1401 results found
XPM - Reassign client in bulk
Would love the ability to efficiently reassign clients in bulk within XPM, using tickboxes (like in the jobs list) to select the relevant clients and reassign to a new accountant. The import/export feature is clunky and often errors on import. A quick and easy way to complete this function would improve client experience when a new accountant joins the firm.
75 votes -
Separation between Sales Tax/VAT/GST lock date and accounting period lock date.
Separation between Sales Tax/VAT/GST lock date and accounting period lock date.
It would save a significant amount of time if VAT periods in Xero could have a separate lock date than the accounting period lock date. For instance, an invoice/bank transaction is still outstanding when filing a VAT return, and the VAT return date could be locked so once this outstanding transaction is completed at a later date, it would automatically appear on the next VAT return. This should be separated from the accounting period lock dates, as you still want to account for that transaction in it's relevant period,…3 votes -
XeroHQ | AU Payroll - Report or View STP Unfiled Pay runs
It would be good to be able to run a report of all Xero clients that have unfiled STP, or be able to view at a glance on XeroHQ. This would assist in making sure clients are meeting their compliance obligations quickly rather than go into every client to look at the Payroll Overview.
3 votes -
Settings - Reducing the size of text/fonts on the screen
Could xero consider reducing the size of text/fonts on the screen. I don't need super extra large enormous text to do my work. Everyone walking past or coming to speak with me can read my screen and see bank details and values, employee names and $ amount and so the list goes on. I have already asked if there can be a bland landing page so that bank accounts (Including balances) are NOT the default screen. Anyone standing nearby can see this information when Xero starts. Both of matters limit confidentiality and most users don't need this sort of exaggerated…
6 votesThanks for getting back to me on your needs here, Janet. I'll move the idea back to submitted as we don't have direct plans around this atm. We'll get a sense of the interest from the community here and will keep you updated if any progress is planned.
XPM - Bulk Import of Recurring Jobs
The ability to bulk upload/import Recurring Jobs via .csv file, in the same way you can Bulk Import Jobs that are not recurring.
This allows for each row to have the copy/paste capacity for overlapping criteria and can be quickly created through a spreadsheet (which could stem from an Export of your client list to 'schedule' your job creation throughout the year).
One import for an entire client base would be considerably more streamlined and efficient.
55 votes -
Clients search - Business Name/Previous Entity Name Search Capability
It would be nice if the software could search by a entity's registered business names or previously know entity names and it bring up the current company file.
We are able to add previous names or business names to the custom fields under a company's profile, but unless you know all the names by memory it can be hard to match up clients when you receive correspondence address to the business name and no ABN is mentioned.
Currently when this occurs we have to either search ABN lookup or ASIC register and trying to get relevant information we can…
3 votes -
CONSISTENCY in the default naming convention for DATES in Xero
I know this is not critical for the reporting accuracy of Xero within, but it would be a great help to those who extract many times a report from Xero and have multiple clients handling. I hope Xero Support can find ways to be consistent in their naming convention by default. And not overriding names thru Report layouts. Thanks!
6 votes -
bank rules
In the Bank Rules it would be very helpful to have a tick box that allows the full original description from the transaction in the bank, to be allocated when you reconcile the transaction.
Much like the Set Reference as 'reference/description/etc' option but specifically to include the original transactions detail.E.g. Bank rule & contact would be: 'Pharmacy'
- but the original description in is a transaction from 'Boots £3.50' or 'Superdrug £14.00' so when you apply the bank rule and you check the transaction in 'Account transactions' under the specific nominal (e.g. personal care), the description would say the…4 votes -
Individual Income Tax Return - Future Year Return - Tax Rate
When preparing future year return, in my case, FY2025 tax return for one individual client, even though it shows 2025 tax year, Xero tax is actually FY2024 tax rate for calculation. So the result is not accurate. Will Xero Tax fix this issue in the future?
