
Xero Me: Demo app
Xero Me App - Testing
It would be great if we could test the Xero Me app (similar to how we can with the Demo Company for Xero) to be able to see what employees see.
8 votes -
Sales Invoices - Ability to set the void date
Invoice - Change voided invoice date
Ability to adjust the void date for a previously voided invoice.
1 voteHi Rachel, could you share any detail of what this would help your business do? Is there a specific reason you'd like to be able to set the Voided invoice date?
Expense and Income By Contact report - Ability to view contacts business number
one of the ATO requirement is to submit the Expense from other companies with ABN into it. if you can implement by adding ABN to the report, it will be really helpful for us.
Thanks1 vote -
Sales Invoice - Automatically send invoices when they are raised
We would like to generate invoice data from our proprietry software which will be posted as authorised invoices and those invoices be automatically emailed to our customers.
18 votes -
Banking - Bank deposit slip with subtotals for cash and cheques
Ability to print a deposit slip that shows the subtotals of cash and cheques.
Purpose: Users can easily see the figure of subtotal cash and cheques in the deposit slip.
22 votes -
AU Payroll - Monthly calculation based on hours worked in month
Update the monthly payroll to calculate based on the number of work hours in the month, rather than taking the yearly salary / 12 / number work hours. Given that each month has a different number of work days, the pay rate changes every month and this is a compliance issue.
6 votes -
Quotes - Attach file from library
The upgraded Quotes layout does not allow me to attach pdf's from the Files Section.
The only way to do this now is to download pdf from Files. Open Quote and Save it. Upload pdf.This has significantly slowed down the workflow - please can Xero Quotes be able to add attachemnts from Files and before Saving.
5 votes -
Sales invoices Ability to mark an invoice as 'confidential' & hide from some users
Could there be a function added to hide invoices attached to expenses so they can be kept confidential from other users?
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?