New Invoicing - Keep Classic Invoicing

Hi everyone, appreciate your continued feedback on new invoicing. As mentioned in my last update we've now added a new Xero Central page for new invoicing.
Along with updates to individual ideas on Xero Product Ideas, this page will become the single source of truth for key feature rollouts including:
- what’s available in new invoicing right now,
- timelines for features and enhancements going live in new invoicing, as well as
- a comparison table between the classic and newer versions of invoicing.
We'll be updating this page regularly.
Relating to some of the more recent feedback there are some existing ideas that may also be of particular interest that you can join, like the ability to see the email the invoice was sent to in the history, or being able to see a timestamp, and reducing clicks and steps.
Donielle Van Gieson commented
In the new invoicing when using auto sales tax lookup you have to enter the delivery address every time which is something you don't need selling at a brick and motor location without the delivery. Some sales are delivered and some are not so it would be nice if it would hold the store location address in as a saved address for quick entry. In classic you don't have to enter a delivery address at all but you have to use manual sales tax.
James Bainbridge commented
OS platform. Totally agree, there is no button for next invoice and print PDF does not auto download, creating even more windows.
Tracy How commented
This new invoicing is very clunky please keep the classic invoicing....
You have no option to amend the attention field within the invoice - this can only be done within the contact.
A zoom out feature is required as the new layout is too blown up resulting in me having to minimise the invoice screen which in turn minimises the rest of the functions and makes them so small I have to zoom in again!!! -
Katherine Leigh commented
I invoiced all my clients at the end of January as being told classic invoicing was being withdrawn from September I thought I was doing the right thing. However, I've subsequently found out that Xero to Xero is not available in new invoicing, and there are no plans to develop/include it. What a gigantic backwards step. Now I have to send all my invoices by pdf and enter manually into my clients' Xero. Not impressed at all! If a feature is being replaced it should at lease have all the current functionality. New versions are supposed to be improvements not regressions.
Patrick Meehan commented
Selena Read commented
Completely agree! I jump right onto using any new features xero adds as like to get the full use of the system but I tried the new invoicing once and as it cant give me tracking options am unable to use it. As you say if the new invoicing was something we all liked we would be using it already not having to be forced to used it or leave!
Xero I am sure you will loose more customer trying to bring this one in than you would if you leave it as it is.
Focus your time on the things we really need like payment links on statements, segregation of user access and bulk allocation of credits. If you are able to sort just these 3 issues out you would have no where near so many idea's just sitting in this forum year after year. Most of the idea's on here are just asking for the same things just in a different way if you combined all the like idea's you will see we are not asking for much. -
Micah Levy commented
We don't want new invoicing. It doesn't have all the features of classic invoicing and we are going to be forced onto it. Listen to your customers please! If the new system was equivalent or better you wouldn't have to force people onto it, they would want to use it.
David Tyler commented
Let people choose between classic invoicing and the new invoice program.
New invoice program is really quite bad, you have taken out the way of adding 5,10and 20 lines and the worst omission is the qty cell, you used to get a running tally of stock on hand which was handy when you have a thousand lines of stock. now you have to do the whole invoice and at the end you have to go through and alter any qty changes, at least the old invoice you could do any changes straight away. BRING BACK THE OLD INVOICE PROGRAM. Don't change things just because you can!!!!!. -
Jacqui Rood | Girl Friday Ltd commented
I have decided to trial your new invoicing for the 2nd time since Xero is now forcing us to... as you'll be removing classic invoicing at the end of the year... our whole team have trialled the new invoicing and we have all aborted as we do not like it and it SLOWS US DOWN! It certainly is NOT faster. When I review invoices, we have multiple documents attached to the invoice. I open all these to reconcile the invoice that has been drafted, before I can approve and send. The new invoicing system, opens each document up in a new tab. Classic invoicing has the pop up window and I can just click next for each view. Now I have to toggle between multiple tabs and work on two screens. It is slow and is adding at least 5min to each approval and we have LOADS of invoices. Your new system also does not keep track of who we emailed the invoice to. We have multiple departments per client and we like to refer to the prior invoice to see who we have emailed the invoice to. That log has not disappeared in history and notes. You have also removed the expected date button in history and notes as we add in another date before exiting out of the invoice. Now we have to go to awaiting approval and search for the invoice to add the date. This adds TIME. And there are a few clients that we have to manually send the invoice to, as their inboxes will not accept invoices sent from Xero due to security reasons. With the old system, we could mark the invoice as sent to show that we have sent it. The new system just reflects as not sent. Now we have to go into the invoice and manually check a box. I fear November as this system is CLUNKY. It's not streamlined.
Avi Orzech commented
Complete timewaster this new layout.
