Bills - Flag a Bill as 'in dispute / query'
Ability to flag individual bills as in dispute
Purpose | To enable review and ensure the business does not make payment for a bill when it's currently 'under query'

We appreciate wanting to see more rapid movement, everyone. Having done a lot of exploration into this area our team have a good handle on the needs to solve this, however we want to be honest that development will be some time away with the team currently focused on improving bills list views and updating add/edit bill pages. For the time being to keep you up to date we're going to move this idea back to Submitted until more active work takes place for this.
I can assure you this idea is the best place to be leaving feedback for this feature, and Xero Product Ideas as a whole is the best place to be sharing where you'd like to see change across Xero products. As a community team we're advocating on your behalf constantly to see where ideas can be worked on, and this site is where our product teams regularly come to better understand and see where they can develop solutions for our customers alongside other priorities they're balancing. You'll see in many places we're beginning to see how we can get our community members more involved in research and testing for ideas early on in the development process.
As soon as there is more news around the teams work in this space we will be back to share this with you all, here.
Jacqui Sanwell commented
Totally agree with Andrew Finnie. It's an organisation that has become arrogant towards its client base
Andrew Finnie commented
so despite the numerous comments that this is a feature desperately needed by your cusotmers 'this is not something we have plans to develop at this time.'
What is the point of us voting/commenting if you are already telling us you are not going to do this?
Maybe it's time to vote with our feet and switch to one of your competitors that does offer this basic accounting feature.
Melissa Ilston commented
Completely agree with Arnis. Don't know why you've reset the counter on this. Why ask for ideas then ignore them when they get enough support?
Arnis Veisbergs commented
Outraged! I have to agree with Claire and the other contributors. What is the point of this communication? You have effectively just reset the counter on a function request that has been around for years and as soon as we have managed to drum up some support - you have killed it.
This really is no rocket science - literally every other accounting software has this function and it is an important function to have.
We have a team of around 20 bookkeepers and Finance managers which provides financial management services to around 80 entities. Without the ability to flag bills we run a risk of paying bills which are in dispute. Having these not recorded or keep them as drafts is not an option as this does not provide a true and fair view of the company's financial position. -
Heather Lane commented
This really is a critical feature that Xero lacks.
1 it’s good accounting practice to put all invoices on the ledger so that they’re reflected in the accounts - holding invoices for lengthy times in an unapproved state means extra work in creating accruals and inaccuracy creeping in.
2. Sometimes invoices are approved, then issues come to light which put the invoice back in query. Xero has no efficient way of holding these invoices back from payment runs which is a risk. to Xero’s own clients cashflows.
Xero team, there’s a reason why your clients are asking for this feature to allow them to manage their finances and cashflows. I don’t understand why you would not add flags or other marker when this is clearly recognised as a critical weakness by so many.
Stuart Mohamed commented
Xero: " We're really interested to know if this is important to you, so please take the time to read this status update, click this link and add your vote/voice"
Also Xero: "We have got no plans to develop this idea anyway"
Clare Grain commented
this is critical on the sales and bills side, I don't understand the point of the email as this has been going for a year to get this added and you have put on the email that you have no plans to add this to either side so it seems you are ignoring your customers regards a function that is so basic that even Sage has it?
Shannon Lynds commented
Basic functionality that Xero is missing - results in increased complexity (having to keep invoice in draft or awaiting approval and then remember these can't be approved, or have approved and remember not to pay) and increases the liklihood of losses if these bills are accidentally paid.
Teresa Snell commented
Xero is the only accounting system I have used that does not have this functionality. It becomes very complicated trying to keep track of bills that are being held (for whatever the reason) and ensuring they do not get paid when there is no ability to make the system hold bills.
Systems I have used previously also had the ability to report on held bills so that managers could review them and ensure queries were being progressed. -
Amanda Connolly commented
Basic accounts payable management that should not be done 'offline'. Come on Xero, get it done.