Payroll: User Roles - Options to give permission to approve/decline leave and read only Payroll reports.
Ability to have more flexible permission in Xero Payroll, especially for read only Payroll reports and to give other users permission to approve/decline leave requests.
Purpose: To have more options and flexibility in assigning users to Xero Payroll.

Hi community, we understand user roles and the permissions a user has across an organisation is important to many businesses. Right now, as some may have seen across other ideas I've updated - we have some research underway to help us better understand where and how we might best tackle the most predominant needs in roles.
To make sure we're getting a good scope across our products - we'd like to offer those interested in roles & permissions for payroll to join the research here. If you'd like to be a part of this, please fill in this short form here ✍️and our team will be in touch over the coming weeks. 🙂
Just to set the expectation, the research and discovery for this project is likely to take a few months. Once outcomes are formed from the research, I'll be able to return and share what the next steps look like. Thanks!
Graham Deck commented
Our accountants have a login for each person that can access Xero so we have a dozen people who can approve leave that really cannot approve leave, makes it very confusing for our staff.
Vania Wang commented
We definitely need read only role for payroll function.
Michelle Vogelpoel commented
It seems ridiculous that we dont have any control over the payroll settings. This really needs to be addressed.
Stacie Shaw commented
It's absolutely crazy that Xero don't have this level of granular security over payroll access. Surely a major risk for Xero as an organisation and terrible governance...
Mary Ellen Tovey commented
I agree with Angela. There needs to be more levels of access available in Payroll. Making someone a 'Payroll Admin' and them having full access to all payroll information conflicts with privacy obligations.
Angela Rainbow commented
There needs to be more levels of access available in Payroll. By making someone a 'Payroll Admin' (currently the only option to access payroll), they have access to everything. My preference would be to have different levels of access / permissions. In particular setting the access to approve Timesheets only for specific staff and not having to give access to the whole payroll to do this.
Rosanna Taylor commented
A business advisor engaged to give advice needs read only access to everything - the fact that we have to give full access to include payroll is very concerning- leaving to much information open- - Payroll needs to be included as read only with a selection of what reports and areas can be seen in payroll - the way it is now is not helping our clients with their privacy obligations.
Wayne Freeman commented
The request for read only is quite relieving for senior execs who perhaps want to enquire at some depth knowing they want change any of the information already entered. SO it is great to have this but not to have this for looking at Payroll is quite surprising. One of the main costs of almost every business these days are wages and salaries so for the CEO to see this in a read only context, I think is really important. Yet for most users Payroll should not be accessible due to the confidential nature of the information. So the distinction needs to be recognised in user permissions.
Matt Withers commented
I totally agree with Lara, having payroll admin access should not automatically give a person the right to approve leave and have them automatically appear on the approver list for employees when requesting leave.
Jillian Shedden commented
There needs to be more levels of access available in Payroll. By making someone a 'Payroll Admin' (currently the only option to access payroll), they have access to everything. My preference would be to have different levels of access / permissions. In particular setting the access to the payroll calendars. We have 3 calendars setup = Monthly, Weekly, and Part Time Weekly. For example, I need some users to be able to administer the Part time payroll only. Currently this open access to all areas of payroll creates a big problem with confidentiality.
Lara Crowdey commented
Having payroll admin access should not automatically give a person the right to approve leave and have them automatically appear on the approver list for employees when requesting leave.
Glen Tuala commented
Some employees request leave from managers who are not involved in the daily operations so can't make a decision. The ability to select which managers employees select to request leave from is important as having the correct line manager saves time when processing leave requests. It would be great to see this function added.
Laila Bazzi commented
There are managers who we wish to have the authority to approve leave for their direct reports but who we do not want to view company wide payroll information for all staff. There needs to be a function whereby they can approve leave from their business email account (not personal one) without having unfettered access to all payroll information