You can longer tab to the next field once the autosuggest gives you a record, you have to press enter.
You can't cancel a draft so your invoice numbers have gaps in them,
I hate this design througout the whole system and plan on using classic for as long as I can.
Do not abuse your users. -
Sue Brant commented
Please do not remove the classic version of the invoice until all of the features of the classic are in the new. We use the overpayment function all the time, but I have found the new statement does not allow it. I appreciate you trying to improve, but removing features is a step backwards, not forwards.
Selena Read commented
It is imperative that we have this function or we will be forced to change to a different accounting package! We only invoice twice a month and are unable to change our invoicing procedure. Due to this we have hundreds of customer payments that we have to put on their accounts ready to match with the invoices once they are raised.
Charlotte Woodbridge commented
NO OPTION TO MARK A PAYMENT AS AN OVERPAYMENT? WHY WAS THIS REMOVED? What do we do if someone overpays an invoice? I would previously mark as an overpayment and either make a cash refund or allocate the overpayment as a credit against another invoice. Now what do I do?
I am trying to use new invoicing in preparation for the swap but I don't like it yet. It takes longer. Please check that many improvements are made before we are forced to use new invoicing for good.
Freya Pieroz commented
@Nigel Godfrey they may be "trying to apply best practice web guidelines for accessibility reasons" but they've actually made it less Accessible and now fail more of the guidelines, even the basic ones that the government can work out.
Brent Godfrey commented
There are key features that are missing and feels like the New version is a design downgrade:
1. "Quantity on hand" no longer pops up when entering the quantity on the New version. This is important if our stock is running low for us to understand how best to prioritise remaining inventory.
2. Unable to undo unwanted auto-save changes. Most of our invoices are generated from our customers' Purchase Orders that are sent as XML files. In the Classic version we can make changes to the invoices and if we want to revert to the original we simply refresh our browser. There is no "undo" in the New version with all changes (including unwanted changes) automatically saved as a draft. There needs to be an "undo" option in the New version.
3. The design of the New version tends to be too spread out.
a) All the fields on the top of the New version are all larger.
b) We don't use 'online payments' - don't know why this setup option needs to appear on a working invoice? It could be moved into the overall settings page, under "features".
c) Branding theme options could be moved to the same line as the other invoice field options saving further space by having just one line of field options.Happy to have a call with the right team members to provide my feedback if that would help?
Sharon Ayris commented
My colleague and I are finding the new invoicing really clunky and more time consuming to use. We now need to click on 'Preview' just to see who the invoice was marked attention to if we need to follow it up. We also need to do this when following up on overdue invoices and having to find out who to direct it to. We also find that it doesn't flow on the screen and you need to move around quite a bit to do what used to be a simple task. Please give us the option of remaining on classic invoicing from September. Thank you.
Nigel Godfrey commented
The UI for new invoicing is terrible - it looks like a previous version from which "classic invoicing" was developed, and it's harder to use, and hard to understand.
Please put back all the UI elements and clarity that made Xero popular in the early days - when it was sold as "beautiful accounting software".
Firstly there are two different invoice layouts: one for editing, and one for viewing. That's just confusing, wasn't the case before and should not be necessary.
In the edit invoice layout there are wide, empty columns requiring side to side scrolling to fit everything in. For example the price column is so wide it could fit a trillion dollar number, and the column heading doesn't align the same way as the data. The item column is huge, but not everyone uses this. And cell contents don't word-wrap in my columns.
And in the display invoice layout tax codes and both tracking categories are shown on a different line to the one they apply to.
And when I go from one layout to the other everything moves, and I have to try and connect what I am seeing now to what I was seeing a moment ago.
It's just a mess, and hurts my brain every time.
I understand that you are trying to apply best practice web guidelines for accessibility reasons, but they are designed for normal webpages, not for accounting apps. Does Google Sheets require huge whitespace everywhere, or does it look similar to a native app like Excel? Accessibility is important, but not at the expense of usability. It should be possible to have both, even if you have to support two ways of showing the data, rather than just two style sheets like in the bank rec layout.
Laura Burgess-Monks commented
Please allow subscriber to remain on classic invoicing system and do not stop in Sept 2024. The new invoicing layout creates a great deal of additional work, and it looks terrible. Attaching a file option has been made very difficult.
I cannot understand why the need to change to this awful way to invoice. -
Jessica Wahjudi commented
To switch back the invoicing to the old one. The new feature is less user friendly and you can't even drag and drop file anywhere in the window now, which is a step back from what it used to be. The copy function is also less user friendly. Layout is not nice also.
Admin Brisan commented
I agree. Changing the issue date or due date is complicated. Deleting a line should be an "x" at the end like classic invoicing.
Unnecessary changes when the old way was working fine.