Email notifications: Expenses - Awaiting approval and Approved claims
Ability to trigger notification when expense claims are awaiting approval and approved status.
Purpose: So the approver can review the expenses faster and the one who’s asking for an approval don’t need to wait longer for approval.

Jennifer Currie commented
This functional is extremely important and reduces me having to notify approvers to approve.
This feature really is a must
Timothy Shin commented
Vince McKnight commented
Notifications are necessary for proper workflow. This is really a must for businesses.
Chris Curlett commented
Oh YES please and with 116 supporters, this should be expedited
Kirsten Brett commented
This needs to be looked at!
Timothy Shin commented
This is such a needed feature.
Stephen Tu commented
Hi Xero team, with so many people like this feature, something needs to be done.
Chris Curlett commented
This would be soo good to have and thanks for the follow up.
It seems that Xero have a habit of using platitudes but little (if any) changes seem to be made.
Really the concept of a user suggestion system that is ignored is very condescending towards those who make the suggestion.
Perhaps we need to find the directors phone and email numbers and contact them direct = that may wake up the Xero Management!
Lee Booth commented
It is driving me mad that I have to waste so much time checking Xero rather than being notified when an expense, invoice, purchase order etc needs approval. I have a large operation to run and don't have the time for this. This has been raised since 2012. 12 years? What is the point in having a ideas forum if you don't talk to your customers. Either dismiss the idea, implement it or give us a time frame priority for looking to introduce it. Thanks. @kellymonroe
Peter Davis commented
Unfortunately, like most feedback to Xero, this topic is simply ignored. I've been following this thread for around 18 months and I don't remember Xero even acknowledging it, let alone engaging and trying to help. Very disappointing.
Jemma Ballantyne commented
This idea really needs actioning now Xero. The idea was submitted in 2022 & yet such a basic yet easy to implement feature still isn’t in place.
Please action this. It really is critical for a small business to have this in place as so much time is wasted signing in ‘just incase’. It also leaves a sour taste in employees mouths when their claims are not reimbursed promptly. -
Kas Whitelaw commented
This would make things so much easier!
Nick Leslie commented
This is just so basic. What a massive let down. I don't know of any other expenses app/feature that doesn't notify you when someone's actually submitted a claim. *sigh*
Oliver Ellis commented
This feature is a requirement for us and should have really been in the base product in my opinion.
Ha Nguyen commented
This should be the basic feature that the app should have. Hope Xero will add it up soon.
Claire Cameron commented
Cannot believe this doesn't already exist! Why does this only work in the app and not on your desktop?!?!?!
Alicja Krok commented
This is a critical function
Peter Davis commented
I've posted several times on this topic. I agree that it is ludicrous that so simple a feature does not exist. Sadly, as far as I can tell, Xero have not even bothered to engage or explain their thinking and planning. Eventually will be a showstopper for using this service, as it's extremely inconvenient (especially for such an easy feature to implement!)
Zara Trengrove commented
There is nothing worse than having to ask your boss to log in and approve what they had already asked you to submit. Why does it not send them a notice that a claim was lodged seeking there approval! It is ridiculous that there is no alerts.
Daniel Forster commented
The approval feature does us no good unless there is a method for notifying the user, and for limiting users ability to see bills based on an account or tracking category.