772 results found
AU Payroll, Please
Please sort all Payroll functions (pay employees, search, reports etc.) in SURNAME ORDER. For every functions about Payroll including Taxation & Superannuation, this is normal practice to have SURNAME ORDER FIRST THEN CHRISTIAN NAMES.
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Save and Next option for Timesheet approval
Save and Next option for Timesheet approval.
Rather than having to go back to the beginning for each and every timesheet approval you should be able to save and view next in the same way you can with bills.
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Should have a warning Pop Up before posting the payrun, there are draft timesheets for that payrun.
Should have a warning Pop Up before posting the payrun, there are draft timesheets for that payrun.
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inactivate casual employees
Inactive casual employees, so they do not show up all the time on the pay runs, and you do not have to click on the check box each time.
Also adding a 6-month and yearly payment option as quarterly is too often.
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superannuation approval
Ability for more than 1 person to be able to approve a superannuation payment in Xero. Currently only 1 nominated person can approve the superannuation payments, this becomes an issue if that person is sick, away on holidays, you have more than 1 person in an office sharing the workload. With the changes coming to pay employees' super at the same time as salary and wages, there needs to be the ability to have more than 1 person nominated to approve.
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AU Payroll - Fast click Superannuation directly from payrun
Could you please consider adding the feature of adding and processing auto superannuation payments from each finalised payrun (eg button next to "File" that would prefil the contributions in the payrun and further to authorisation). A number of clients are asking for a payday super feature, and adding this feature directly from the payrun will minimise the number of "clicks" and processing time. This also would be a hot topic if moving to compulsory payday super.
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AU Payroll - Flag negative leave on final pay
When using the final pay function and annual leave is in negative, please flag with a "check with your bookkeeper, accountant or Fair Work before processing negative leave on a final pay." Some business owners are unaware that this may be contravening Fair Work laws.
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UK Payroll - Auto enrolment postponements
When an employee has a postponed autoenrollment the pension doesn't prompt or show up until just before the payment run has been posted. Making any prior payroll reports and payslips incorrect as the pension then tags on at the end. So reports then need to be reprinted and balanced again.
Can the prompt no show up at the start of the pay run? This will then save any duplicated reports and potential incorrect payments.
Also the pension filing report viewable before the RTI posting.
Alternatively, enter the postponement date when posting the pay run in which the employee becomes eligible…
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UK Payroll - Bring back leave dates in employee history screen
Bring back leave date function in employee history list, it made running P45s much easier when there is a team that run payroll.
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UK Payroll - Extend SSP without reverting pay runs
SSP EXTENSION; There needs to be a way of extending SSP
Most people who are off sick are not aware of when they will return, it is often necessary to be able to extend SSP. It is not acceptable to have a process that requires reverting payroll. I am still trying to get almost £5000 back from HMRC because Xero reported the variance in April as an additional payroll & the YTD figures have not corrected the issue. Reverting payroll should be the very last resort & not used for something as standard as stat sick leave.1 vote -
AU Payroll - Report that shows for each employees earnings, super, tax and leave
What I need is for it to look like the Payroll Employee Summary, but with additional columns for Annual & Personal leave taken and the value of that leave.
The report you are telling me is to messy to read.1 vote -
AU Payroll - Allow to change settings for Decimal places for pay items.
pay rates rounding by 4 decimal points causing an underpayment of wages. EG: Base rate is 25.65 x 1.5 = 38.475000 but the award rate is actually 38.48. Need a solution for this ASAP.
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UK Payroll - Upload HMRC notifications to employee record
We are all required to keep tax code and other notifications from HMRC for a number of years. Currently we have to do that in hard copy. It would be great to be able to upload a copy to the employee record instead.
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select more than one employee when generating payroll reports
ability to select more than one employee when generating payroll reports, not just a single employee or All employees
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AU Payroll - Option to select/deselect 'Other Previous Earnings' feature on payslips
AU currently require an option to de-select this feature under payrol settings (preferred option) or employee pay template.
"Other previous earnings" showing on payslips is creating issues for our employees.3 votes -
NZ Payroll - Sick leave entitlements to automatically accrue when employees are included in any future pay run following their entitlement.
As a Chartered Accountant, I’ve observed an issue in Xero’s handling of sick leave entitlements that I believe warrants improvement. Currently, if an employee is not included in the pay run closest to their sick leave entitlement date, the entitlement does not accrue. This creates a significant gap in compliance with employment obligations and adds unnecessary administrative burden to correct.
To enhance the functionality and flexibility of Xero's payroll system, I think that sick leave entitlements should automatically accrue when the employee is included in any future pay run following their entitlement date. This adjustment would ensure compliance with employment…1 vote -
AU Payroll - HH:MM entry format for timesheets
It would be wonderful to have the option to use HH:MM format for timesheet entries, instead of only decimal time. Hard to convince employees to do timesheets as it is, but to also ask them to convert two weeks of project works over numerous jobs into decimal format is a big ask! Not many people are used to entering 4.6667 hrs instead of 4hrs 40min. If this is a feature of Xero Practice Manager, can it not be easily made available to the rest of us?
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AU Payroll - Voice automated super approval for overseas
Voice automated codes for super approval when overseas where mobile carriers have restrictions on text messaging.
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UK Payroll - Audit history
To be able to view the audit history of pay run changes or changes made within payroll settings
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UK Payroll - Employee tab layout
Employee tab - make the layout available for users to choose between Portrait or Landscape orientation.
Since updates were made on 20.12.2024, the Landscape one (on this particular tab - Employees) did not fit on the screen. It looks like a tech error rather than an update...1 vote
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