New Invoicing - Feedback
What I like that you added:
* Saving as draft!
* New Due Date drop-down selections (e.g. 14 days)
What I do not like:
* No "add another invoice" option after save + print PDF, more clicks now
* When save + print PDF, now opens a new tab that needs closed, more clicks
* Cannot "copy" the invoice line "item" - I usually create many lines that I used to be able to copy & paste the "item", now more clicks
* Too much whitespace and font too large, I want to be able to see the data w/o having to scroll - while it is nice you allow turning off some fields (e.g. discount) please allow resizing fields, changing overall font size, or somehow make a "compact view"

Hi everyone, thanks for your feedback on new invoicing. We’re listening carefully to all feedback to make sure new invoicing has the functionality you need, as we prepare for retirement of the classic version.
We recognise that some things will be different, so we encourage you to spend some time familiarising yourself with the new version. We also believe all small businesses and advisors around the world can benefit from Xero, which is why we’re deeply committed to accessibility. We’re confident that in time, new invoicing will become easy to use and that you’ll enjoy the benefits of us being able to provide much more value on that platform quicker.
There's some improvements we have made to enhance workflow. For example when you create a new invoice the cursor will begin in the Contacts field, from here you can tab through all fields of your invoice to enter detail. We’ve also developed smart suggestions for due dates based on common dates people use most, or you can use Xero’s keyboard shortcuts to save time entering dates in Xero. If you have set a default due date in your invoice settings this will be applied when using new invoicing.
Not being focused on a single idea alone, we’re going to close this thread, but please rest assured that we are taking on board your valuable feedback and there are even a couple of existing ideas mentioned in your feedback that you could join to monitor progress on, such as being able to reduce the number of steps and clicks involved in new invoicing, New Invoicing - Add line number, Invoice | Less clicks for printing PDF and sending receipts, and Invoicing | History - Show detail of action made.
Our invoicing product team are very keen to keep improving new invoicing and encourage you to start a new idea if you’re unable to find an existing one that matches your needs.
Suzanne Rex commented
I really prefer the font size and spacing of the old invoice system, the new system is too spaced out and we frequently send multiple-lined invoices. The due date calendar option was also better.
Evan Pardington commented
Would like Xero to reconsider the invoicing screen font size. It is rediculously large, resulting in an excess of white space. This makes it actually harder to get a good overview, especially if there are a lot of item lines on the invoice.
Constance Redgrave commented
I hate this new format for invoicing! It wasn't broken and every invoice now takes double to triple the time and clicks to input. If you are going to keep it and I have to use it, can I please have an option to set it up the way I want it please?
The date format take 3x the clicks to get to the calendrer. Give me back my calendrer at the beginning please? Your options are useless to me.
Inputting pdfs is a pain and doesn't work half the time. Can I have my drag and drop back please? It wasn't broken
Inputting an invoice number is hit and miss now and I have to double check that it went in every time. This is stupid. It wasn't broken.
and finally the Approve and Email is the wrong default for me. I rarely if ever email invoices. Can I change the default to Approve or Approve & Add Another please? Winding up on an email option is a waste of my time.
I would really appreciate you taking this seriously. Its expensive and really annoying putting in invoices now. I don't want to be angry with my software. If you had given me a choice of set up my way, none of this would be a problem.
thank you for your time. -
Dave Hallwood commented
+0 in due date now doesn't work
in the add payment screen you can't type a date. never, EVER, ever ever ever under any circumstances should you have a date field in your UI that the user cannot type the date into. NEVER EVER EVER force the user to use a dropdown to select a date, it should be a crime punishable by prison time imo
Kathy Skinner commented
I put feedback on the new invoicing via the "Tips & Tricks" showing on the new invoicing as suggested by another poster on another thread.
You rate it then put your feedback after that, that may be the only way Xero will even consider the negative impact the new invoicing is having and how unusable it is for most of us, since they don't seem to respond to comments or turn off the ability to vote or comment on these threads because they don't like what's being written.
If they actually cared they would delay the retirement of classic or else keep both options till new invoicing actually worked like classic and was user friendly.
