Reconciliation - Xero subscription invoice to be added automatically to xero for reconciliation
This should be automatically added to your account, rather than having to save to Xero manually each month

Hi everyone, leading on from my last update we have now released improvements to eInvoicing for those in the UK! With the latest change you'll now find we've made it easier for you to opt-in to receive your Xero subscription bill via eInvoicing. You can now do this from your online invoice (My Bills page) instead of through the Billing contact page. Helping save you time and reduce manual data entry every month.😁
We understand there are other regions that'd still like to see this functionality developed and we'll shift back to submitted and share when there is news of moving this further afield.
We also wanted to address the recent comment of data sharing - We'd like to confirm that Xero do not share data with We use the Peppol network and the subscription invoices are sent using our wholly owned provider, Tickstar.
Amanda Moore commented
What about this being worked on to roll out to US customers as well?
Alan Macdonald commented
That's great to hear you are working on automatically creating these bills in xero which I think is long overdue.
Is it possible that the admin could elect to create these as draft OR approved bills in the same way you can with repeating bills? That way, they don't need to be approved which is an unnecessary manual step.I would be interested to hear about the other automation projects that Xero are working on?
James Diprose commented
This would be great!
It annoys me whenever I reconcile transactions that I have to go and find a Xero invoice email, follow the link, open the link for each invoice and then click Add to Xero for each one to have draft bills created in Xero.
So instead of thinking, "wow Xero is great, it helps me save time" I think, "why are you making me and everyone else do all of this unnecessary work, I wonder if there is an alternative product..."
Alicia Anderson commented
Totally agree!
Sue Focas commented
What a great idea!
Tracey G commented
In Xero when I send out an invoice to my customer a link is automatically included in the email with the options to:
- include files as attachments
- include PDF attachement
- Send me a copy (my email)Can you please "Include a PDF" when you email out our monthly invoice?
Also, can you send the email directly to my draft bills email address?that would save some time...
Geoff Schmidt commented
With the rollout of eInvoicing, encouraged by Government and supported by Xero, the Xero invoices should be sent to their customers via eInvoicing if the customer is registered for it.
This will promote eInvoicing and provide a real-world example of how it works.
Nancy Wauchope commented
At one time they had the capability to send invoices through Hubdoc. Since Xero owns Hubdoc, why not bring that back to at least save us from having to retrieve the invoice.
Trudy Guy commented
Of course this idea is great for those who are getting a xero invoice for their individual subscription. This does not apply when the invoice is applied to the accountant who then passes on a discretionary charge to their client. I have both scenarios to deal with, so I would still like it to be automatic from Xero to post it straight into the system if possible. It would be a time saver for me at least for some of my clients.
Alan Macdonald commented
This is a complete and utter waste of time for ALL Xero users to do the following EVERY single month.
1. Click on invoice link in email
2. Save as PDF
3. Create an invoice an PDF. We use repeating invoices for this.
4. Attach PDF to an invoice
5. Approve invoice.Xero could even use the Xero API to create the invoice and attach the PDF invoice for each client.
It would save a lot of people a lot of time.
Seriously, how hard can it be to implement this???
Heather Barclay commented
Natasha Hamlet - this is what we all have to do every month. You can't even just forward the e-mail to Hubdoc, which would be straightforward. What is being suggested is that rather than using this longer process, Xero instead give the option of something similar to the network key that allows us to send clients' invoices direct into Xero. It would be much quicker than opening the e-mail, logging into Xero (you have to log in again, even if you have Xero open in another window), enter username, password, then three-step authentication before you can download the invoice. The process takes twice as long if you have clients on Accountant Only packages, too, as they come in a separate invoice.
Natasha Hamlet commented
Not sure if this is a new thing, but when you click the link for the invoice, this opens up a browser with the invoice. Where it has the option to save to PDF/CSV it also has an option for Xero. Login, check the organisation name and it will save the document to your draft bills for processing.
Heather Barclay commented
This is a no-brainer. I can use the Xero network key to send my invoices directly to my clients' Xero accounts, so why do I have to open an e-mail then follow a link to download my invoice from Xero? Even sending the invoice direct to my Hubdoc e-mail would be better.
Tracey G commented
Can Xero email the invoice as a PDF to our 'Files xero email address' instead of an email with a link?
That way when the transaction line appears in bank feeds I can just add the pdf invoice from 'Add from file library...' -
Accounts Officer commented
Dext (receipt bank) email/add their invoice. No reason why XERO cant?
Martin White-Rose commented
I have raised this with Xero support - as assumed I was doing something wrong with my Xero Invoices to not be imported.
They confirmed that Xero does not have a Xero Network Key - so no Xero to Xero billing. Just the email reminder with a link to get the invoice.
At present I forward the monthly invoice notification email to hubdoc, and create a bill from that using Xero as a supplier. I also sync the email to Xero Files and GDrive with this.
That's not ideal though, as the email _is not the invoice_. It has a link to the invoice which you can then download in PDF, CSV or Xero.
The result is that the bill in Xero has an attachment, which is a copy of the email and that then has a direct link to the invoice if I needed it for future ref.
If Xero could either setup invoices for Xero to Xero billing or just attach a PDF version to the email - it would make it much easier to use the product they are invoicing for to automatically process their invoice.
Very odd that this is not a feature at the moment.
Tanya Cameron commented
Is this not what the Xero Network Key does? Allow bills to be added to Draft bills? I use repeating bills and add attachment
Helen Hogan commented
The xero bill should be an attachment like for our customers so you can set up a rule in your email for it to be sent to drafts, much easier than downloading bill then sending to drafts.
Rozalia Molnar commented
There is an option to set up repeating bills.. i have been using this for the Xero invoices. There is an option to add a month into the name too.
When the invoice email to me, i attached the copy of the invoice to the bill. I do not have to spend time entering each invoice separately.
Let me know if you need help setting it up.