4665 results found
Invoices - Option to download invoices by VAT report
We have dealt with a few VAT inspections recently and HMRC request all invoices in relation to the VAT report. We have had to download each invoice individually and rename to match the references posted on Xero which has been extremely time consuming. It would be great if all invoices could be downloaded in bulk as per each VAT report and each invoice referenced to match the VAT report.
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Projects - Ability to add Task Title then seperate line for task description
When I add a Task to a project I would like to add a Task Title trhen have a seperate section to Describe the task detail. At the moment there is insufficient space for this information.
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Files - Add delete button to file preview
In the Files area, there are some that you do not know of until you opened them, and upon seeing them, it's not needed for the business. You have to close the file, either select the checkbox then delete, or the option button on the right to delete. Can you add a Delete function upon opening the file so we don't have to click close just to delete unwanted files? Thank you!.
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General Ledger Detail - Include "Payment Reference" as an optional column
It would be great to be able to include this column, as Xero does not have a numbered Payment Voucher.
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Files - Allow file to be attached to multiple transactions
The inability to attach credit notes from a batch is becoming increasingly problematic. To clarify: multiple credit notes sent from suppliers under 1 PDF - there isn't the capability to transfer these into a separate folder and then attach each PDF multiple times when creating a credit note from a supplier. As soon as it is attached once it disappears! I have had multiple occasions where there are numerous credits in one PDF and am having to write all but one down in longhand so I can then create the Credits. There is not the function to attach these to…
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Invoicing - Import invoices that include negative lines
Import data in at same Invoice number in multiple line but there is some negative amount need to included like deposit and charges etc
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Expenses - Create Expense Claims from bank reconciliation screen
When using debit cards, we get transactions posted into the bank account before a card holder completes their expense claim. Or forgets to!
From the bank account reconciliation screen, I would like to be able to send a transaction into expenses for the card holder to complete then expense claim process. The transaction should appear in their draft expenses.2 votes -
Profit and Loss - Filter report, option to change filter criteria after column choice selected.
You have marked the idea at "Profit & Loss - Filter Tracking Report by second tracking category" (https://productideas.xero.com/forums/939198-for-small-businesses/suggestions/45050152-profit-loss-filter-tracking-report-by-second-t) as delivered and closed the comments, but unfortunately it's a terrible implementation, and you could really benefit by hearing comments from your customers on it.
It allows the user to filter the data, and then to choose the columns it will appear in by selecting tracking category items for columns. However if I want to change the filter criteria I have to undo the column choices, then edit the filter criteria, and then recreate the columns.
It still does not…
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Short-Term Cash Flow - Split payments on Bills
Client is wondering whether there is a way to split bills in the cash flow prediction to show half the bill being paid on this day and the remainder on another day. Currently you can tell it that we estimate to pay the bill in full on this day but can't see an option to split the bill.
Look forward to hearing from you.
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Organisation Settings - Pull 'Organisation type' from Companies House API
When setting up a new Xero organisation, in Organisation Settings we are being asked for organisation type and registration number. it should be possible, especially for Limited Companies, to pull their details which are stored on statutory register via the API by reference to registration number.
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Invoicing - Don't show Pay Now on invoices for Direct Debit customers
'Pay Now' shouldn't be displayed on invoices where the customer already has a DD in place as it is confusing, could lead to duplicate payments and cause them to contact us to query whether there is a problem with their DD when they don't need to. Xero say this is because xero can't differentiate customers who already have a DD in place, but they can - there is a flag and this is visible in settings and therefore must be available to developers.
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Contacts - Replace link for 'View recent bills' to filtered Supplier Bill Activity report
Can Supplier Bill Activity report be tied to this link (with auto-population of the supplier name in the report) so that I would not need to TYPE suppliers' names in the report every time I need to see the history of the supplier, which I do all the time?
Thank you,
Eugenia2 votes -
2 votes
Bills to Pay - Remove 'New bill' drop down
With the "new look" bills having been implemented, all the different bill options are under a drop down where you select new bill, new CN, new repeating etc.
I appreciate that this looks tidier or something, but when you're inputting about 20 CNs, having to go through the dropdown for each of them is really tedious.
Also: after approving a bill there's an option to add another bill directly, but that doesn't happen if the bill is submitted for approval or saved as draft. Can this be implemented?There is also no option to go straight to a new CN…
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Reports - Open assets in new tab on Fixed Assets report
Hi, sometimes I need to open several assets on the asset register at once, side by side and in separate tabs. In the old style report this is really easy as each asset line has a blue clickable link.
In the new report the only way I can see to open an individual asset is by clicking on the whole line which then navigates away from the main listing. You then have to navigate back to the listing to open the next one. This makes things slow and tedious and I lose my place.
Can we have the blue links…
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Inventory - Run Inventory List report by stock codes in Foreign Currency
Generate inventory list report in FC by stock codes as it's very important if you have businesses in various countries with different FC to know an item costs EUR *** in Europe vs USD in USA instead of all in GBP
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Bill - Create Billable Expenses from a customer invoice
I request xero development team to edit the billable expense feature or create a new feature. Currently for billable expense to be invoiced to customer, first we need to enter the billable expense and than later invoice to customer. However, in our case, we first send the customer a tax invoice to collect advance from customer and than make spending for the expenses on behalf of customer. However, in this case we can not make sure or link within xero what was invoiced to customer and how much was spent against that invoice. I mean if we the invoice for…
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Reporting - Combine Bank Reconciliation & Uncoded Statement Line Report
It would be useful if Bank uncoded statement line report could also show outstanding payments & receipts. 9 times out of 10 an 'orange' transaction is a client error, duplicate transaction etc. Effectively this would be a complete list of bank items to be reconciled / fixed ( Ideally with the last month, quarter, financial year filter)
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Projects - Notify users when assigned to a Project
The ability to notify (possibly by email) a user when they have been assigned to a project so they are aware they can start working on that project.
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Aged payables reports: Show list of paid bills and credits listed month by month
In the Aged Payable detail reports: Show a column of paid bills and Credits listed by month by month. This is the functionality form the old aged payables report that I want added to the new reports.
2 votes
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