New Invoicing | Files - Drag & drop anywhere on the page
In old invoicing, you can just drag and drop the file into the window and it uploads. In new invoicing, you have to drop it in the box at the bottom of the page. Fair to say this is tedious!

Hi team, returning to confirm that the ability to drag & drop files anywhere on the page in new invoicing has now been released to everyone. We hope you find this enhancement helps speed up and make attaching your files more efficient as you invoice.
Just a reminder that you'll need to add a contact to the invoice first, and if you'd like to include files when sending to your customer, select the 'Attach files to email' checkbox once uploaded.
Thank you all for your engagement, votes and staying updated with us through this idea.
We understand some customers workflows mean they would like to attach files before adding contacts and while this isn't something that's available right now, I'd recommend making sure you've joined this idea for any updates.
Dion Stockli commented
Really happy to hear about the return of this ability!! Thank you!
Is there a reason why a contact is needed to be selected first? The current way for my workflow is to throw my file in and then start working on the invoice details.
It does help improve my workflow, and I would love to see files dragged and dropped without a contact needing to be entered first.(Riding the old invoicing until the sad sad end)
Thanks again! -
Martin Danner commented
Huzzah! Thank you, Xero.
Jared Greenall commented
Thank you for adding back a feature that used to be there for years! ;-)
Thomas Waterhouse commented
Thanks for letting us know Kelly, it is working for me now and will save me time.
One other related tiny improvement that would help me and no doubt many others would be to be to have a setting to default the "include with online invoice" to ticked. I am sure some people want to add an attachment but not send it to customers, but many of us are attaching files like timesheets that we do want to send to customers. I'd bet if you ran a report you'd find that box gets ticked more often than it is left unticked. If that could be default to on by choice in a setting it would make my end of month invoicing process with 200 or so invoices even quicker and easier. There is another thread with lots of people asking for this
Also for your info, dragging attachments anywhere did previously work in new invoicing and then was removed. I used to do it and I've never used the old invoicing system. This is not an improvement for new invoicing but brining back a feature you had before.
Marianne Nair commented
Brilliant! I am now able to easily add a file to an invoice! Thank you :-)
Gemma Lalor commented
Thank you Kelly. Looking forward to hearing that drag & dropping .eml files will also be reinstated.
Claire Parker commented
Thanks for the long awaited update, Kelly. I'm glad to see this basic functionality returned. However, I'm curious to know what you mean by upload is relatively quick. Is this comparable speed to Classic or will it take much longer due to the unwanted and time-wasting auto save function?
Olga O'Keefe commented
HI Kelly,
thank you for the update.
However, it is not 100% restoration of the classic invoicing function. In classic we can drop files to the blank invoice BEFORE we know the customer's name. We will see the customer's name when we open the attached file.
Is it possible to make it in new invoicing?
Gemma Lalor commented
Please also ensure that .eml files (downloaded emails) can drag and drop as they currently are able to now. The new Xero system does not allow it but it is an essential tool. Thank you.
John Walsh commented
I have pdf receipts stuck as attachments on many emails, just allow the facility so I can drag from the mail to the hit area, this is such a basic function that even your lower cost competitors allow.
Sarah Latimer-Jones commented
Do we have an update on when this will be rolled out. Removing the drag and drop function is frustrating and creating an added workload and time to each invoice. Please bring back to be able to drop anywhere on the page.
We have made the leap forward to new invoicing and do not wish to revert back to classic just to change again. Please make this a priority. -
Kaylah Farmer commented
Can we please make attachments easier to upload in new invoicing.
In the classic invoicing you could drag and drop an attachment/file anywhere in the screen and it would upload an include in the invoice.
In new invoicing you have to click on attachments first and you can only drag and drop in the small box at the bottom of the screen. Making it a longer process and more time consuming.
Please change new invoicing so you can drag attachments over with ONE click anywhere in the screen.
Kathy Skinner commented
This shouldn't be a "working on it" it should have been done from the start. Supposedly there's been over 30 improvements on the new invoicing yet it seems like it's been over 30 useless improvements or downgrades - multiple drop downs to get to what you want, failure with the history side of things, approve & email default is not an improvement either. All the additional scrolling along with everything else that isn't user friendly.
Sorry but new invoicing is not an improvement on the classic. Big fail on Xero's part.
Nicole Neale commented
Any update on when this will be done?
It is extremely frustrating opening the box to drag files into, going to find the file and then when I go to drag it into the box, it has closed and I have to do it again. I add multiple files to every invoice. This is increasing my workload immensely. -
Fiona Davidson commented
Please sign and share this petition.
Freya Pieroz commented
After a bunch of basic QA-type testing, I've found that the Attach Files box consistently closes when the invoice is autosaved. So if I wait the eternity it takes to save before I open the box then it doesn't close on me.
Takes forever, though. Seriously, today I gave up after waiting 30 seconds, and then it glitched on trying to delete the faux invoice I was using to test!
Sandra Silk commented
Good news that Classic Invoicing is being extended. The most frustrating thing for us on the new invoicing is that you have to open the Attach Files box to upload and by the time you click on the document to upload the box has closed and you have to start all over again. It needs to be, as others have said, drag and drop to anywhere on the invoice.
Yazz Bhatti commented
Have you done any further work on this? Or at least ask your developers to test the system before making it live?
Rachel Tapscott commented
Files will not attach to the invoice the first time you try, it sometimes takes three attempts or requires you to 'Approve' the invoice before it will allow an attachment.
Gemma Lalor commented
Thank you for extending the classic invoicing to Feb 2025. Please ensure to reinstate .eml files being able to be dragged & dropped to anywhere on the page from downloads. The classic invoicing welcomes .eml files but the new invoicing does not. We must be able to upload authorisation emails with each new invoice. Thank you.