4280 results found
Subscription - Annual Xero Subscription option
Allow subscribers to pay their Xero subscription annually, not just monthly
31 votes -
New invoicing - Make manual tax adjustment to total invoice amount
Retain the This Make manual tax adjustments from the invoice subtotal in New Invoicing. This is a feature that I use as I have to import sales figures from an external program and the VAT figure is different by a small amount But I don't want to have to alter each line on the invoice.
24 votesCan see what you're meaning here, John. I've made a slight adjustment to the title of your idea that I think might help others identify with. We'll start to feel the interest out here and let you know if there's any change planned.
Subscriptions - Rewards program for loyal customers.
Pretty simple.
I would have thought it is easier to hold onto existing customers, rather then lose them in favour of new customers.
Xero, please look after your current customers.
23 votes -
Email Settings - customise style
I would like to be able to customise the styling on the invoice emails sent to customers. Changing the colour of the buttons etc.
47 votes -
Bills - Flag a Bill as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag individual bills as in dispute
Purpose | To enable review and ensure the business does not make payment for a bill when it's currently 'under query'
1,099 votesWe appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product…
NZ GST - Mark GST Return as filed
Please can there be an option to mark a GST Return as FILED in Xero , where it has been filed by another method.
20 votes -
Bills - Assign planned date when entering bill
Please add the option to assign a planned payment date when entering bills / within the individual bill, not just from the overview tabs.
9 votes -
CIS - Apply CIS to spend money transaction
When preparing monthly CIS returns on xero you need to create a bill for the subcontractor and reconcile/mark the bill as paid. When you have clients that have on average 80 to 120 subcontractors the bill creation even with a bill template can be time consuming.
Something to consider is whether creating a bill could be removed from this process and the CIS return be prepared simply from a spend money to a CIS enable contact.
Also something else that can be time consuming when dealing with this volume of subcontractors is downloading the monthly CIS payment certificates as clients…18 votes -
NZ GST return - Late claims, Publish & incognito mode
Not a new product idea by any means, just a request to put the GST return back the way it was before the update. So far with the new update, we can no longer see the late claims on a separate tab, we cannot publish the final return in Xero and now we can not be in two different entities at once even if we are incognito mode or in a different web browser.
When querying Xero about this problem, it was suggested that I post it as a product idea, because they are all known issues but can't do…16 votes -
MFA - Move cursor to code field automatically
When I login to Xero, I enter my email address and password and am taken to the second page (MFA).
I'm then asked for the authenticator code, but I have to click into the field to enter the code.
Xero knows that there is an almost 100% likelihood that the first (and only) thing I am going to do on that page is enter the MFA code.
Xero should automatically have the cursor in that field so that I can type the code without clicking into the field.
20 votes -
UK Payroll | Timesheet - start and end time input method
Timesheets - being able to change the input method to start time and end time in countries other than Australia (in particular the UK)
18 votes -
UK Payroll - Option to view leavers in History by leaving date
After the recent Xero upgrade, the ability to view leave dates disappeared from the employees' History. Instead, a column titled "Next pay day" was added, which does not seem useful because the employees have left the company.
11 votes -
New Invoicing - Allow us to have Negative quantities on invoice
In the Classic Invoicing, we could set a negative item amount which was useful to make it clear to clients that we had refunded something. It also corrected the stock levels in the inventory. In new Invoicing, you can set a negative financial amount but you are not allowed negative quantities, as such it is not clear and it messes up the stock inventory levels. You can do it via credit notes but this requires more things to be issued to clients etc.
6 votes -
New Invoicing | Send - Copy & paste multiple emails into the To field
When sending a new invoice to a client with multiple contacts, I find the most recent invoice relevant to the current project and copy the email details from the History and Notes entry for the action Invoice Sent.
If there is more than one email address, the old invoicing used to recognise that a comma separated the email addresses. I could paste that into the 'To' box without issue.
BUT IN THE NEW INVOICING, I get an error message when pasting multiple emails into the 'To' box: "One or more email addresses are invalid."
This means that I have to…9 votes -
Invoicing / Bills - Freeze top row and first column
Ability to see Header rows and side columns on all screens when scrolling
As per Microsoft Office where the top and side ribbons remains static.
e.g. When you're in the Dashboard and scroll down it would be good if the top ribbon is static. It makes it easier to select another item (business; accounting; contact etc) without having to scroll up.The same with Bill Payments; Invoicing; reports etc where the top ribbon and column headers - see attached - would remain static as you scroll down the list.
The same as when you might have a lot of columns…
48 votes -
UK payroll - Turn off automatic journal posting for payroll
As the automatic journal for payroll is not able to be viewed before posting to accounts, we should have the option to turn off automatic journals. Currently, we have to post, then go back and do another journal to split out ER NI & Pension for different departments. This system is so unflexible.
13 votes -
Dashboard - Edit dashboard layout
Dashboard- It would be great if Xero gave us more options to edit out Dashboards. Two colums are not enough, at the most I get to see four accounts before I have to scroll, they needn't be so large either. If they had three colums, and we could shrink the size of the 'boxes' then we could easily see a better snapshot of work to do and where the business is at.
24 votes -
Lock Dates - Allow old bills/invoices to fall into current accounting period
Once you close a period, pulled all the accounts and happy with the financial position, you close the period to stop posting to that period. But when you receive a old supplier invoice, which has been accrued in, Xero does not allow you to post the invoice without re-opening the period date. This means, you either reverse your accrual journal to post the older invoice, changing the financial position or manully altering the invoice date, to post it into current period. Increases workload and hassle. It also means your supplier account does not mirror with their accounts with dates. Xero…
6 votes -
New invoicing: Remove / turn off online payments option
I would like the option to remove the 'set up online payments' box whenever I create a new invoice. For companies like ours who are never going to use this function, it's irrelevant and takes up unnecessary space (we use invoice finance and our clients don't pay us directly). Could there be a toggle button in the settings to be able to switch this off?
7 votes -
AU Payroll - Option to 'Approve & Next' employee
In Payroll --> Timesheet --> entering hours for employees, there is no option to 'Approve & Next' employee, which would make entering hours easier. It would mean one doesn't have to keep going back to the main Timesheet menu when they are working through a roster of staff.
24 votes
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