4646 results found
Credit Note - Button to automatically fill the 'Credit Amount' field
The ability to hit the F9 button (or similar) as in Sage, to automatically fill the amount in the 'amount to credit' field, without having to type values in manually
4 votes -
Inventory - Record Quantity on Hand for untracked items
we work in wine retail & record our product &service on xero (we have moved from sage 50 2 years now)
we cannot use track inventory option as this doest work with our current setup
please can we simply have like a small box under each inventory saying quantity on hand for e.g 2 or if its negative like - 2 ( as this is really trouble some for me to all the time go to report & manually set my filters all the time with dates,& other details.
) please like on sage50 we had always a number…8 votes -
Purchase Orders - Show qty on hand
Cannot understand why a bill will show the qty on hand, but not the purchase order. When creating a purchase order it makes sense that one should be able to see qty on hand on each line item so that you know how much to order.
8 votes -
Payroll - Total payment to show on Pay Runs and individual Pay Run screen
Show the Total Payment of a Pay Run, on both the Pay Runs and individual Pay Run screen. As it is, you have to click Payroll > Pay Employees > Pay Run > Employee to see the Total Payment for that specific Pay Run. Far too many clicks to check what the total amount was that was posted to Wages Payable account (and paid from the bank account).
6 votes -
AU Payroll | Payroll Employee Summary - Include allowances for STP
Would like allowances to be included on the Payroll Employee Summary to help with STP finalisation
5 votes -
Tax Rates - Ability to import & export
Ability to import/export tax codes for jurisdictions where multiple non-default tax codes may be required!!!
4 votes -
Reporting - Show fixed asset depreciation on the Account Transactions report
In the Account Transaction Listing there should be Source indicated for Fixed Asset Depreciation run through the Register
3 votes -
Contacts - Ability to create transfers between contacts
Could there please be a facility to post journals between contacts (either supplier or customer) for example between BT Telecom and EDF energy
Currently there is only the facility to post journals between nominal ledger codes.
Many thanks2 votesHi Julie, could you explain a little more the scenarios in which you'd be looking to make use of a this sort of functionality?
At present - if the transactions has originally be assigned to the wrong contact this can be edited.
Understanding more of the use case may help us find another solution for you here, although I don't want to be open that we don't have plans for enabling transfers between contacts.
Xero Network - Ability to share Xero to Xero key link
Ability to share a link to share Xero to Xero key
8 votes -
Repeating Invoice - Ability to change description in bulk
Global change of description on repeating invoices - some folk have same text but include current month before sending - currently required to edit each invoice to achieve this
4 votesHi team, we don't have any plans for developing the ability to bulk update the description of your repeating invoices right now.
To help your work flow here, you could include placeholders so the description contains the current month. Dynamic date placeholders can be added to the Description and Reference fields of repeating invoices and bills. The placeholders will then insert the specified detail into the invoices and bills when they are created.
History & Notes | Files - Record history event when a file is deleted
The functionality in Xero that shows a file has been deleted in the History and Notes section of a transaction.
Currently if a file is added to a transaction and then deleted, under the history and notes section it still shows there was file uploaded, but doesn't have an audit trail that it was subsequently deleted.
is this something that can be added as part of the history and notes to be more accurate4 votes -
Contacts - Highlight contacts
In our old system, before we moved to Xero, we could highlight special clients (they were a different colour). In our case, they were special because they paid their account off in instalments, instead of paying a lump sum. This made it very easy for us to separate them when we sent invoice reminders to the rest of our clients. How we have to do it in Xero now is clunky and manual. :)
2 votesHi Kathleen, it sounds like Contact Groups could help you keep track of clients you'd normally 'highlight'
This way you'd be able to quickly get a view of the different contact groups when looking to set up or send invoice reminders?
UK Payroll - Holiday Pay Adjustment
Lot of employee are working overtime. Holiday should be paid adding the Holiday Pay Adjustment. This means that overtime, certain allowances and commission plans will be included in the first 20 days of leave taken in any holiday year. To put this simply, you should be no worse off financially by taking your holiday. So if you earn commissions, claim certain allowances or work overtime these will now be considered as part of your holiday pay adjustment payment. Every employer must calculate this manually, and errors may occur during the process. It would be fantastic if a formula could be…
5 votes -
Xero Expenses - Allow one off expense claims without purchasing the "Expenses" subscription
Allow casual, one off, expense claims WITHOUT needing to purchase the "Expenses" subscription.
