NZ GST - Add Publish Function to new style GST report
I would like to request that we keep the publish button on the new GST layout. The new GST Return layout does not have the Publish to Reports function (this has been removed). The Publish Function is an important function for clients, bookkeepers and auditors to access all relevant publish reports in one place.

Hi community, appreciate your feedback on the new GST return and detail of how the Publish feature is useful to you. While we don't have immediate plans for developing this in the new return, this is something we're monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. If there is any change around this we'll share this with you all through the idea here.
Chris Curlett commented
Debbie a great idea.
Come on Xero stop stalling and do something your users want/need.
It seems to me all you do is issue meaningless "stall" responses to user requests. How about a unique and new approach - do something users need and want rather than issuing stalling response emails.
Gerard Eastwood commented
So sick of reporting changes made by Xero that acheive nothing except **** off long standing users and partners. I guess next heartache for busy late adopters like me is going to be the "New" compulsory invoicing "improvement".
NOW here's one suggestion (I've tried to make for 10 years), how about figuring out how we can use quantities fields in the financial reporting we can customise. Would eliminate need to Excel work arounds or expense of Add Ons to do what any reputable accounting should be able to do as standard.
Rebecca Schaab commented
This is just absolutely ridiculous. Xero didn't listen to us when we said we didn't like the new format of the GST return and we had to beg to get the late claims on a separate tab in the report (which still hasn't happened by the way), the least they could do is listen to us when we say we need the publish function.
Denise Burger commented
We need this function as its critical to our company in what we do.
Freya Pieroz commented
How do we have an uneditable audit trail without Publish? This is finance, uneditable audit trails are not only best practice but mandatory if you want to have the ability to believe in the legitimacy of a company's financial reporting.
Debbie Savill commented
Also, when we print the GST Return to PDF can we please have the name of the client in the document title as we once did, rather than just GST Return 30.06.24, as this saves us typing the clients name when we save the PDF file.
Marg Harkness commented
Seems that many are not happy with this change. So Xero when will this be reinstated? What action has been taken since all of these comments to rectify this? or is this just being ignore?
Ernest Raina commented
It ridiculous that the Publish function has been removed. Some of our clients have already expressed their dislike/disappointment at having to be sent a pdf to review rather than seeing the published GST return online.....especially with the price increases that are coming later this year.Kelly Munro - it's disappointing to read your obvious "fobbing off" reply that it's something XERO are monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. In any case, how can it be an improvement, if XERO removed it in the first place?
Having been an MYOB Partner for over 20 years, plus a XERO Partner for 15 of those, it seems XERO are starting to develop the same disconnect attitude with businesses, plus ignoring their Partners.
Annie Thorne commented
Xero, you wouldn't need to "... consider as a future improvement." if you hadn't removed it in the first place!
The 'new' GST return is awful and clumsy, much like many of the other "experiences" users are being forced to deal with. -
Kathy Skinner commented
@Chris - thanks for that, I will do. I'm still exploring other options at this stage.
Chris Curlett commented
Hi Kathy - also have a look at Infusion accounting software - good and helpful
Kathy Skinner commented
They have to give their IT developers something to do to justify the price increases which are becoming all too frequent - can't see how changes always require a price increase.
They are now getting too expensive for some who they were supposed to be working for when they first started out by offering a cheaper and easier version than other packages out there.
As much as I don't like MYOB I'm looking at their Lite package for one of mine which will be cheaper even after the six months at the discounted rate and gives me what I need that Xero aren't giving in the Ignite package - eg ability to enter more bills than the stingy 5 Xero allow. Not sure why they think some companies have no more than 5 bills a month which has been in place since they launched. -
Annie Conza commented
Kelly you are not listening to us. Don't take something away that we all use without consulting your users. Do you think we have time to constantly reply on these issues, we don't, we are busy people who have put systems in place that keep on being disrupted by ill thought through "enhancements". I do not like posting negative comments regarding Xero but I cannot for the life of me understand your comment above. Can you please explain why Xero took it away in the first place & what was the consulting process around this decision. I'm sure we would all like to know who made these decisions because I would be very surprised if it included any consultation with "real" users. Thanks Annie
Kathy Skinner commented
It's because they now think they know what's best for their users so will go ahead anyway. Agree less than a months notice that from end of June the old report and options will no longer be available is terrible.
I hate the new look report and the fact that it now increased the number of pages to be printed if you need a hard copy is even worse. Meant to be reducing our use of printed matter and Xero are increasing it - so much for helping the planet. -
Jo Bosson commented
Please explain how many votes are needed for this to become a priority? How do Xero Developers measure the needs of their end users?
At the moment, from someone who is incredibly involved with the use of Xero in multiple firms, and at multiple levels there is MAJOR upset from users, accountants, bookeepers etc.
I have always spoke incredibly highly of Xero and have been using and assisting people with the implementation of Xero right from the word go when it came onto the market.
There have been so many changes with Xero over the years (many of which have been great for sure) BUT of late the changes AREN'T enhancing the system one bit and are causing way more work and frustration for all involved using it. Why would Xero do this?
How are these things tested and checked before going all out in changing things?
Diane Mayhall commented
Xero you don't seem to be listening.
This is not something that should have been changed with under a months notice.
The GST report is now so large it is cumbersome, AND you have removed the publish option and clearly we use this as part of our system for our clients in one way or another.
PLEASE CONSIDER A PUBLISH BUTTON prior to the end of the month -
Kathy Skinner commented
I just gave both responses a thumbs down on my feed back along with negative feed back.
One for the Publish report and one for the late claims. They don't seem to care that they're actually adding time and clicks to things that were once easy to get to with no consideration to their actual users. -
Chris Curlett commented
Kelly ... this is another instance of the Product Team not wishing/being able to respond to user needs!
Come on, stop stalling, and do what users need.
Kathy Skinner commented
@Maree - totally agree and they're retiring the classic at the end of June so very little notice of this as well, as only just seen the message come up when checking upcoming returns that are due. They have given no thought again on their changes and seem to be totally ignoring comments about this.
When switching back to classic it asks for feedback as to why and I've put that it is horrible to look at along with too many pages etc etc. Landscape is a horrible option to view this type of report. The cover page is hideous as well.
They are becoming more and more less user friendly in my opinion with all these so called upgrades - don't seem to care what their users have to say about them - basically we're doing it and tough if you don't want a lot of it - but happy to increase prices for these which to me shouldn't be happening every year. They're starting to get too expensive especially for my smaller clients who have to use a package that isn't ideal for their situation because the Starter/Ignite has a limit of 5 bills and 20 invoices a month which I don't need as they don't even issue that many invoices in a year, but I do need to enter more bills than five in a month for another one.
I really want to move away now and I've been with them for years so imagine if all their long term uses left wonder how that would affect their profits and how much they would then sting the ones who do stay to make up for the loss. -
Maree Friend commented
The GST report layout has changed, and soon we wont have the option of reverting to the classic layout. Now instead of a 32 page (double sided) printed portrait report, its now 72 double sided pages!!! AND its landscape. Totally unsuitable to my needs. I wish Xero would stop forcing these unwelcome layout changes on us, like the new invoicing layout. Sheesh have just about had enough of Xero to be honest.