Manual Journal - Ability to set default for 'Show journal on cash basis reports'
Ability to set as default whether the "Show journal on cash basis reports" should be ticked or un-ticked on manual journals
Purpose: Because accountants that does the annual journals for clients who do their own GST we don't usually want these journals to show the late GST claims

Freedom Biz Solutions commented
This feautre needs to be activated ASAP, it should be a function in the background settings where we can choose for GJ to be Accrual and Cash.
I have a client that their booking platform integrates with Xero as a MJ, I am having to go in every single daily GJ edit it to Cash so I can get the GST lodgements correct. Its crazy considering how expenses Xero is now. Its costing my client more money in paying me to do such a simple task while paying high end subscription fees.
Lolla Kruger commented
We urgently require this functionality as we are wasting a lot of time going back into the journal to edit and untick the journal to not be included in the cash report and cash flow.
Freedom Biz Solutions commented
This is a critical feature with so many different applications integrating into Xero, they all seem to integrate in different ways. This feature will save alot of time. Crazy how I have to go into a GJ every single day and tick a box. It is a big time waster.
Martin Outlaw commented
In addition, could it be possible to create journals that are cash basis only, and not accruals?
Russ Smith commented
Why has this not been fixed yet? It causes me (and doubtless others) so much time every month to double-check that all of our journals have had the default box unticked to ensure the cash reporting is correct. It's absolutely backwards.
Bridget McGrath commented
Critical! Mindblowing that this has not yet been rectified and defaults to cash. We have never used the cash summary report due to these faults, but are using a software that feeds from the cash summary report so have had to go and edit all journals for the last 2 years... absolutely ridiculous
Joe Girdwood commented
Very few journals should ever show on cash basis reports. The default setting should be OFF i.e. unticked.
The default setting makes cash reports nonsensical and useless. Users who are not accountants or experienced finance staff - which is a big chunk of Xero's user base - will likely never diagnose the problem and simply ignore cash reports altogether.
More experienced users have to remember to untick a box for every single journal entry & manually correct journals posted from third-party systems. If retrospectively diagnosing the issue, it's necessary to review every single historic journal to correct.
Kellie George commented
So annoying to have to go in and manually change the journals if we forget to untick the cash basis box on every journal. Xero, please change this so that its an option to tick if required and not the other way around. Grrrrrr
Leah Hill commented
When is Xero going to fix this major flaw in the Cash reporting? It is time consuming to have to review and edit journals and untick the box every month to get accurate cash reports. There have been requests for this since 2016!
Shona Davie commented
Please can this be done, it is a little frustrating to have to untick often
Natalya Bridger (BTSR Waikato) commented
Would love to see this implemented
Jason Goodridge commented
I would suggest only a small fraction of journals would need to be on a cash basis, why does it default to being cash? Whenever I find errors in reporting it's because someone has forgotten to uncheck this and we have to go searching through journals and untick the option - very frustrating! Xero - please fix this!!
Trevor Lowe commented
Agree with the comments and a lot of users don't know about the current options
Emma Harrison commented
It is ridiculous this has not yet been rectified. Matter was first raised in 2016.
I agree with all previous comments -
Paul White commented
Clearly not an accountant that has written the software hence why it has this bizarre feature, that should be defaulted to OFF first.
Finance Manager commented
Desperately need this. I have payroll journals coming in from a different system and need the journal to be cash off.
Ben Case commented
Agree with all other posters. This should surely be defaulted to OFF.
It's a rare occasion when you need a journal appearing in cash basis reports.
I'm no software developer but there can't be too many simpler fixes than this one..come on Xero hurry up 😂
Joanne Reade commented
‘show journal on cash basis reports' should be optional , ticked as a default when processing manual journals impacts the Cashflow Report
Russ Smith commented
Please put a toggle or something in for the minority of users who would actually want journals to show up in the cash reports. This is such an odd choice to have it set this way as a default. We post over a dozen journals a week and it's such an unnecessary time sink to have to check and correct every month.
Heath Colbert commented
I have client that has daily imports from a POS API called Phorest and they come in as a manual journal. She is registered for GST on a cash basis. I need to be able to tick show journals on a cash basis for each day, ideally this can be set as an option or fixed via find and recode.