Bills - Duplicate bill review
The duplicate bill review is very annoying. For instance, we have a supplier that sends us in a bill for £18.00 each month, without an invoice number, so every month it is flagged up as a duplicate bill for review, even though it's clearly not a duplicate as it has a different date. Please make it so that the date is also considered when identifying duplicates. It even lists all the bills that I have already reviewed and passed as okay! It's an annoying waste of time.

Rachel Cotton commented
Agree with David - the feature to review is excellent. However once you have reviews and in my case often void the duplicate the only option is keep all which is the exact opposite to the feature itself???
Then each time you go in the same ones you have already checked and actioned are asking for attention again? -
David Routledge commented
Agree. And even if it flags a genuine duplicate, there is no option to do anything about it, only a "Keep all" option which basically means this feature is useless! Please tell me I am misunderstanding.