AU Payroll - Historical Payslip Report (bulk download)
Create a report to show all payslips for an employee for a given time period. Currently these have to be downloaded one by one.

Hey community, 👋 thanks for all your support on this idea, I’m pleased to let you know that this has been delivered for UK Payroll initially! It includes the ability to select the date range you’re interested in, and check boxes to either select all results or multiple. Then you can download your selection as a single PDF of multiple payslips.
For users in AU and NZ we know this is a highly anticipated feature, however to be open this is not any immediate plans for those teams so we’ll leave this idea open. While we appreciate it doesn’t help employers needing bulk downloads, employees can be invited into the Xero Me portal to self-serve payslip collection.
Carole Robinson commented
Poor show XERO. so many people requesting this function and probably 10 times more than follow this site. This reporting requested effects employers Australia wide and it seems you just ignore it. How many more years before your programmers can create this very simple report. …. Perhaps you could give us access to write our own reports ??🤔
Julia Payne commented
what's taking so long????
Angela Huang commented
I appear to have the same requirements as various previous posts so copying and pasting
Multiple Payslips Often needed for W/Comp and Apprenticeship claims.
Alternatively or AND a report similar to the Payroll summary report but listing individual pay runs per person. Report requires a Letterhead from Company and ABN.
Susan Wormington commented
Multiple Payslips Often needed for W/Comp and Apprenticeship claims.
Alternatively or AND a report similar to the Payroll summary report but listing individual pay runs per person. Report requires a Letterhead from Company and ABN.
Peter Gallagher commented
Multiple Payslips Often needed for W/Comp and Apprenticeship claims.
Alternatively or AND a report similar to the Payroll summary report but listing individual pay runs per person. Report requires a Letterhead from Company and ABN.
Sally Bennett commented
Bulk download and ability to filter by e.g. date range, employee, employee group etc
Robyn Kearney commented
With 7+ apprentices, every quarter this information is required to be provided to various departments for payment of incentives. To download the information required is time consuming with a weekly payrun.
Jenny Williams commented
Bulk download of payslips critical for apprenticeship claims.
Colleen McCudden commented
60!!!!!!!! payslips I have just had to download
Colleen McCudden commented
Can we please have an update?????
Dave Hirst commented
Yes, reporting for wage subsidies requires evidence of each payslip over the claim period. MYOB did this!
Mike Boudry commented
I regularly get asked by job agencies for copies of all an employees payslips over a period. Please make this a bit easier!
Wendy Greenwell commented
Very important when dealing with work cover when they request 13 months of pay slips so they can work out the support payment
Mark ODonoughue commented
Bulk download for historical payslips. As previously stated, currently these have to be downloaded one by one.
Nadine Marshall commented
this is standard across all other software
Samara Gale commented
We need this report for all apprentices to lodge the quarterly claim through the government ADMS portal. Previously we have done this with ease through MYOB. This report is also needed for apprentices who have to lodge their 8 weeks payslips with Services Australia.
Mona Heta commented
Xero is leaving it to other providers to produce add-on apps, at extra cost to the subscriber. I have found this with several recent issues I have come across.
Chris Rogers commented
The original thread on the old forum was started approx. 2015-2017. It had 173 votes and 111 replies. The most recent status was 'Under Consideration', however the most recent Xero response was in Jan 2021, where they said "...there's no plans in the foreseeable future... that's not to say it will never happen, it's just not in the scope of work currently."
After so many years, I have a feeling it will never happen 😐
Colleen McCudden commented
what happened to the original idea & thread that has been running for several years & had a lot more votes??? at least this new one seems to have dates so we can see how long it's been running. It costs TIME & MONEY to download 52 payslips for a workers comp claim, not to mention for every apprenticeship payment claim. this should be Xero's NO 1 PRIORITY as it was obviously overlooked during the original development phase. even MYOB does it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Carole Robinson commented
I would add, that this report should be one line item for each payrun in columns. A very easy report that will fulfill govt detail requirements, with total at the bottom of each column (detail).