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  1. At the moment, you need to raise a credit note to write off a bad debt, which then records the invoice as "paid" which is extremely irksome, and factually incorrect. There needs to be an actual "write off" option so that the debts don't show up constantly in your reports and you can claim a tax deduction for them, but they don't get recorded as paid.

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    Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been feedback and taken seriously by our product teams.

    Currently, there are ways to record a bad debt in Xero, depending on your tax registration status and how you want the transactions to be recorded in your reports - We have help for this on Xero Central you can draw into.

    We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality to develop a button to write off invoices or bills as 'bad debt'. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!

  2. This should be automatically added to your account, rather than having to save to Xero manually each month

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    Hi everyone, leading on from my last update we have now released improvements to eInvoicing for those in the UK! With the latest change you'll now find we've made it easier for you to opt-in to receive your Xero subscription bill via eInvoicing. You can now do this from your online invoice (My Bills page) instead of through the Billing contact page. Helping save you time and reduce manual data entry every month.😁
    We understand there are other regions that'd still like to see this functionality developed and we'll shift back to submitted and share when there is news of moving this further afield.
    We also wanted to address the recent comment of data sharing - We'd like to confirm that Xero do not share data with We use the Peppol network and the subscription invoices are sent using our wholly owned provider, Tickstar.

  3. Automatically send email reports every month.

    Purpose: Users can set up recurring reports to the dedicated person consistently at the same date.

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    Hi community, we appreciate this idea has collected a fair amount of votes and commentary. This has all been shared with, and considered by, our product team - so they have an understanding of the work that would be required for this.

    We'd like to confirm that, at this stage, the automatic generation and sending of reports is not something we have plans to develop in the near term. We are still interested to get a clearer understanding of demand for this feature, and we'll continue to track this through the conversation and votes on this idea. If there's any change we will let you know!

  4. Bills: unapprove option

    Have the option to unapprove a bill so it can revert back to draft/awaiting approval rather than having to void a bill and re-enter it.

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    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the possible solution we shared a few months ago. After careful consideration taking all feedback on board, we will not be moving forward with this solution.

    We're still considering how we might solve for the issues presented here over the long term and there are other pieces of work the team are currently delving into such as duplicate bills detection that may also help solve some needs here.

    That said, we'll move the idea back to Submitted and continue to keep you updated on any progression that can help the needs expressed through the idea here. Thanks

  5. Allow users the ability to import and export bank rules.

    This would save time having to manually create similar bank rules in Xero, and ease with new client organisation setup

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    Hi community, sometime on since my last post we wanted to provide an update for your all here and appreciate the continued attention this idea is receiving.

    We want to be upfront that at this time focuses for the team are in other areas of bank reconciliation and we don't have any current plans for developing the ability to import and export bank rules from an organisation.

    We understand and know this is important to everyone that has voted for the idea and will continue to review and pay close attention to the feedback and votes here. When there is more opportunity for the team to refocus efforts here we will keep you informed of any progress.

  6. We desperately need an audit trail report available for advisors.

    I think it would be sufficient to have the below added to the account transactions report style (but named as Audit Trail):
    1 - the ability to include an 'edited date' column
    2 - the ability to include a 'notes' column
    3 - a tick box to show/hide audit trail history (so voids would show as separate creation and void lines netting off, not just removal of the original transaction)
    4 - a unique un-editable transaction identifier for all transactions, not just bills/invoices

    It must be exportable to excel with…

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  7. Currently a client can upload a number of invoices and then create a batch payment for these invoices. When they make a payment for 1 of the invoices in the batch, you have to remove and redo the payment then match the separate invoice up, and then recreate the batch payment, excluding the amount which has now been paid. Would be easier if like with invoices, the batch payment could be split, saving the new to remove and then recreate the batch payment.

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    Hi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding the ability to split batch payments when reconciling, and understand it currently takes extra steps to reconcile when a single invoice among a batch has been paid, or when there are multiple payments to the same entity for different invoices.
    Being transparent, we don’t have direct plans for making this change within the foreseeable future but if anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!

  8. Ability to process a manual journal in foreign currency and to pull the exchange rate on the date of the journal.

    Purpose: It’s beneficial for organisations who are dealing and operate with multiple currencies

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    Hi community, first off thank you for contributing and detailing why posting manual journals in a foreign currency is of interest to you all.

