User Role - Access to Products & Services (Inventory) and Purchases/Sales only
Ability to allow individual access to inventory(products & services) and sales in Xero.
Purpose: Enable ability to view different sets of information within an org.
Thanks for all your input and sharing how we can improve Xero's user roles to cater for the needs of your business and staff you'd like to provide this access for.
As you may have seen in other ideas we've been conducting some research into user roles across all of Xero. As a step on from this, one of our teams are beginning a deeper dive into solving this idea here and enabling more roles access to Products & services (Inventory) in Xero.
While this may take sometime to accomplish we wanted to provide an update to you all interested in this, and we'll keep you informed of further progress as the team begin looking into it.
Laura Dolce commented
I need these feature and the user should not be seeing bank account balances in order to do so. You can Add as an Invoice only user but you can't edit. Doesn't make sense.
Karen Wilshire commented
Please this seems like an urgent matter that needs to be addressed.
Stuart Brown commented
I need this feature. As my business grows I need to add staff and delegate functions. Creation of tracked inventory items is almost a daily task for a growing business and I need this function to be available to a staff member without them seeing my P&L and bank balance.
Giles Simpson commented
Xero clearly don't give a **** about their customers - not even the courtesy to reply or explain why this can't (won't) be done. It's appalling. If there was a reason then people would understand but to create a topic for discussion then do absolutely nothing about it and not engage at all is just insulting towards their paying customers. The topic box here is just to allow people to vent internally and not take the problem out to wider social media and google etc.
Jatana Interiors commented
Are you hearing what your clients are asking for?
We are supporting you so you should be supporting us........
PLEASE after so many years of asking it is incredible you still have not created a separate user for inventory and invoice only...... -
James Steel commented
This should be a simple addition to allow differing businesses who have one individual who completes stock takes to be able to adjust stock without access to the bank account.
Adrian Hitch commented
The ability for Invoice Only Users to add new items in Inventory is critical. At the moment the only way at present for the sales ledger clerk to have the ability to add new Inventory products is to give then Standard User access which gives them the ability to see bank accounts and accounting reports which is sensitive company data and not for that level of staff.
Peter Ressell commented
I agree with all comments, this is critical for our growing organisation. We need our operational staff to be able to invoice, credit note and view Products and services, while being able to restrict them from seeing our bank accounts as there is clearly confidential / sensitive payroll data etc that can be viewed in our bank accounts.
Xero, it seems like if this simple feature is not included in your roadmap soon - you may well be losing many customers...
Barbara Mundell commented
This is so crucial, im having to give staff access to bank balances only to add products...
Sam Moore commented
I've mentioned this issue to our Xero rep who mentioned she would pass this on to the technical dept (not sure if she actually did) and would recommend everyone else doing the same. Hopefully, if enough of us mention it to them, it'll get enough traction for them to make the change.
Giles Simpson commented
This is such an important feature - and is split across/ duplicated in at least one other "idea" .
I love so much of Xero but i don't understand why Xero will not give an update /feedback on why this is not possible for them to add as a feature/role.
To me it doesn't feel like a difficult thing to add, nor does it feel like it would be a divisive thing. So I just don't understand why Xero won't give any updates at all on this request.
Maria Li Volti commented
I totally agree with everyone's comments as to why Xero cannot make a simple change for User Roles so staff to only access Purchases/Sales only and not all the financial side of a business.
It would make my job easier and my frustration not as intense if this was made available to all.
Robert Flynn commented
this idea was first shared March 2015?! I agree with all of these comments, I just don't understand why they cannot or don't allow this access, but without access to the bank accounts and accounting information
Gina Kerk commented
support to the above statement because impossible ask operational ppl to access bank detail with the Standard / Advisors.
Edwina Cabooter commented
This is such an important update to do. We have just started using Xero this month and have only just found this problem in the program. If this feature is not changed we will need to consider changing to a new program.
Laura Price commented
Just to add my voice to this request, we're increasingly running up against little things like this which add incremental admin load which we could avoid - at least a notification of whether it will be considered / roadmapped or rejected would give us a chance to make a business decision around it.
Karen Rehayem commented
I doubt anyone from Xero is even looking at this thread. This has been going on for so long now and no one has even bothered to respond. I know a lot of people who have left Xero for this reason, and we are looking at doing the same. I have 5 sales people who cannot use the system to it's full potential because they cannot access the inventory (products and services) and they do not need full access to our bank accounts. It is really getting beyond a joke now.
Karen Rehayem commented
This is critical and really needs to be looked at asap, otherwise a lot of people will be jumping ship
Jane Lobban commented
I agree - we need users who are invoice only to have access to this.
Caroline Smith commented
This is a critical function required to help inventory management