Email notifications: Expenses - Awaiting approval and Approved claims
Ability to trigger notification when expense claims are awaiting approval and approved status.
Purpose: So the approver can review the expenses faster and the one who’s asking for an approval don’t need to wait longer for approval.

John Vivian commented
This really should be fundamental functionality! Do you have a timescale for its implementation! This would save so much time so as I wouldn’t have to interrogate the Expenses module as often!
Peter Davis commented
I think is crazy that this functionality isn't in place, particularly when you consider how long these comments have been running. Will likely go with another provider if this is not added soon.
Rebecca Gough commented
Without this option we will probably end up using another provider for expenses.
Nic Hart commented
Seems like an obvious requirement for people approving expense claims, and based off my research people have been waiting for years now, please add this!
Robyn Stoddart commented
I'm very surprised this function doesn't exist, I consider it critical regarding workflow
Mike Hargreaves commented
Worrying that this isn't available. Is Xero deliberately keeping to small business solutions as any business with say 50 people in will naturally have a hierarchy and therefore approval workflow requirement. Testing the excellent Xero Me App there is nothing telling me when an expense gets declined apart from going in to check myself. It means I have more processes to write to ensure we communicate/check on a regular basis.
John Sadler commented
Critical and surprising it doesn't exist. My team members need their expenses paid immediately.
Pyroclassic Fires commented
This would be the best feature. We often miss expenses as we dont go in there every day. and if an expense is rejected we need to be able to let the submitter know so it can be rectified in a time manner.
Debbie Fitz commented
there have been many votes for this, but no word of this being updated?
more important for email notifications is if a request has been rejected... submitter needs notification to go in and rectify whatever mistake they had made -
Robyn Stoddart commented
This is critical to the processing of invoices and bills
Winnie Chan commented
This is critical feature to ensure the use of Xero Expenses
Siobhan Thomas commented
This happens in my role all the time, our team submit expenses infrequently and often forget they need to let me know directly. I work part time and if I miss the fact that there is an expense waiting to be put through people are kept waiting unnecessarily. An email notifciation to let me know that I have expenses to process would be really helpful.
Dom Morris commented
This is critical feature to ensure the use of Xero Expenses
James Lovell commented
This is critical feature to ensure the use of Xero Expenses
Maree Biland commented
Totally need this feature; finding I'm not reimbursing in a timely fashion due to not remembering to check for any claims submitted.
Giselle Cory commented
this is my top request for this product!
Debbie Fitz commented
Important esp bc if an expense is declined (i.e. bc requested under wrong account), and the submitter doesn't log back in for a while, fiscal year could close and reports published, just to find out that there was a large expense that really ought to have been reimbursed. Otherwise it's possible the submitter just assumed the reimbursement came through, since all previous reimbursements were successfully received
Jane Godfrey commented
Without this feature I waste a lot of time checking just in case and inevitable things miss payment runs.