Contacts - Permanently delete if no records
Ability to delete contacts who have no related records/activity.
Purpose: Because some contact that has no record shouldn’t be visible in Xero and can just be deleted.

Blue Recruitment Personnel Ltd. commented
Almost another year gone by and this is still not even close to be implemented.
Just asking Xero:
Are you planning to ignore us for another 5 years?
Angela Cumming commented
Set up a supplier account in error but cannot delete - seems very strange that their is no option to delete.
Blue Recruitment Personnel Ltd. commented
This Delete option has been asked for years and Xero keeps ignoring it.
Instead, they do have a pretty good way of charging for the software and increase prices. They never miss on payments but a delete option and other requests are ignored most of the time.
Maybe is time for some free publicity so others won't fall for this "great software"
Judah Kosky commented
Yes! We synced Xero with a CRM to test it out. Within days we had over 400k contacts and 95% of them don't have any activity and there is no way for us to filter through all 400k of them to remove them, so now Xero runs like a snail.
Andrei Pace commented
Xero is purposely designed so that you exceed 10,000 contacts and the system becomes unstable (as confirmed by Xero Support). If you make a mistake and say upload 1,000 contacts in error, there is no way of deleting them, you can only archive them. This is absurd what do you need an audit trail for contacts with no transactions tied to them ? Furthermore when you merge contacts your contact count remains the same...again with the same issue regarding an audit trail. Suggestion for an audit trail you do not need to store the old contact all you need to state is a one liner - Contact Mr Bloggs merged with Joseph Bloggs !!! its not rocket science !!!
Freya Pieroz commented
The only workaround I've found for this issue is to create a new contact called "Deleted contacts" or similar, and merge all the extraneous contacts to that one, so at least there's only _one_ contact clogging the list.
Now to go through the list one by one to determine which contacts are empty and get to be merged into nonexistence...
Graham Patterson commented
Very important, critical to remove old non transacted contacts from a Xero account that are from a previous Xero account.
Chuyan Shi commented
I think this is a simple request and should not be too difficult to implement. Why are we not able to delete them when there are no transactions associated with these contacts? As all others mentioned, this is not affecting audits (I wonder how can a contact with zero transactions affect audits?)
I think most, if not all of us here are organised people and we really cannot tolerate messy contact list! But Xero is not helping by denying us a 'delete' button. Imagine your phone has outdated/ wrongly spelt contacts and there is no delete button to remove them? Can Xero developers imagine that?
I'm surprised that this has been asked for years and nothing has been done!
We urge you to do something about it. Your kind attention is greatly appreciated! Spare your support team from answering the same question with the same (unconvincing) reply for years.Thank you!
Jacolyn Warner commented
Hear Hear. I find it so tedious having to keep asking....
Blue Recruitment Personnel Ltd. commented
We really need to get rid of this stupid and uselss thing.
Once again, I find myself with lots of suppliers created out of the blue and my Archived contacts list grows daily now with no use and with no option to delete any of them.
At least we should have this option to remove unnecessary data from Xero.
One day, I'll end up with thousands of useless contacts,customers,suppliers that won't ever be used with no option to delete any of them.
Noticed that quite a few other Xero users are asking for this Delete option for years now, but Xero doesn't seem to care much.
Typical Xero to ignore and act only on what they want and not what we ask.All we get is all sorts of different reasons for this not being there already and promisses that it will get done one day hopefully,while we still pay for something that, in certain cases, creates more problems that it solves.
This is a basic function which should have been there by now.
Just wondering, in wich century it will be done and why prices are increassing from next month if we are waiting for years for things to happen?
Is just not fair to keep paying for Xero while you are "thinking" of doing or not doing certain changes when required.
I can understand they cannot be done over night, but to wait years and still no chance of getting it done any time soon, it's just not acceptable,while still paying for something that creates more problems than it solves.
So annoying.
Jacolyn Warner commented
Karsten, you have my sympathy. The more I use Xero the more I see all the shortcomings that are included as standard in other accounts packages. Not being able to delete any unused account is just silly.
Karsten Brast commented
I tried to import contacts from Hubspot. It did not go like expected in the first round since there was a confusion with contact vs company vs primary contact. As a result of it, I have hundreds of contacts in XERO that are simply not properly imported. I fixed the issue on the Hubspot side since there is more flexibility. Then I thought, I simply delete the contacts that are imported not properly. It does not work, I could only archive them. I did it, and now I get this: "The matching Xero contact for this HubSpot record was deleted. This integration doesn't recreate deleted records. You'll need to manually recover or recreate the record in Xero to start syncing." - It makes absolutely no sense to not be able to delete contacts without transaction. Now I have to live with this mess in my contacts. Honestly, I am very irritated.
Alison Walker commented
I am just starting to use Xero and accounts have been added that were wrong. We should be able to delete them if no activity has been added at all. There is no issue with audit trails if no activity is logged. I want to remove them not just mark as inactive. They can be deleted on other accounting platforms such as sage.
I have so many contacts with no transactions that simply need to be deleted. Archiving them isn't a solution as they still appear in reports and when filtering, I have to scroll through hundreds of contacts - please can we have an option to delete. The suggested work around is to rename them - that helps me find the correct accounts but I still have to scroll through hundreds of accounts - which grows daily! hurry and sort this please - it is very simple.
Perry Paolantonio commented
We have duplicate contacts from an import from Quickbooks, where the contacts had "jobs" and were imported in the format Contact:Job_Name -- so one contact with 25 jobs now has 26 contact entries, all slightly different. There is no way to delete these from the list, which seems kind of crazy to me. I get the idea of not allowing deletions for audit purposes, but if that's the case, make an archive-like bucket to put them in, keep track of the deletion and let me get them out of my sight. I made the mistake of archiving them, and now I have 525 contacts stuck in the archive. It will take me more than 2600 clicks to get them out one at a time to do a merge or something like that, which I won't be doing. So my new company file is a mess right from the beginning because it's got an archive full of not-real contacts.
Taryn Tyack commented
Similar to someone else, if there is no data attached to the contact, Xero should be able to delete them. I now have multiple clients from a 3rd party app that will not sync due to duplicate contacts!! To change the name of each contact would take hours!!
Judy Roydhouse commented
Come on Xero - show some sort of acknowledgement that this is an important feature that you need to rectify.
Kimberly Torres commented
Adding a delete function for a contact with no transaction history is very important.
Laura Peach commented
Adding a delete function for a contact with no transaction history is very important.
Jimmy Shankland commented
Setting up a practice account resulted in 1674 contacts been archived with no transaction history against them, surely Xero Support can delete these accounts out of the Archive folder.