New Invoicing - Reset to Default Due Date option
New invoicing is missing the ability to select the default due date that is against the customer. I had to change the invoice date for a customer with set payment terms of 30 days from the invoice date and there were several suggestions listed but the old option to reset to default date was missing.

Quick roll out here 😊 the improvements for the date selector are now live to all users including the ability to Reset to default due date.
Just remember the default will be based on the setting in the contacts record, or if there is none saved this will default to the options set in your Invoice Settings.
Appreciate all your feedback and sharing with us through the idea here.
Joelene Dalli commented
Today is 11/12/24. This issue seems to have been raised in early 2024. What time frame are we looking at to get this issue fixed?
My business needs the Invoice Due Date from the Contact's Sales default to pull through when copying an invoice to a new invoice.
The worst part about this is that due dates were not something that I ever looked at in old invoicing - because it would default to the correct date from the contact. So when I switched to new invoicing, I didn't realise there was a due date error for a week. That was a big job to fix a week's worth of invoices. Even now I still forget to change the due date some times.
When I copy an invoice to a draft invoice, I remove the contact name and type it in again. This fixes the due date. It's annoying, but faster than looking up the contact card for the payment terms of that contact.
Rhianne Simpson commented
Agree with the comments below - the reset to default allowed precise dating for invoice due date based on the set defaults. A nightmare not too have it and time consuming for all involved having to check which terms are set for that specific customer then manually check on a calendar if its the correct date. Also leaves too much room for human error. Sick of Xero needlessly changing features
Olga O'Keefe commented
@Carla Fallows,
this is one of many glitches in new invoicing. They did not fix it but notify us every time when we copy an invoice. The warning window pops up "Contact and Item defaults will not reapply to the new invoice. If you want to reapply defaults, remove and reselect the Contact or Item after the invoice is copied".
It is an improvement as before August (if my memory is correct) they contact field was blank in a copied invoice.
I hope they will be able to fix this issue later.
It is extremely annoying to copy the contact's name in the field and they paste it back to be sure that you are "selecting" the correct name.
Carla Fallows commented
Most of my Contacts have a Due Date default setup but when I copy and invoice the due date always reverts to the same date as the invoice date - there used to be a "Revert to default due date", or similar, button which would be really handy instead of the numerous clicks I now have to do. Alternatively - how about it just defaults to a contacts due date - that is what we want 99% of the time anyway?
Skye Baillie commented
We import bulk invoices from a third party platform, and the Old invoicing would automatically pull the due date from the contact details. The new invoicing isn't doing this, it's made them all the same due date. I now have to manually change each invoice to match the customer due dates. Not to mention I'm going to need to keep a spreadsheet externally to refer to. This is a large addition of work you've added to people's workdays. We may need to look at other options.
Aisha Osamor commented
Please put default due date back in to the new invoicing. I use it ALL the time as we have our general settings at 30 days but some of our clients are 60 or 45 days. When copying an invoice with the 60 days payment terms over to reuse for the same client, the invoice reverted back to 30 days when it shouldn't be. I couldn't then just use default to due date either. Please reconsider. Thank you
Jane Tovey commented
Hi I'm having the same issue as above, when I raise an invoice and the client has already been set up with the due date default set to 30 days after the invoice date. This is not being picked up in automatically but it puts the same date as the date I'm raising it. I'm having to double-check the previous invoice or the client record. Can you advise if this is being fixed?
Freya Pieroz commented
@Claire Parker then you add the fact that dealing with the Australian Government and Defence, you have two different default due dates based on the method of invoice delivery - 5 days for e-invoicing, 20 days for emailed invoices, neither of which is available in the drop-down menu, and this is influenced by the terms of each contract. I've dealt with the lack of multiple contact details by making each contract a separate contact, which incidentally allows for different default payment terms for each contract. The lack of being able to reset due date to (contact) default means that I've had to stop using recurring invoices and instead have to remember each month to copy the previous invoice for all the contracts and update all the line items individually instead of having recurring invoices that update the (for example) month being invoiced for.
Yvonne Watt commented
I agree with many of the comments already made.. specifically Chris Curlett.
Emulating the current used invoicing software with developments of growth, or as you put it in your paragraph "improvements". Not going backwards.
Clearly removing this option from your software is not something a majority of your current users are going to be happy with, let alone being forced to changeover with these unsupported changes come September. Little disappointing as the current one works just fine for me in my opinion, why can't you support both platforms of invoicing, so as to appease to all clientele??Really hoping this will be fixed before 2nd September.. I'm not looking forward to the mess that appears to be incoming against our will.
Chris Curlett commented
Come on XERO users incl ourselves need this. I think you forget you need the new Invoicing to AS A MINIMUM emulate the current invoicing. We, the users, are your clients, and the software needs to develop - not go backwards as it is doing now!
Come on, guys - please help us with all the constructive requests we have made!
Claire Parker commented
Thanks, Kelly. Please understand that businesses operate under very different models. Whilst blanket trading terms are probably OK for many tiny businesses, larger businesses have due dates that can be specific to a customer (contact). In order for all businesses to function with Xero, then both options must be available in New Invoicing. Please allow us to choose whichever default setting suits our business best. Thank you.
Daniel Garrick commented
It would be great to have invoices created via the API respect these default due dates. At present there is no way (that I have found) which allows applying a contacts default due date when raising an invoice via the Xero API - or even to query the contacts default due date setting so as to apply it manually in the API call.
Cheryl Ashton commented
Very frustrating when copying a customer invoice that the due by date does not come over with the customer info of credit terms as it used to.
Elise Carwardine commented
This is critical to our business also, as we have many different payment terms for customers. I don't understand why this wasn't part of the update anyway.
Andrew Syme commented
Hi Terri Orozco, Can you explain a bit further what isn't working for you. For me, the default terms on a new invoice are correctly calculated from today, which covers approx 90% of use cases. Its only after I modify the invoice date that I then need to adjust the due date by whatever number of days relative to today that I changed the invoice date. Very easy to do using the date picker.
Teri Orozco commented
If you do not add this (default due date) back into the new invoicing system, it will be a NIGHTMARE for our company. We have customers who are net-1, net-10, net-30, even net-45, and net-60. Without that option (default due date), I have to go into EACH customer's Contact page to find out their net payment status, go back into the new invoicing system, and click "custom" and enter the date. What a waste of time all day long... not to mention room for "human error".
Shannon Pryznyk commented
A waste of time having to manually enter the due date, eventhough it is already set up under the customer profile.
Lucilia Powell commented
So far I have not found anything in the new invoicing that made me like it more than the previous, I really dislike it! And the due date on the email template is confusing to customers paying on proforma or for paid invoices.
Yvonne Watt commented
Really need this implemented!!!
I'm wondering if anyone else is happy with the new immediate download opening for printing?? While it probably saves time for some, I'm now wasting time reopening in Adobe with my preferences saved to print in black & white. If i change my settings for one print & forget on the next, I'm actually printing multiple times, causing more wastage in paper & toner & time. I'm really not looking forward to the new invoicing setup at all... :(
Freya Pieroz commented
I cannot think of a single one of my clients who uses 7 day or 14 day terms by default. If I change the invoice date, I'd really like to be able to click once to adjust to the payment terms set for that client's customer instead of having to manually change the due date (which first involves going in to the customer contact and checking what payment terms have been negotiated... So unnecessary!)