Email to Credit Note
Draft Bills - Ability to create Credits from Draft Bill sent directly to Xero email
Suppliers email credits as well as Bills, why not have the ability to process a bill or credit through this area, a supplier is not going to invoice credits to one email address and invoices to another. Why can we not select if it is a bill or credit and process.
Purpose: to allow processing of credits through the Draft Bills seamless
cost effective: reduce the need for additional software such as dext or hubdoc, use xero.
Current process: open the Draft Credit, download the attachment, delete the draft bill, create a credit and attach the credit note emailed through in the first instance.

Appreciate the interest here, everyone. Being open this isn't something we have current plans for.
Thanks for noting the optional paths atm, Paula! Understand it's not the solution being asked here however for those that haven't already we'd recommend looking to connect Hubdoc to help automate the process. 🙂
Alison Langdon commented
It is a shame that Xero can't do what WorkflowMax has been doing for many years - ie if you put in a negative, the invoice automatically changes to a credit.
AND it does it in both receivables and payables (invoices and bills to pay for those of us who don't know this).
Amie Sauer commented
I was so disappointed to see the "new Bills experience" just released (May/June 2023) did not include this credit note option. The screen looks fresh, but no value adding change. :(
I find Xero usually sets the bar on ease of use, but on this front, it astounds me that competitors already have this function, this function has been frequently requested by Xero users, but Xero still does not consider it! Hubdoc is not a suitable workaround. On this front, I'm disappointed Xero. Please include this in upcoming updates.
Natacha Pennisi commented
Xero is supposed to be “accounting made east”, but simple things like this have been overlooked. Hopefully Xero will listen to what their customers want, and make the necessary updates to the program.
Matthew Thornton commented
Well I have tried putting our point of view across, will they listen?
Will they f….. -
Nicole Neale commented
I really wish Xero would take our ideas seriously. This is something that would benefit everyone. However Xero have no current plans for it. Possibly because they are too busy making things look pretty rather than actually being functional.
Kate Underhill commented
I have a client who sends all his supplier invoices to Xero using Email to Bills, many of these are credit notes. The credit notes sit as negative Bills in Draft. I have to open each one individually, remove the attachment to Files, create it as a credit note and attach the pdf from Files, then delete the negative Bill. It defeats the whole purpose of using Email to Bills. All we need is a button at the top of the Bill so that we can click to change it from a negative Bill to a Credit Note please.
Laura Frampton commented
Just needs all options in one place and it’s such a great ability having this email to bills feature especially with adding expenses to projects - the inability to do the same with credit notes has now knocked this feature back - especially when for example we may have one credit note come to us in the middle of 25 invoices which we would then have to manually find prior to uploading the other 24 documents. Just a simple conversation or edit to credit would solve this.
Theresa Moore commented
It seems silly not to be able to email a credit from a supplier to Xero and add it as a credit when we can email bills from suppliers and add them as bills. This would be a good feature for those clients who email all their supplier bills straight to Xero.
I also find Hubdoc clunky so reluctant to use. -
Kris Armstrong commented
Hi Xero team,
Hubdoc is not always the best option for 'normal' day-to-day credit notes. I personally have found Hubdoc clunky and unreliable when uploading documents or pictures so struggle to trust this program.
A 'simple' conversion to a credit note would take care of a lot of these issues.
It would be great if we could forward a credit note via email to bills, then click convert to a credit note.
Alternatively, could you provide a second email address purely for credit notes?? -
Joseph A McCaffrey commented
Keep coming back to this to see if Xero comes to their senses and actually gives business owners something that they want and that will help their business on their daily requirements. Instead they ‘think’ they are being innovative and ‘thinking outside the box’ with needless other features created by ‘non-business owners’……
Jerzy Wieczorek commented
This is exactly what I'm looking for too! An additional item in the "Bill Options" drop-down like "Convert to Credit Note" would be perfect.
Emily Hamlin commented
I gave up on Hubdoc. It wasted more of my time than I can even say. CONSTANTLY trying to refresh feeds and connections and 2 step verification, which all companies require now, always caused a fail. This seems like such a lazy "solution" to me.
Alison Langdon commented
Why on God's green earth would we get yet another programme to do something that Xero already should be able to do.
Hubdoc is an extra step, and another thing to have to maintain. Why not just give us the ability in Xero to change a bill to a credit if it has a negative value? How hard could that be for a forward thinking, on its' game ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE company?
Tim Stone commented
If not directly an email to Credit Note function, then at least add an option to the bill options menu to "Convert to Credit Note". That takes all the already defined detail and the attachment and converts it to a credit note.
It's really a half finished solution without the ability to handle Credit Notes - they're part of the process.
Bronda Smith commented
Tried using the Hubdocs and it was way to clunky with having to set up suppliers again.
Finance Bellaco commented
This is a basic need so that we can see the credit doc just as simply as we see the invoice. Whilst managing 8d different businesses - i need to email all invoices and credits to the relevant business in xero. Its too hard to go back to paperwork for credits.
Phil Daley commented
I have just asked for this exact facility and got directed here.
I dont want to get into hubdoc either
My suppliers actually email me and I forward on the bills myself to Xero - so the simplest solution would be to have 2 email addresses I can use - one for bills the other for credit notes.For now I email credit notes to the other email address in Xero for uploading docs. I then manually create the credit note and attach the doc from the files section. Not the best solution but it works.
Bronda Smith commented
Would make it so much easier.
Naomi Gibbins commented
Simplest means of fixing this is simply to allow us to process negative bills (ie use the bills form that already exists.
Matthew Thornton commented
Hubdoc is too buggy and creates more work and causes more issues than the simple email to draft bill feature. My suppliers bother to create credit notes that are similar to their invoices why can't we have this email feature for credit notes? All it needs to do is recognise that it is a negative amount, which the system already does because it brackets the amount when you email them through and tells you that amounts can not be negative.
What would be helpful would be if someone has a work around to get this draft credit/bill into the existing xero credit process.