AU Payroll - Leave requests for part time workers that dont work standard hours
When multiple days are requested the ability to adjust the hours for leave application so it matches the ordinary hours for particularly days.

Thanks for your feedback and interest in the idea here. We appreciate the desire for being able to enable employees to make these changes themselves.
While this is something the team will continually review as they keep developing Payroll for Australia, we want to be open that this is not in the direct plans atm.
If there are any changes or progress for developing this we'll be sure to come back and update you on this, here.
Terry Andrews commented
Staff should be able to put in total hours on leave requests.
Our organisation doesn't work on a 9-5 basis. At present if I put in their hours when I set up the Employee Xero automatically divides that by 5 days, but we have staff who work 2, 3, 4 or 5 days, with set hours per day.
At present staff have to put in a leave request for everyday they are off, instead of being able to put in a weeks leave request and being allowed to put their total hours in. Makes no sense what so ever for our organisation, and causes extra work for everyone.
Anyone else finding this a problem?
Accounts -Firex commented
I agree with the posts below - this basic function should be built into Xero. There seem to be a lot of assumptions by Xero that the employee and “payroll admins” can accurately make these calculations. Clearly, people interpret things differently and this is where human error occurs. We pay for systems, like Xero, to remove/mitigate human error.
While it will be painful, our solution is to move away from Xero to a product that can fulfill our requirements (and our basic employer obligations!).
Jeanette Korporaal commented
This is critical as leave requests are calculated incorrectly. Xero is not helping the employer's responsibility to keep accurate records of leave accrual and taken.
Stacey Quinn commented
I seriously cannot believe this is still an issue. Agree with you Mark, how is this not a daily complaint to Xero. This has been an issue and requested of Xero since the program began and I can see in the Xero community it's asked OVER AND OVER AND OVER with no response from Xero.
It's not just a "would be great to have this function" request, it goes to the basic fundamentals of a legally correct functioning payroll program. Just get on with it and fix it along with calculating leave taken for salary earners. I can't understand why my hourly rate changes just to take leave. -
Mark Priebatsch commented
If employees are set up with 'Fixed Amount per Period' the daily hours in each leave request are calculated using the hours field from their Pay Template instead, then divided by the working days in their pay period. When employees are on a monthly salary, this can cause a fluctuation, as you have found.
Currently, it's not possible to set a specific number of daily hours in a leave request for employees.
This needs to be fixed ASAP - I cannot believe that all Companies that pay there employees Monthly are not jumping up and down - else they are looking at other solutions???
Sanjay Singh commented
Leave Calendar to fit a Business's trade days
Krystal Butcher commented
Agreed! This has been an issue with Xero always but worse in the past few years as the standard working week is not full time or Monday to Friday any more. Please change this asap. We should be able to allocate how many ordinary hours an employee usually works on each individual day on their profile.
Rob Carson commented
This was raised in 2019 (, this is a critical function that should be in accounting software.
Michelle Beardsmore commented
Being able to allocate part time workers to certain working days of the week would be of great assistance, particularly when the person works not only part time but school holiday breaks too.
Kristen Gidley commented
My employees work a 38 hour week over 4 days (ie 9.5 hours per day). When they apply for a days leave it automatically comes up as 7.6 hours where it should be 9.5 hours and therefore always needs to be adjusted- which can often get missed. Would be great if system would recognise when a payroll works a different scenario to the std 5 days .
Mandy Espiritu commented
For shift workers this is essential. Why does Xero assume everyone works 7.6 hours per day & doesn't work weekends? I have to adjust every leave request. And the silly thing is that the employee can't see the hours & assumes it's OK.
Lauren Reinhardt commented
Come on Xero!! Help us all out and make this happen. We have been waiting so long for it.
Christie van der Beeke commented
Xero, this request has been going on for 9 months in this thread, and I also know there are other threads on the same topic. Please listen to the requests of your subscribers, and focus on delivering something that is pretty fundamental and critical to some many. This isn't about something looking good, or a minor tweak, it significantly impacts our work/businesses.
Michelle Lee commented
There needs to be a solution that covers clients who dont use Xero timesheets also.
VJ Boland commented
I have just been told by Xero support that an hours template has not been requested yet here it is!
All staff in this business are on different part time agreements. Every time there is a public holiday or leave, its a manual calculation & then checking to make sure nothing has been missed. Christmas & new year was an overly manual and time consuming process with the annual leave & public holidays
I dont think its enough to push me onto Xero Me & hope employees do timesheets correctly as there is also the factor of Time off in Lieu (TOIL or TIL) for extra hours worked
Please xero create a roster like system where we can enter employee ordinary days & hours which will then remove the error prone, manual system that only accounts for Monday - Friday, 8 hrs a day
Lisa Andrews commented
With monthly payroll I know that we can edit or submit leave requests from staff, but I do not understand why this needs to be done. We have said in the payroll settings and also in the employee leave tab that an employee only accrues 150 hours of say Annual leave per year, so if an employee was to submit 20 days of leave it calculates as 141.3043 hours (which is not correct, it should be 150 hours). I know that it is being accrued on a calendar year and each month has a different number of days in it, but if the same monthly payroll is being processed at 162.5 hours per month - 37.5 hr week x 52 weeks = 1950 hours per year divided by 12 = 162.5 hours per month of paid hours. This is very time consuming and open to human error :(
Lyn Birnie, Treasurer commented
It would also be good to be able to store the work days / hours per day roster, which would help with this.
Each part time person has to be adjusted when there's a public holiday -
Ingrid Hammendorp commented
Ridiculous that it's not a feature, which is crucial for easy use of annual leave and public holidays calculations. I have to go through each leave request and draft wages to correct the public holidays on the hours and if it's not a workday for employee.
Carmen Solorzano commented
I find this issue a very time-consuming exercise. It would add great value to so many clients with a large number of employees choosing to work part time.
William Colvin commented
Agreed. The numbers of hours in a workday changes each month depending on the number of business days per month, if you pay monthly. Either introduces a lot of manual effort, or means that different amounts of leave are used depending on which month you take leave.