    We appreciate our customers would like to see more capability in accounting for and dealing in foreign currencies across Xero.

    In it's current form Manual Journals are a part of Xero that require some upgrade to uplift technology in order to provide capability for ideas like this to be considered. We have intentions of bringing attention to this over the coming year, however getting this done first is necessary before we can even think about adding newer functionality like journaling in another currency to the mix.

    To set the expectation here, there is no work planned over 2023 for this feature. We know it's of high interest and when we're in a place to reassess we will share with you here.

  9. Batch payments of Foreign Currency Bills.

    Dear Xero,
    Please consider the feature of being able to batch up foreign currency Bills. We often pay multiple invoices in one go, having to reconcile and mark as paid 10 invoices is extremely time consuming.

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  10. Ability to generate a report where users’ can view contact payment activity

    Purpose: Users’ can easily see which customer has good and bad credit performance, and manage customer relationships & debt.

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  11. I would like to be able to add any available report into a practice Report Pack. At the moment, the available reports are limited to those within the Financial Statement realm.

    I would like to produce a report pack that had all the reports i need for my annual working papers:
    - Employee wage summary
    - Bank Rec
    - Tax depreciation report
    - GST rec reports

    etc etc.

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  12. ability to add/upload the bank statement/credit card statement to reconciliation report for future cross checking by accountant

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  13. Draft Bills - Ability to create Credits from Draft Bill sent directly to Xero email

    Suppliers email credits as well as Bills, why not have the ability to process a bill or credit through this area, a supplier is not going to invoice credits to one email address and invoices to another. Why can we not select if it is a bill or credit and process.

    Purpose: to allow processing of credits through the Draft Bills seamless

    cost effective: reduce the need for additional software such as dext or hubdoc, use xero.

    Current process: open the Draft Credit, download the…

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    Appreciate the interest here, everyone. Being open this isn't something we have current plans for. 

    Thanks for noting the optional paths atm, Paula! Understand it's not the solution being asked here however for those that haven't already we'd recommend looking to connect Hubdoc to help automate the process. 🙂

  14. Ability to dispose of multiple fixed assets at once.

    Purpose: To save users’ time, because the current process is users need to dispose assets one by one.

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  15. Ability to select multiple/all transactions during reconciliation.

    Purpose: To save users time from having to reconcile the transactions one by one.

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    Thanks for all sharing and supporting how bulk reconciling transactions and suggestions that have been matched to statement lines in your bank would help your business.

    It's great to see the trust you've built in Xero's capabilities to match and help you save time from manually finding and creating transactions to reconcile your bank.

    Along with building on the foundations of our platforms, the teams efforts at present have been on improving the ability to create suggested transactions for more statement lines in your org - With a lot of this being backend logics there's not a heap you'll see from the front side of things but Xero's reconcile engine is getting stronger and overtime you should find even less need to create transactions in your org, yourself.

    With this work underway there is no development for being able to reconcile transactions that have the 'OK' presented option atm,…

  16. Ability to show attached documents in Reporting.

    Purpose: To provide clients to see the list of transactions which also show the attachment for each transaction.

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  17. To have the ability to account for depreciation on both business and private portions of an asset.

    Purpose: Save time for users to get the correct figures rather than going through manual process.

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  18. To have the ability to combine the reporting between more than one Xero org.

    Purpose: Better at group budgeting and account managements

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  19. Would like a report showing a list of bank account number changes. This would show original bank account number, new bank account number, contact's name, date the bank account number was amended and who amended the bank account number and to be able to print this as a pdf. This would be of great benefit because of fraud and also our Auditor has asked if we can produce a list of bank account number changes for a selected period.

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    Hi everyone, while we don't have a direct report for this, some changes we've made to History & Notes in Xero will help in achieving what you're in need of here. 

    You can run the History & Notes, filtering by Type = Contact and typing 'Bank account number' in the Search to just view results for this action. 

    If needed you'll be able to export your results to PDF or Excel. 

    Though the contact name doesn't show on screen, you can right click on the Contact in the report to open the contact's record in a new browser tab, that allows you to inspect details without navigating away from your History & Notes results. 

  20. Users in Xero can see the figures of the repeating invoices.

    Purpose: Users can easily see the figures and forecast their sales, especially those who are having many repeating invoices.

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