4644 results found
Bills - View PDF without downloading
It would be massively helpful to be able to preview the PDF invoice instead of having to click on and download it each time. If you could preview it alongside where you are inputting data on a Purchase invoice that you have sent to Xero by email - then you can check details side by side rather than having to print out the paper versions. Would be much more efficient
8 votes -
Manual journals: Add projects category to Manual journals
It would be beneficial to add an option for the projects to the manual journals
10 votes -
UK Payroll - Bring back leave dates in employee history screen
Bring back leave date function in employee history list, it made running P45s much easier when there is a team that run payroll.
4 votes -
AU Payroll - Ability to pay staff with joint bank account in same pay run
Please enable the ability to pay staff with a joint bank account in same pay run. We currently have to pay two couples with a joint bank account into separate accounts each run. Xero does not permit two payments into the same bank account in one pay run. I have confirmed with our bank that this is not an error on their end. Xero support have informed me that this is not a function that Xero currently offers.
5 votes -
New invoicing - View full list of inventory items
It is most annoying and time consuming to only be able to access half of the inventory items when raising an invoice. Instead one has to look up every item in the second half of the inventory, line by line before you can add it to an invoice. This is a step into the dark ages.
23 votesHi team, thanks for sharing and showing your interest on the idea, here. Atm our product team are doing some work to improve the line item grid and as part of this the item field will also see some improvement. Once the changes are released for the edit page you'll be able to view more items for each drop down option in the grid.
I'll keep you updated of the release for this here.
Projects - Ability to edit time of users who have left
I use Projects as timesheets for my staff in my contracting business, and it has worked well for the past two years. I do not use Xero process staff wages, I use ACE Payroll.
After a staff member leaves, I delete them from Projects, as it costs me $7.50 per month per person, and when you have between 20-25 staff, it can get quite expensive.
Once I delete a staff member from Xero, I cannot change any of their time entries. The reason I need to do this is usually because they have allocated his/her time against the wrong project.
4 votesAppreciate the detail in your idea here, Lynette. While we don't have immediate work planned for this , it'll be good to get a sense of the interest from others in the community and if there's any change planned we'll let you know through the idea here.
New invoicing - Increase Transaction lines in invoices
Currently one can only post 50 lines in an invoice. It should be unlimited as some clients have at least 200 lines or more depending on their line of business.
3 votes -
Send Invoices - Ability to Copy and Edit the Email Address
When I'm in the email invoice page, there's no way for me to copy the email address. I can't hightlight the email address or right click on it.
I also cannot edit the email address. Sometimes instead of sending to the default invoices@company.com I want to send to john@company.com but I don't want to change the default email address on the contact and I don't want to have to type out the email address (and potentially have mistypes).
4 votes -
NZ GST - Export file to include "GST Return" in naming convention
The new modernised GST returns in Xero no longer export the report name in the exported file name. The document only has the client name and date, not the report type anymore. Should say "XXXX Ltd 30 11 2024 GST Return", whereas it currently only says XXXX Ltd 30 11 2024". Inefficient to have to manually add the words "GST Return" for each report produced in Blue Xero when sending multiple documents to clients. Is there a way to get it back? Within the document itself it says the report type, but would be preferred to be included in the…
5 votes -
Automatic Late fees
There should be a function to add automatic late fees and or interest on a contact-by-contact basis or just at all especially since you can't apply a late fee after a partial payment without reversing that payment. Xero needs to add the option to add either a fixed/one-time, daily, weekly, or monthly late fee OR interest percentage or a combination of both.
4 votes -
Bank Rules Placeholders
Placeholders for dates in bank rules descriptions for example reconciling monthly payroll and having the month it relates to pull through on the description through a bank rule.
13 votes -
Payroll - Show forecasted leave balances
Show forecasted leave balances to allow for planning of Christmas Shut Down periods
85 votes -
NZ Payroll - Adjust hours automatically in 1st pay run to recognise employee start date
Xero defaults to full pay period hours for a new employee in the 1st payrun even if the employee start date (already entered into Xero) is part-way through a payrun. This doesn't make sense and is too easy to overpay a new employee in this way, if a manual override has not been done. Ideally, Xero would calculate the expected hours for a salaried employee based on the start date, but another idea would be to flash up a warning before finalising a payrun with employees that have a start date listed within the pay run period.
6 votes -
Sales Report by Customer with financial year comparatives
I just want a simple report that show sales by customer with comparatives to previous financial years that agrees back to the sales on the profit & loss statement. Surely thats not too difficult??
I am disappointed at the lack of decent sales reporting in Xero. Whilst I agree that Xero has many great features, their sales reporting is not one of them.
The income by contact report does not work as it picks up all receive money transactions for all contacts, not just those in the sales accounts or for customers, so it is significantly different to the P&L.
5 votes -
New Invoicing - add "Hide invoice summary in email" option
Despite several separate requests on this forum, New Invoicing's email still begins with an invoice summary, unlike Classic Invoicing.
For us, relationship and communication are more important than asking for payment so Classic Invoicing's email is perfectly set up with our message first and the invoice following.
New Invoicing's email reverses this with the money part writ large at the top.
Andrew Chadwick described it better than I can in the post linked below. The idea has been marked as Delivered but, respectfully, it hasn't been. His and my points still stand.
12 votes -
Projects - Hyperlinks to transactions in Project Financials report
Be able to hyperlink to expenses booked to a project
4 votes -
Dashboard - List prepayments separately from "Awaiting payment" list
List prepayments separately from "Awaiting payment" report in Dashboard.
At the moment, prepayments are lumped together with "Awaiting payment" reports in Dashboard. This gives a wrong view of the actual number of invoices that are awaiting payment. Please list prepayments separately on a different line.8 votes -
Billable expenses - show invoice date
Please show the date of invoices in billable expenses.. It is easier for us to search the invoice..
24 votesHi everyone, appreciate the feedback of the layout of detail in the Billable expenses modal of new invoicing. I've made sure to share your feedback here with the team.
To confirm, right now the date column is still included in this view however if you have a few billable expenses to assign you'll need to scroll down and then will see a horizontal scroll bar so you can scroll across to the date. Understand this isn't the most obvious atm, and I'll keep you updated here of any planned change.
New invoicing - Searching items by start of field
New Invoicing - Type in Item - please change back to only searching start of field, as per old invoicing.
Now that typing in the Item field in the new invoicing brings up every item with that word or part word in anywhere, we either need to learn all the codes, or make sure our items all contain totally different words. It takes ages to find the item required.17 votes -
Customer Statements - Option to remove links to invoices
Have the option to remove links to invoices on Customer Statements
140 votesHi everyone, thanks for your interests and sharing on the idea here. Being totally open, we don't have plans in the near term for any change that'd solve for the idea here. This may be something we consider down the line and will keep the idea here open to continue monitoring.
For the time being, we wanted to share a way you can remove links from the customer statement using a custom branding theme that you'd apply when sending a statement.
Once the new branding theme is created, you can select it when printing or sending the customer statement, and the invoice link will be removed.
- Don't see your idea?