Bet most of those doing the upgrades don't even use it on a day to day basis especially considering the vast difference in how companies work and what they need. Pity we can't bill Xero for all the extra time things take to process using this new system.
Freya Pieroz commented
Here's a screenshot of the current draft invoices, where I've coloured each obviously different font size / colour / emphasis combination in a different colour (except where the background changing from bright white to pale grey was the only change and the font itself didn't change). This is to make it more visible just how busy this is, even with the excess of whitespace.
As you can see, there are 14+ different combinations, which is far too many, even without including the menu bars, search, etc. A beautiful, usable graphical user interface has no more than three or four.
As a general rule, body text should be smaller than the headers and menu, not the same size.
As a general rule, body text in desktop web typography - which I would class the data entry cells in the tables as - should be 50-70 characters wide before wrapping to the next line. Too few characters and users spend more time tracking to the next line and not enough actually reading what they're trying to read/check, which irritates the user. In the invoice description, I usually get somewhere around 34. The font choice is too big for the use case.
David Morris commented
New invoicing looks like quotes and that is not a compliment! This is not a patch on the classic invoice template we have been using for years. A'int broke, don't fix! I do not want this change, and would like the option to continue using the original invoice template until there is something better than this. I hope someone from Xero has an ace up their sleeve.
Anastasiia Dorodnaia commented
Hi Xero Team,
Could you please advise why the new invoice does not follow the GST settings as represented? In Classic invoicing, I have set up the total for the invoice to show as follows:
Total GST incl.However, when I switch the SAME invoice to New Invoicing mode, it only shows:
Total GST incl.
GSTCould you please advise why Xero does not remember my invoice preference settings in New Invoicing? Does this mean I have to set up my preferences for New Invoicing and spend additional time on this? Can it be fixed, please?
Jim Harrop commented
when you copy to invoice in new invoicing the tracking categories are a nightmare to delete with the massive pop ups. Can you please reduce the size back to how it was.
Also, the account code box is too small to see most of the account code name, now I have to click on the box and tap the right key.
Curious was this even beta tested??
Tracey GREENBANK commented
When we get to email invoice in the New Invoicing it adds "amp" after "&" signs in the subject and signature at bottom. Photo attached
Bianca Coventry commented
Thanks for updating the "copy function" when copying and old invoice and creating a new one. The customer is now also being copied and not left blank.
There is an error I have noticed. The payment terms aren't copying over. Eg if I make the invoice date 1/9 the due date is also 1/9. It's not applying the credit terms saved under the customer's sales default details. This means every new invoice I have to remember the trading terms or look it up while raising a new invoice. -
Philip Brookes commented
At present, the New Invoicing just simply isn't working (reliably). It frequently doesn't load properly - e.g. Tracking Category columns don't show up, reload the page and they'll show up when they feel like it. We import lots of invoices and then need to make tweaks and adjustments before Approving (usually without emailing, though some do get emailed). We can open an invoice, go through 70 line items making corrections, and then get to the end and discover none of the AJAX is working properly and we can't save, Approve, or email. 2 days of invoicing is taking 4 days. Also finding that changing a contact on the invoice can change all the accounts for each line item and you've only got a few seconds to notice and click "Don't Apply". Also, if you change the customer on the invoice it will autosave (when working as designed) and even if you just jump out of the screen you've now lost the original customer name. It should only save if we choose to save it, not before. We used to be able to return to Business > Invoices > Draft and start from scratch again with all the original information intact.
Zach Fothergill commented
We'll be leaving shortly if this keeps up............. Locations, Tax Rates, and Accounts just JAMMED into the left hand corner of each line. RIDICULOUS.
Nick Murray commented
New Invoicing is yet another example of Xero adding "features" that nobody asked for whilst failing to address critical shortcomings of the product. No doubt they will hail this lates "enhancement" as a justification for their next 10-15% price gouge.
Paying an invoice is extremely painful. Paying a foreign currency invoice is more painful than dabbing chilli pepper on your eyeballs.
Firstly trying to find the payment button is challenging. It couldn't possibly have moved further from the old model.
