Batch payments - Ability to include credit notes
Allow the inclusion of Credit Notes in Batch Payments where the total to be paid to a supplier is still positive. This would allow a single batch for a Supplier to match their Statement, particularly where credit notes are not related to specific Bills.

Hi everyone, we appreciate wanting to hear from us on this idea and apologies for not commenting sooner. I can assure you this has not gone unnoticed and internally there have been reviews and discussions for how batch payments can be improved. We have the appetite, but as with all developments this must be weighed up and considered against many other important changes needed in product.
We want to be upfront that developing the ability to include Credit notes in Batch payments has not been planned at this stage.
As some may have seen, we do have work going on around being able to include Credit Notes as part of the reconciliation process. We understand for many on this idea the timing of including credit notes when you’re creating the batch payments is crucial, however we hope that when delivered at least being able to reconcile these more efficiently may improve the process for some customers.
We appreciate wanting to see developments, and while this update doesn’t signal the movement you’re hoping for right now, if there is any progress to share we’ll definitely update all of you through the idea here.
Julie Richardson commented
I cannot believe that this basic function is missing, what a time wasting exercise allocating credit notes is!
Penny Rowden commented
This was a massive issue for a client we were trying to move across from Sage as in Sage, he could select credits along with invoices when making batch payments whereas this is very tedious in Xero and a barrier to the larger businesses. With all the work being done on improving bulk payments and the focus on encouraging faster payments to improve cashflow across SMEs, surely this should be a priority?
I very much welcome that this is being looked at as part of the bank rec matching as again this is very tedious when a payment can't immediately be matched due to credit notes being involved. However, it will then be even more frustrating if the credit notes can't be picked up as part of a bulk payment!!
Bronda Smith commented
Kelly - this is the 3rd highest voted request from users. Bills has so many issues such as this that it needs a overall with how it works - eg change negative bills to credit notes from an email. I am looking at other options which I thought I would never say. I was there at the beginning with Rod Drury and working at Rightway so seeing this development not happening is so disappointing
Kathy Skinner commented
Xero no longer seem to really care about what their users are telling them. The new invoicing is still not user friendly and they haven't done anything about minimising the size of it on the screen. After 7 years of supposedly developing this it should be similar to classic but with improvements like being able to add interest to overdue, credit notes etc etc. All these have been asked for over the years so why haven't they worked on bringing all that in with this so called improved version that they're going to force us to use at the end of February.
Adrian Soden commented
Kelly, that's a rubbish response. I suggest Xero start listening and acting on customer requests, otherwise you might find them moving to alternative providers of which there are many. Just a thought!
Erin Rudd commented
Being able to include credit notes in a batch payment is crucial for me. My team is having to explain to vendors multiple times a week about the credit notes.. Having it included would completely clear up this time swallowing issue.
Annette Bremner commented
love Xero but please, we do need simple ability to include credit notes in batch payments, not against individual invoice. The programming is there for bills to pay, it's just a negative bill, why is it so hard?
Chris Stokes commented
Its a feature I really miss from Sage. We have a customer that has high volume but low value invoices. Applying a payment from them takes quite a bit of time, it used to take less than a minute in Sage.
Kerri Gilbranch commented
This feature is crucial for accurate payment allocation. When you pay a supplier monthly and have a statement with over 100 invoices/credits you want to be able to work down the statement and allocate the invoices and credits to get the same balance due once everything has been selected. A lot of our suppliers like you to send a payment remittance too before the end of the month, and if credit notes havent been selected as part of the payment, the remittance doesnt agree with the allocation of Invoices & Credits. Ive used a few accounting systems, and this is the only one where this isnt possible. I have a client who is considering Xero, but for this reason, i will be recommending they dont move over because it will be too messy and complicated for them to allocate month end payments.
Andy Ellis commented
Xero does not allow supplier prepayments to be included in batch payments. When added as a prepayment under spend money, the prepayment shows under bills awaiting payment, but the prepayment cannot be added to a batch payment, the tick box is greyed out. For companies that regularly pay suppliers in advance, the ability to include prepayments in batch payments would be useful.
Anthony Haworth commented
Following on from the many responses below. As a retail company we are running two large Xero accounts, were we are received 1000s up 1000s of invoices and hundreds of credits each month. Individually applying each credit note either to a random invoices are marking it as taken each pay run consumes so many man hours. Add to that is such a monotonous and drawn out process you can easily make mistakes. Please make this a priority to implement the ability to pay a credit along with invoices. It feels like it should be such a simple thing to implement?
Claire Parker commented
Expected, but still disappointing Xero.
One wonders what other "important changes needed in product" are .... Stuffing up AP in the same way as you stuffed up AR with New Invoicing? -
Kevin Stansfield commented
i agree with andrew, a credit note is just a negative invoice
therefore why cant we import them and why can they not be added to the batchthere must be a major design flaw in xero, that they built it then somebody said what about credits, and they went Oh SH&T we better tag something on
shame on you xero
Sandra van Kool commented
Xero is so busy dumbing down their product, that it actually becomes useless accounting software.
Don't start me on their "multi currency" product. Its a joke. -
Lisa Winchester commented
Timely, just as I'm about to pay the suppliers for the month and waste my time allocating credits to random invoices so I can do a batch payment 😡 what a joke. This is a critical accounting feature, sort your priorities out Xero!!
Mel Fenemore commented
Well this was an expected response!!
Maybe if a little less money was invested into making already functional areas of the programme substandard (lets not get onto a rant about the new invoicing!) then this wouldn't actually be a drama to arrange.
Remittances are all but useless! I guess with the credit notes being part of the reconcilliation process you could wait until the next day when transaction has been pulled through from the bank, reconcile with the incorrect date, then raise a remittance from there? Far from perfect and I am so fed up of trying to find work arounds for a so called accounts package that can't provide the simplest of functions!
Thankfully unlike Kelly has suggested in other responses I have no issue with changes and the only improvement change I can see right now is considering another package - Sage are proving to be incredibly helpful and whilst they were always behind on cloud accounting they appear to have really upped their game!
Inflated costs for a worse product - no thank you! -
Chris Curlett commented
XERO Product Development team must have a KPI of how many customers they drive away because of them! If so they will be doing very well to meeting there KPI.
Don't blame you Shev. Also have a look at Infusion Business Software if you are in NZ or Australia.
Shev Lizzard commented
I can't believe this still hasn't been implemented. Remittances are always being queried as underpayments because they can't be included in the batch process.
Seriously might go back to Sage at this rate!
Chris Curlett commented
Andrew, you should be running the Product Development Team or perhaps organising a training session for them.
Certainly, there current manager is well sub-par!
Andrew J commented
Xero team, you could fix this quickly by allowing a negative value on an invoice.
Then a credit can be processed as a negative value invoice - allowing perfectly acceptable batch payments.
Or you could allow a negative invoice to be called a something a little more normal, like perhaps 'a credit'.
Allowing negative value invoices (aka credits... shhhhh.) would take a fairly short time. If you made this an option that had to be manually turned on in settings, it might take a bit longer... maybe 30 days and 180 cups of coffee.