4647 results found
Manual Journal page:TAB after date should go to auto reverse date
Come on Xero, this should be the flow already, the tab position after entering the date should go to the reversing date, we accountants enter a lot of manual journals that are reversed and it is a pain in the **** to have to mouse click on the auto reverse date to be able to enter the date...
This is a easy fix, this is just the tab index in the page...
2 votes -
Connection with Belgium (and other countries) tax authorities
We have 3 Belgian customers who are unable to used Xero as there is no connection with Belgium tax authorities, comparable with the HMRC in the UK for MTD VAT returns. If Xero truly want to be a global accounting solution, with Group structures having multiple geographical entities, they need to provide more global support/interaction to avoid clients moving away to alternative solutions.
2 votes -
Projects - Show outstanding invoice balance under "Quotes & Invoices"
On projects under "quotes & invoices" it would be great if it showed the remaining balance of the invoice. I send 4-5 invoices per project and sometimes clients pay a random lump sum and i write it off against the invoices but that can lead to an invoice being part paid and being able to see which invoices have been paid or have a remaining balance under that view would be beneficial instead of having to get out of projects and searching the invoice under the invoice tab.
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Adding payroll to analytics and cash flow functionality
I have just attended the Cash Flow with Xero webinar, which was useful. However, it was confirmed that payroll is not a part of the cash flow forecasting/analytics functionality. Payroll can be a significant cost to a business, and cashflow forecasting excluding it is pointless. It is not a true representation of your cashflow or analytics if it does not include payroll. As payroll is also a function within Xero, is this something that Xero is looking to add to the cash flow forecasting/analytics functionality?
3 votes -
New invoicing - Untick sent when invoice is edited
New Invoicing My issue is that when an Invoice has been amended after it has been sent. I have found that currently the tick is still in the box as Sent . I think it should not be ticked until the amended invoice has been emailed again. I sent it twice to a customer Also The History and Notes on that Invoice Show it was updated but not emailed straight after I edited it. Anyone else having issues with this?? Maybe I should log a support call for it. If so let me know
8 votesThanks for your idea and feedback, Maria. I'm just checking in with the team on the history for the send in the second part of your post here.
In terms of the sent box being ticked. This is automatically ticked when the invoice is initially sent and does not change when an invoice is subsequently edited. Appreciate this might be something that would help your processes and I've slightly amended the title of the idea for this.
While we don't have any plans for this right now, we'll begin to get a sense of the interest in this, here.
Allow for Custom Grouping on Reports to be Exploded or Minimized with Total in Minimize mode.
At present we are able to edit the layout of reports by rearranging, creating formulas, and grouping accounts. It would be INCREDIBLE to be able to customize the following.
1) Group font (size and boldness only)- right now it defaults to a much larger BOLD font than the underlying accounts. It would be nice to choose these sizes and weights
2) Customize the Group Total's Location - at present it shows only as an additional labeled row with the corresponding total. It would be a neater presentation to just have the group total show right in line with its main…
2 votes -
Quotes - Option to Accept part of the quote and Decline the remaining lines
Hi, I would like to be able to complete quotes correctly please. So for example, QU-6767 was accepted by the customer. The customer later decided that only one line of the quote was required, which was invoiced. I would now like to mark the remaining part of the quote as declined.
It would therefore be helpful to have more options for the quotes system, to be able to mark the quote as partially invoiced and the remaining as declined, even after the quote has been accepted.
I create monthly reports of accepted, declined and invoiced quotes. It would be helpful…
2 votes -
New Invoicing - Shading & Colour
Classic invoicing uses shading on screen to help see the data fields. Recreate that in new invoicing. You might find you get a better response to new invoicing if users can easily see the data they are trying to work on rather than scanning a white screen. The content is fine, it just looks rubbish.
4 votes -
AU Payroll - Set the number of decimals places to 2
set the number of decimals places e.g. 2 so when Xero applies a award factor e.g. 1.5x award rate the results only displays to two decimals place in their pay.
Awards are published to two decimals places that's all we are required to pay in Australia.
Fixing the rounding wastes so much time.18 votes -
VAT reconciliation - Show which VAT return transactions are submitted on
Like Sage I would like every item to have the VAT return Date and month it was recorded on attached to it and if/when it was adjusted which return the adjustment was submitted on as well.