I am the treasurer of a Men's Shed and, occasionally, members use personal funds (either card or cash) for Shed expenses, generating an expense claim. These are rare, usually one off, and might not occur again.
Could an exception be allowed for this, within the software, that would allow a one off expense to be recorded? This could then then trigger the need to purchase the "Expense" module if that person had any future expense claims within, say, 12 or 18 months.
4 votes -
Tax Rate - Don't change Tax Rate if Account Type is change
Stop Xero from automatically changing the Tax Rate of an Account when the Account Type is changed. It's so annoying. Offer/suggest, sure. But don't do it by default. No, I do not want to change Wages & Salaries from BAS Excluded to GST on Expenses just because I change it from Direct Costs to Expense/Overhead or vice versa. Such a dumb default setting.
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Payroll - Long Service Leave for Casual Victorian employees
Requirement to have flexibility in how Long Service Leave is recorded for Victoria for casual employees who have taken multiple periods of parental leave and unpaid leave so small business is able to record number of weeks and entitlement due date and be able to accrue the entitlement of .80 weeks per year of service (and have that show on their pay). At the moment we are unable to show the employee the entitlement in weeks - only hours. The hours paid per week will be variable depending on when they take the leave so having this flexibility in Xero…
7 votes -
NZ Payroll: allow employee to edit hours in leave request
Payroll functionality around multi day leave requests.
A number of employees work 4 days , and xero divides the days into 5.
The problem is when a leave request for lets say a day and half sick leave - they cannot manually enter 12 hours (8 +4) or 10.5 (7 + 3.5) unless they do Seperate Leave requests per day.
I have a collegue doing 2 weeks of working 6 hours and taking 2 hours each day on annual leave. I ended up having to make his leave request because I am admin.
I had to obtain pre-approval since the…4 votes -
Reconciliation - Create Bill instead of Spend Money
It would be very useful to be able to generate a Bill when Reconciling, instead of just being able to "Spend Money". This would allow much better tracking of transactions, since money leaving an account via Spent Money is far less visible than when a Bill is paid.
When PayPal is enabled as a Payment Method, and a customer pays their Invoice this way, the associated PayPal account shows two entries in the Bank Feed ready for Reconciliation:
1) A transaction fee is deducted from the PayPal account.
2) The full amount of the payment into the PayPal account.…
6 votesHi Faris, generally as a bill is received prior to payment so currently it's expected that the bill would already exist in Xero when reconciling.
Appreciate your example of where this could create efficiency and we'll get an idea of the support in this here. 🙂
In the meantime, depending on your type of sales you may find an integration in our App Store that could serve by automatically creating the transactions in Xero.
Bank reconciliation - Show Account Code on spend/receive money
Bank Accounts Cash Coding problems:
xero auto enters "unknown" if payee not used
No Quantity column for shares or livestock transactions
Posted entries disappear which does not allow easy scroll up and down scrutiny of work done
account code does not show for coded entries
bank account description/particulars does not show as per bank statement
ie simply make the bank statements screen like Banklink so I can move my practice.7 votesHi Brian, appreciate your feedback here. However, in order for others in community to understand the specific idea they're supporting and to also share back with the right teams here at Xero we ask to keep one idea per thread.
We have an idea started that you can support for livestock calculations
I've adjusted your idea here specifically for showing the account code in the cash coding screen, and you're welcome to support others cash coding ideas or start others for ideas that are represented.
If you're having any trouble with conversions, I'd recommend coming directly into our team at Support for 1-on-1 help from our specialists. 🙂
Contacts | Increase character limit for countries
The ISO 3166 country name for "United Kingdom" is "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)", which is 58 characters. We are currently unable to use this name for our contacts as Xero throws an error (both in the UI and API).
Please consider increasing the country name maximum length to at least 60 characters.
2 votes
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