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  1. Change Capacity under Settings/Practice to allow for Saturday and Sunday so that on the Dashboard for Time Summary the time entered on Saturday and Sunday shows and is reflected in the Productivity circle on the Dashboard

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  2. It would be great to have the ability setup recurring invoices directly in XPM for annual agreements rather than "pushing" recurring invoices similar to setting up recurring jobs in XPM.

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  3. I would like to be able to firstly differentiate my payroll journals from other journals and then produce an end of year report of the payroll journals.

    How you could facilitate this:
    -Tick box on the journal to identify it as payroll related.

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  4. There needs to be way to bulk import client disbursements in XPM. For example, Xero subscription fees.

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  5. Xero Practice Manager Timesheet upload. We have staff that complete the same administrative tasks each day every week for up to 50 clients a day. Entering these times in XPM is extremely time consuming and the time spent rarely changes. It would be extremely useful to be able to import a timesheet template with set clients/tasks/times. Then they only have to make modifications to timesheets. This would reduce time entry burden by two or three hours per week.

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  6. Bulk importing/creation of Jobs - to include Tasks with Estimated Time and Staff on Job.
    I would like to do a bulk creation of the Job and also then bulk creation of Tasks and Estimated Time, and to allocate to Staff on the Job. Or an easy entry area to update the Job Task Estimated time so you don't have to enter into each job individually to enter this data.

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  7. Have logged this support query, which I also raised a number of years ago and cannot believe how this has not been fixed. Answer from support below:

    In XPM there is no first and last name field for contacts, rather it is just one box for the Name field. While in Xero there are two fields to put a contacts first and last name separately.

    So when a contact on a client syncs from XPM into Xero it is placed into the Last Name field as it recognises the name as one field. Currently, the only way to resolve this…

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  8. ADD copy buttons next to TFN, ABN, TFN in xpm client details page.
    allowing copy with no spacing.

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  9. In XPM there is currently no option for Unitholders in the Relationships section. Currently need to use either Shareholders or Beneficiaries so that information flows into Group Structure charts that receive data from XPM, neither being ideal particularly when sending that chart to banks.

    Request that a Unitholder option be added to the Rekationships.

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  10. New Job Manager Budget % - base on $ not time.
    Please give us the option to set the budget % based on the fee not time.

    As our jobs are created though the Ignition integration, our fee budget $ is prefilled. We don't set the time budget as this would be a very manual process.

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  11. Ability to choose to have the latest timesheet entry appearing at the top of the list in the timesheet view instead of at the bottom.

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  12. Currently, there’s no functionality in Xero Practice Manager to edit job names in bulk. This would be an extremely useful function for us. For example, we have a large number of Client Services jobs which need updating and without a bulk update function we need to do this manually, job by job which takes far too long.

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  13. Import ICA balances and Losses into XPM tax return

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  14. We are wondering if you could add a script at the phone number field in XPM so that when we click on client's phone numbers, the website will trigger an application (such as Microsoft Teams) to make phone call. This will save us time having to copy and paste phone number onto the application.

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  15. AU Tax - report field for Payer Name from Payment Summaries

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  16. The ability to create permissions for XPM that are assigned to a user role that is templated and then can easily be bulk assigned to staff within the practice.

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  17. It would be excellent to be able to see if a client has viewed the Xero Sign email pack.

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  18. We'd like the ability to import job budgets at the time of importing new jobs. The budget field seems to be a standard field for jobs, so I see there would be no reason we can't add the budget at the same time of the import.

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  19. Enable reporting / export for the 'Fee from Refund' field under Tax under the Tax and Company section in clients.

    The other fields in the ax and Company section are available in the Client & Contact Report Builder, however this field is overlooked. I understand that there is a 3rd party request to have this field included in the Client API.

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  20. Fixed Assets - Asset Serial Numbers Printing on Depr Schedule
    It would be helpful to have as a print option for the Depreciation Schedule the ability to print asset serial numbers. This is one of the few fields not current able to be selected.

    Application is transport Companies and Engineering Companies which have a high reliance on serial number identification.


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