Then once you open the Add Payment screen, there is no amount specified. So we have to close this and then copy the amount and reattempt. If the invoice is in foreign currency then we need to find an exchange rate, and then calculate the inverse. As with other currency failings, the limited number of decimal places often creates rounding discrepancies. Why you cannot allow inputting of a ledger amount and a FCY amount like you can on bank reconciliations remains a mystery.
I absolutely detest this new interface. Please do not remove the classic view until you can provide at least equal functionality.
This is change for change's sake. Xero are completely out of touch with the needs of their users. I consistently rate Xero as zero in satisfaction scores - at least you seem to have got your name right!
Damon O'Keefe commented
New invoicing feedback
Copy to invoice - REMOVE the intermediary step of confirming it's for the same client - superfluous "grist".
If we want to change the client, easy to do this in the one screen!Emailing - Make CC line visible when starting the email process,
- Allow to prepopulate the CC line based on prior interactions with the client. -
Margaret McGregor commented
Feedback on new invoicing - the format in which I select a date should stay the same. Invoicing is rarely done that day, or the following day, and having to constantly select 'Pick Another Date' from the drop down box is a little annoying, especially as this is not the case elsewhere.
John Reynen commented
I would have though that switching to new invoicing you retain the existing features and make it better, not drop features.
The loss of the email history was a disaster, but I see that has been fixed somewhat, but in adding a CC and BCC function (a nice positive!), but then you are ignoring those fields in the history tracking, which means CC and BCC is suddenly NOT so useful because it is not tracked.
Then in history you seem to be tracking almost every piece of filing out the invoice and tracking the completion of a field within the invoice - not so useful.
Was this new invoicing designed by a mouse-using non-accountant? Being able to complete an invoice ENTIRELY by using keyboard rather than mouse (or at least provide functionality for BOTH). There are so many more mouse-clicks required now.
It is good that you have created the ability to include fields or not, but that is quite limited, you have added boxes that you do NOT allow us to remove! Give us the ability to remove/hide "Online Payments" and "Currency". I note Online payments is now an extra piece to have to tab past.
What is with all the big font and white space??? I now can't see much of the account number and name fields because the input space is now so much bigger - why???
With the classic invoicing I could create an invoice and then immediately enter a payment related to that invoice, you have now made that step take extra effort to get to, and with having to use mouse more again! My fingers are getting RSI with all the mouse movements and clicks required, please stop with moving everything to being mouse driven, keyboard is MUCH more efficient for many things, please don't take away the ability to use the keyboard as much as possible (as an alternative at the very least - learn from Microsoft providing keyboard alternatives by using the "Alt" key, or similar functionality).
Ben Wiley commented
New Invoicing is making me consider to go elsewhere. Does not carry customer details over or the due date when you want to copy invoice. This means wasting more time now doing invoices. I have had my book keeper and others complain about this but yet Xero still won't do anything about it. If they can't fix this issue or don't care when they retire the old invoicing system it may be time to retire Xero altogether seen they can't and won't listen to the customers.
Kathy Skinner commented
They've closed voting on this thread, typical when they don't like comments against what they are doing. As someone else suggested maybe start sending the complaints via their submit a case option (maybe they'll get sick of getting comments via there and actually pay attention) as they also appear not to be taking any notice of comments across anything to do with the new invoicing.
Seems they are now all blind and deaf to their users and only care about what they want to do as far as changes or so called upgrades go.
This should not be implemented until it works similar to the classic version, and price increases and plan changes also should not be taking affect until it's all sorted and actually fit for purpose to use.
John Chesters commented
We create our Invoices in Tradify and from there they are sent to Xero where they are checked and sent. This was a simple task previously but now it's totally time wasting. Why on earth is there a need for a drop down menu to select email, it used to be just a link on the page. This then opens another problem as when the email appears the request that has been going on for more than a year to allow another email to be added other than the one logged in as has been totally ignored so if I try to add an additional email address it no longer allows it. I'm sure there are countless other problems as is typical of XERO doing there thing rather than what clients want but as I cannot add the extra email, I never use it. Certainly looking at other possibilities if this stays this way.