3 votes -
NZ Tax - Ability to add multiple default email addresses for tax payment letters
Ability to add multiple email addresses for tax payment letters.
This would be great if looked into very soon.
We have been manually entering additional email addresses which is a bit of a worry if a character is misspelt.
When copy and paste is used the changes get made to all clients and is a real disaster.14 votes -
Superannuation Lump Sum Tax Offset
When completing Deceased Estate returns in Xero Tax, it seems as per the screenshot provided the newly added estimates does not calculate the Super Lump Sum Tax Offset given the complexity and nature of the Lump Sums.
Is there a way to have Xero Tax calculate the estimate with the Super Lump Sum Tax Offset taken into consideration as it has been in the past on MYOB? This way we can obtain a more accurate estimate of the tax payable for the Trustee.
3 votes -
Hubdoc - Allocate to any bank account
Please make it possible to allocate expenses to any bank account while in hubdoc. That way a lot of time is saved when reconciling transactions to the bank account.
4 votes -
Hubdoc: Filter by duplicates
Should be able to filter by duplicate items so you can quickly go through "duplicates" and then get on with the ones that aren't duplicated
10 votes -
HubDoc- sync of chart of accounts
Make a force sync button from Xero to Hubdoc.
E.g. adding a new account in Xero takes a while for it to eventually show in Hubdoc.
Unless you have to disable and reactivate the Xero-Hubdoc linkWhy not a button, that just 'force sync' the new chart of accounts into Hubdoc?
11 votes -
NZ Tax: Terminal tax labelled as Residual tax to pay
On the IR3 2024 tax return it is currently labelling the tax liability after provisional tax paid as 2024 residual tax to pay. It should say "Tax to pay" or "Terminal Tax to pay". It is incorrect and confusing to have the tax before and also after provisional tax to both be labelled as residual tax. In communications when we are advising on provisional tax obligations we reference the obligation being based on 105% or 110% of residual income tax and now that is not clear for the client which figure we are using. In addition under the 2025 provisional…
9 votesHi team, we appreciate your insight into the confusion this label can cause. This is something our product team plan to address and make a change for within payment summary for 2025 IR3.
I'll be back to share more updates as this is worked on.
AU Tax - ITR signatory for deceased or incapacitated individuals
Where the individual client title has been changed to "Executor for" or "Representative for" the declarations should also be updated with this information. Currently the declarations still just use the individual name, who may be deceased or unable to sign on their own behalf.
4 votes -
XPM - Replace Radio Buttons with Check Boxes
When preparing an invoice, it would be great if you could replace the radio buttons with check boxes within tasks and also be able to bulk update the Billable status on timesheet entries within a task to Yes, No or Future.
If you have a task with a lot of timesheet entries, and you only want to bill a few of them, it's very time consuming to have to select one by one to change the Billable status to Future.7 votes -
XPM - Edit Client Page Layout
Could we please get the ability to add columns to the client page in XPM? The ability to search or find at-a-glance the export code would save a lot of time.
9 votes -
Forward preparation of tax reurns for companies deregistering and deceased estates
There is an inability to prepare and lodge income tax returns for the forward 2025 year for companies and trusts including deceased estates.
In regard to companies deregistering in the 2024/2025 tax year or wanting to deregister in that year, the company cannot do a 2024/25 tax return after deregistration as the ATO will not accept a lodgment after the date of deregistration as it is considered by the ATO to no longer exist. Companies cannot do a 2024/25 tax return before deregistration as Xero do not have this function available.
This functionality needs to be urgently implemented.
Our previous…4 votes -
Workpapers - Check box next to suppliers names when received their statements
To have a check box next to supplier when you have matched their monthly statements so you know who is left to receive a statement from
6 votesAaah wait, sorry just saw this is for Workpapers not Bills in Xero, Teresa. M suggestion of the notes on a contacts record may not be as useful for this scenario.
While no plans for this at present, we'll get a feel for the interest of this here. Thanks
- Don't see your idea?