AU Payroll - Historical Payslip Report (bulk download)
Create a report to show all payslips for an employee for a given time period. Currently these have to be downloaded one by one.

Hey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I’m pleased to let you know that this has been delivered for UK Payroll initially! It includes the ability to select the date range you’re interested in, and check boxes to either select all results or multiple. Then you can download your selection as a single PDF of multiple payslips.
For users in AU and NZ we know this is a highly anticipated feature, however to be open this is not any immediate plans for those teams so we’ll leave this idea open. While we appreciate it doesn’t help employers needing bulk downloads, employees can be invited into the Xero Me portal to self-serve payslip collection.
Beau Gaudron commented
A while back I shared a way of doing this, have now improved upon it a bit - here is the video for anyone that may find it helpful instead of text instructions
The method here allows you to set how many downloads prior to the most recent to download and will automatically rename them according to the period name.
Suzanne Gabriele commented
Can Xero provide an explanation to their customers as to why this highly anticipated feature is not in its immediate plans to implement? And - is there any timeframe that it may be implemented OR - is there no plans to implement it to the Australian market?? I think we all deserve to be kept abreast of this issue.
Kristen Germantse commented
I too am frustrated by not being able to do a bulk download of an individual employees pay slips.
I have to provide 52 weeks of payslips for a workers compensation claim and having to do them individually will be very time consuming.
I would imagine that this is something that impacts on many businesses, so come on make this available. If you can do it for the UK it should be simple to add to Aussie Xero -
Liz Menerey commented
I don't understand why if it is available in one country why not in another? Makes no sense. to do it any other way is time consuming and frustrating.
Sarah Bisley commented
Yes please implement this ASAP in AUS and NZ.
Dean Cook commented
Very frustrating that you have developed this function for UK but not implemented for AUS or NZ! As mentioned many times below, all workcover claims require 52 weeks of payslips and having to download them individually is not only time consuming but frustrating for both the Xero User and Workcover Insurer.
Please implement this ASAP is AUS and NZ. -
Miranda Hancock commented
This is totally unacceptable Xero - for a Workers Comp claim we needed to download over 52 individual client could not believe it when I advised there was no option to select all...what a waste of business my experience of using Xero for many years as a bookkeeper, the current focus on making it 'prettier' seems to be at the expense of functionality :(
Caroline Stewart commented
Also would love to utilise this feature. Most insurances require 52 weeks of payslips for any workers compensation claim. This is very time consuming downloading individually!
Robyn Kearney commented
Kath_Sheridan Not ideal, however I submit a Payroll Activity details report for all our apprentice incentive claims. I have added our ABN number to the report in Settings. Currently 98% of the time this report is accepted by ADMS. I have used this report for years now for apprentice claims and have found the acceptance rate of the report has increased - probably because ADMS appreciate how behind Xero is. Edit to post: I print the report as per the dates required by ADMS and download as a PDF. It is one file and no need to make any edits/conversions. I print for my own records and calculate the claim amount and then upload the PDF to the ADMS system.
Katherine Hickey commented
Kath_Sheridan & Suzanne Gabriele I share your frustration.
A workaround that I have found handy over the past two years for all our Apprentice ADMS claims, is to generate a Payroll Activity Summary Report for the set claim period (not individual weeks) for each of our apprentices. I then convert the pdf file to a word document & enter our ABN number and resave as a pdf. I upload this pdf to ADMS.
ADMS has accepted every claim and never had an issue with the file. All up this process takes 5 minutes.
Hope this helps. :) -
Suzanne Gabriele commented
Kath_Sheridan - why are you printing them? Just save the PDF's and combine into one file.
This is not an adequate solution to Xero's lack of customer service for this feature but is a workaround, albeit very time consuming. It's time Xero took their customers seriously.
kath Sheridan commented
This is a very standard feature on other payroll systems. Very surprised Xero does not have this option.
Not only employees wanting to receive old payslips for centerlink etc requirements but also very necessary for Apprenticeship Incentive System Claims where 3 months of payslips have to be uploaded to support an empoyers claim. At the moment, I have to print each payslip then scan them all as one documents. Very wasteful on paper not to mention time consuming.
I hope Xero have decided to make this a priority.
Dany Chea commented
Yes, same here, one of our employees has asked us to provide him a bulk payslips since he started working for us, I only found out that it's not available for Xero users in Australia, it's disappointing.
Dany -
Elene Ikonomou commented
Do you have any update on when this will be available, please?
It will be a very useful tool to have and very disappointing that Xero does not have this feature
Thanks Elene -
Oi Loo Wong commented
Using Xero the 7th year, also switching my clients from other software, expecting a seamless experience, but the lack of this SIMPLE function is frustrating.
This issue has been recurring for several years, yet there hasn't been a resolution.
Ansar Ahamed commented
Easy go to intuit and you will have the option
Ansar Ahamed commented
yes we need this future. intuit has got it and easy
Eirini Goudela commented
Will love for Xero to introduce a way we can tick each payslip and download the ones we have chosen. Exactly the way you can choose multiple invoices and create a PDF with all in it :-)
Fiona McGee commented
In our situation here in Darwin NT this solution is not viable as most of the employees I deal with are in communities and do not have computers. They cannot use the Xero Me portal, instead they go to their employers for batches of payslips. This facility to print bulk by employee and date range would be most welcome.
Karen Shaw commented
well I just found a reason why this is such an important feature. So instead of having this feature which it looks like has been so widely requested, I find myself having to individually download an employees payslips for 12 months. If it has been available in UK for 12 months, Xero can you please let us know when it will be available here in Australia?