13 votes -
Purchase Orders - Mark an order as Delivered
Once a Purchase Order is created it would be great if there was a feature to allow you to mark the PO as delivered. Currently there is no way to see what ones are complete and what ones are still outstanding. This may need to be extended to allow individual line items on a PO to be able to be marked as delivered.
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Activity Statement- Permanently add SOURCE FIELD, or add Ability to customise the GST Audit/ Transactions report for that and other options
I would like the GST AUDIT REPORT to be permanently updated, so that the transaction SOURCE FIELD would be included in the report. Otherwise the report should be customisable to include this and many other fields / options, so any of us professionals and internal accountants can extract what we need to review client / business BAS data easier, and lodge the BAS's quicker. There are MANY ideas for the GST AUDIT report to be customisable and several are also relevant to me and my needs, but I couldn't find a request for this one and it is such an…
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Invoice Payments - Show bank account details with pay by Credit Card option
I've received multiple calls from customers who were confused when trying to find my bank account details on the online invoice. They couldn’t see the bank account details immediately on the view after clicking the "Review and Pay" or "View your bill online" link in the Xero email. Initially, the invoice shows only the Stripe payment option, and customers must click "View Invoice Details" to see my bank account information. This setup is confusing and not straightforward for customers!
According to Xero support, it’s impossible to change this view for customers:
"As these small changes were requested by many users…
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New invoicing - option to 'approve and close'
There are new options now under 'Approve' on the new Sales Invoice. The majority of my invoices are created post-purchase, so I create the invoice, approve the invoice, then usually need to go back to the Invoices overview. I want to see added 'Approve and return' or 'Approve and close'. Currently it takes me three clicks to get back to the invoices, because I need to click on Approve, then 'Invoices' from the breadcrumb, then to 'All' since it defaults back to Awaiting Payment. (Why doesn't clicking 'Invoices' from the breadcrumb take you back to the All tab?? Surely that…
3 votesHi Trudi, while the Business menu option I mentioned in my last update remains the best flow for what you're after here currently.
I thought it may be useful to share that we've recently released some keyboard shortcuts for common actions in new invoicing that may help improve your efficiency when invoicing. Our product team have added small prompts to highlight these in the product while our customers familiarise, and if you’d like to view the full list of options you can see them all on Xero Central.
We'll continue to track the interest in an approve & close option here, and share if there are any changes planned that may impact this.
Batch Payment | Remittance - Selective download/send by supplier
I would really love to have a button where I can download a remittance advice for one certain supplier only in a batch payment transaction.
5 votes -
NZ GST - Include Payment due date on finalised/filed
Where have the GST due dates gone from the new GST Return layout?
Also would it be viable for Xero to default no GST for transactions up to a certain date considering some businesses are registered from any point during a month.
5 votes -
Repeating Invoices - Quantity of payments option
Repeating Invoices have the option to provide an optional 'End Date', however it can sometimes be difficult and/or time consuming to identify the correct end date. There's also potential to miscalculate the correct end date which can sometimes result in customers being under or over charged if the selected end date results in the wrong quantity of payments.
It would be very useful if there was a 'Quantity' option for Repeating Invoices which would automatically select the correct end date. Therefore eliminating over/under payments.
This feature would be useful for those who know exactly how many times a repeating invoice…
7 votes -
New invoicing - Ability to cancel out of draft sales invoice
Cancel a Draft Invoice from Invoice Screen (rather than delete which loses the invoice number). Another user made this same suggestion and the Xero response was to hit the delete button and they then closed down the comments/voting option. However, her point was that if you cancel out of the invoice then the invoice number you cancelled out of is still usable, whereas hitting delete means the invoice number is no longer usable. Why has the cancel button been completely removed and only the delete function is now there.
6 votesAppreciate you raising this again, Tom. While it's possible to Delete a draft invoice as new invoicing has autosave built in it's not possible to just cancel out without saving once a contact has been entered.
We'll keep track of the specific interest for this here, and I have merged the original idea that was created around this in with this one.
Projects - Undo button
Undo button or confirmation button when deleting estimated expenses, to help users easily reinstate date put in.
2 votes -
Add numerical discount to mobile app invoices
Add numerical discount to invoicing in the mobile app. This is a feature on the browser, currently the mobile app only allows a % discount.
When you go from browser to app having applied a £ discount on the invoice. The app converts it into a % and show different amounts.
2 votes
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