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9 results found
488 votes
Thanks for sharing and showing interest in how we can develop user roles to suit your needs when using Xero.
With many varying ideas for roles and permissions in different areas of our products, user roles impact all areas of the product. There are many factors we must consider when addressing how to solve for majority of our customers needs.
We’re in the process of conducting research on the current landscape and how we might approach some of the most predominant needs in roles for our customers. This being one of our highest voted ideas surrounding roles is a specific focus for the team. too.
Discovery of this work is its first stages and will be long running. There will be multiple phases of research and forms of engagement with users that’ll help shape the path ahead in this space.
We value our customers input and would like to…
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
534 votes
Appreciate your input here, everyone. Our team is looking into this idea however, they don't have any dates planned on when they’ll develop the ability to schedule emails.
Totally understand how this feature could benefit your workflow though, being able to schedule an email to send during acceptable hours, so you don’t have to remember!
Rest assured that our eyes are on the ground monitoring your feedback and votes here, so please keep adding them in this thread. For the time being, I’ll move this idea into ‘Under review’ status. And if there's any movement, we'll make sure to come back here and let you all know.
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
360 votes
Thanks for your involvement and sharing your interest in adding multiple email addresses for a client in Practice Manager with us here.
This idea has been reviewed by our product team however with other priorities right now we don't have immediate plans for developing this capability. If there's any movement or news we'll definitely share with you all, here.
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
434 votes
Hi everyone, thank you for all the interest and we appreciate the needs for those using foreign currency to have more efficiency in how you process these bills for payment. Your feedback and votes here have not gone unnoticed - We have a team that have been doing some ground work in this space and at this time we have beta that we'd like to invite any UK customers to join and feedback to our team on the experience. If you'd like to be a part of this please fill in our form here and we'll be in touch.
We appreciate this idea is farther reaching than UK alone and while the beta is limited to this region for the time being, based on results we will look at expanding this to other places.
We'll keep you updated of further developments here.
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Pietrowicz David Ali commented
Yes, i agree with Andrew, we are a global telecommunication operator, our main currencys are USD and EUR. We dont need an additional payment service like Cresco, which will bring us for every single transaction an additional fee on top. What we need is a bulk payment option for foreign currencys, like it works for GBP. This we import to our Bank accounts and enabled the payments via confirmation. We have added USD, EUR and GBP accounts in Xero, where the automatic feed works, so here we have no issue, but for outgoing foreign currency payments we miss an option for the Bills, which awaiting payments. We must made for each outgoing transaction from our side, a manual payment entry. But with a bulk/batch payment we can import it and save efforts, and reduced the fees from our side, because our bank discount such file payments. We have more departments over the world, all other bookeeping softwares has such features, only in Xero UK it is missing, that is really pitty.
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
817 votes
Hi everyone, a year on from my last engagement we wanted to provide an update for you all here.
As many will be across we're in the midst of making a lot of iterations and improvements to new invoicing leading up to the retirement of classic invoicing in September (2024).
We have a fair amount of work lined up in the teams schedule over the coming months and to give an indication there isn't any committed plans around a function to add interest to invoices.
That said, we do have a team that have picked up and are considering how we might solve this with the technology in new invoicing - It's early days on this yet, but I'll share if there's any progress on this for you all here.
In the meantime, as has been shared by others over time there are a few ways you could accomplish this…
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
48 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Pietrowicz David Ali commented
This would be a great feature, because we have also a sales department, which needs soemtimes the reminders to folow up, and push the customers. Also the finance department needs them to follow up. We have more than 500 customers, so that an adding of a cc or bcc contact brings a lot of efforts. So that it would be very helpfull to gnerate a general cc email, like for sending invoices.
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
1,201 votes
Hi community, we understand your needs in this feature and want to assure you were taking on board all your feedback.
As many of you accustom to this idea will know, multiple addresses requires a complex solution. It's been something we’ve been moving towards for some time and we’ve done a lot of back end work that will allow us to bring it to you in the future.
We have 12 different products within Xero that rely on contact data, as well as many of our app partners. This means that contacts need to seamlessly flow across technology, products and all connections on Xero. And that’s exactly what we’ve been working on.
One of the reasons we announced the retirement of classic invoicing is because many of the features being asked for, just can’t be brought into classic invoicing. The old technology has too many technology limitations to enable this.…
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
93 votes
Thanks for your continued input and contribution to this idea. We've now released an improved send experience for new invoicing, where you have a side by side view to give you full visibility of what's being sent. Encompassed in this is also the ability to CC and BCC others in the email😊.
For the time being this is limited to sending from the invoice itself and won't apply to Invoice Reminder emails. However, we are thinking ahead and will look to expand this capability in time. We'll keep you updated of any further progress of this here.
Pietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
180 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Pietrowicz David Ali commented
We had today an issue with a double imported bill, because it was not sorted out. From other bookeepingsoftware, i know that a double import is not possible, because of a unique Bill number, like invoice number for importing invoices.
It is not a big thing to void the double bill, but if there would be a seperate field for a Bill number instead only the reference field, when it will be imported to xero from previous programms, than i think it will be avoid to get a double bill. Only a suggestion from my side.
DavidPietrowicz David Ali supported this idea ·
Dear Xero Team, do you have an update about batch payments in foreign currency, is there a development in place? I think it should not a huge problem to enable it also for foreign currency as it works for the base currency, We expanded our company and next year we will again expand, but the missing of such feature brings us to the point, if it is not better to think about, if we should move to a different bookeeping software, because to prepare every month manually single payments, for each supplier will increase the risk to make mistakes, increase with every new client our efforts. We work more than 10 Years with Xero and we love it, it is simple, user friendly, but at some point we will have so much suppliers that the efforts for preparing payments takes at every payment run more than two days, which blocks our ressources,(prepare a list of all payments for approval, than add each payment manually in our bank, check again if there is no mistake,...) We have reach now around 500 suppliers and now it would be critical.