Invoices - Ability to send Invoices and statement to seperate email addresses
Some purchase contacts have requested that invoices be sent to an accounts email while statements are to be sent to a different email address, both of which are different from the person who is the actual primary contact. It would be advantageous for Xero to incorporate this to allow for the invoices and statements to be sent to the correct emails without the necessity of sending every document to the primary contact or to each other which is not required or desired.

Rachel Rock commented
The original post was August 2023 and this still hasn't been updated by XERO. Surely there should be some kind of update on this already!
Shashwat Singh commented
Send all your xero emails from your own domain in just 2 mins. Watch demo : (No need for multiple tools, relay systems, or complicated setup)
Contact :
Sinead Gibbons commented
Yes! I totally agree, this is a must. I don't think i'm on my own on this one, it seems everyone is looking for the same feature to be added. We had this option on previous softwares used. It saves so much time then needing to go through each customer to change the email when sending statements as the majority of our customer request invoices and statements sent to different email address than the primary contact. I'm really surprised that this feature has not already been added with the level of requests before mine.
Adele Dixon commented
It is also a problem for us when we add a Contact & then add the name & contact details.
For Rayable Contacts & for Receivable Contacts... there are different names /job functions/email addresses attached to each. When we send statements we use certain contact details & when we have a purchasing query we contact a different person & department.
With the current setup in XERO, one can not see which department each contact name is working in. Suzie works in Creditors & Anne work in Debtors. Please add a field so that one can add the role of the contact person. -
Becky Plant commented
Yes! This would be so helpful as often quotes go to the individual for approval/PO requesting, the invoice goes to accounts payable and statements to a separate person in finance for chasing up.
Hans Walzl commented
The one improvement we would like to see.
Jenny Romeril commented
We are getting more and more requests for different emails to be used for invoices/statements and general correspondence. Please give us more options for email address use, most companies have many emails for different uses and some are going to apps which deal with specific documents. Urgently required.
Datacat Network Cabling Ltd commented
Over a year on and this vital action is not possible. I have just been asked by our customer why she has to receive duplicate emails all the time and it's rather embarrassing to have to say 'we don't use SAGE' ... maybe we should?
Casey Crocker commented
we are being asked to send invoices, statements and remittance advices to different email addresses as our customers have an automated processing system for their invoices. The other documents are not being received by the appropriate person due to only being able to send to one email address for all documents. We shouldn't be having to manually enter the email address each time we need to send the Statement/invoices/quote. It's a waste of time and tedious when there are multiple customers needing it.
Samantha Leggatt commented
This is needed urgently!
David Shea commented
this should offer different emails for all options
eg quotes vs invoices -
Calvin Karsten commented
Very critical for users! being able to allocate this info on the contact level so automated statements sending becomes super easy.
Would think this is simple fundamentals for an accounting software your size.
Please make it happen :)
Adam Formica commented
Think this would be very helpful to our organistaion as we have a number of project running for a number of clients who have different cc needs.
Alicia Critchley commented
Xero, this is a basic option, please make this available
Gemma Indra commented
Gemma Indra commented
Xero .... if your customers have been asking for this for over 1 year... why haven't you implemented this yet???
Just give us a drop-down box where we can select which email address we want to send the purchase order/remittance/invoice etc to !! Please :) -
Beverley Dollery commented
This is needed urgently!
Dan Thomas commented
HAving just started using Xero, I am amazed that this isn't a standard function.. Every single customer has different people involved in the purchasing process and the ability to send only the correct information to the right person is imperative. Accounts do not want copies of all quotations.
Tania Spencer commented
This really needs to be sorted. We send PO's to suppliers to their sales team, but in order to be able to send remittances once invoices are paid, I need to include an email address for their accounts team. This means both sales and accounts departments get emails for both POs and remittance advice. There should be a tick box to send emails to specific contacts for specific purposes
Ruth Tonkin commented
Just had a client asking for this exact thing, as they have changed to an automated system for receiving invoices and statements. I had to go back to them and say sorry cant do this with xero.
Hopefully we don't loose them as a customer due to this function not being available.