New invoicing - Assign next number in sequence when number removed
We bulk upload invoices in advance with "Draft" invoice numbers as we don't know their ultimate sequence for issue. We then assign a chronological invoice number when the invoice is approved and/or saved. In "Classic" invoicing, if I delete the invoice number it automatically assigned the next number in sequence e.g. #INV-0089, however in "New" invoicing if I delete the invoice number is warns me that I need a number and reverts to the original "Draft" number" and not the next chronological number in sequence. This is a significant backward step in functionality, can you confirm this bug will be solve before Classic Invoicing is retired. Thank you. Rene

Hi team, we appreciate the added feedback from you on the behaviours from classic that you'd find useful in new invoicing. The invoice number assignment is still a feature that our teams are continuing to monitor closely. Right now, while we don’t have plans for changing the way invoice numbers are assigned, our product teams are considering future improvements - As part of this they are doing some discovery that we’d love to get your contribution to.
We'd like to invite you to share back though our survey here. Insights from this will help our product teams get a deepened sense of our invoicing users. Thanks
Colm Waldron commented
This is really important - we are now expected to apply the invoice number manually. That just makes no sense. I wonder how many accountants are actively engaged with by XERO.
Charles Mitchell commented
Thanks so much Xero for making Invoicing more time consuming than it was. Glad you think us customers of Xero's are so unimportant and decide you know best. Other accounting solutions exist...
Spencer Clarke commented
Why oh why has Xero not ensured that New Invoicing includes all the functionality of Classic?
The numbering system auto-saves before I can renumber (we use two numbering systems - one for online automated sales and one for offline Xero sequential numbering).
New Invoicing then skips sequential numbering when we add an online invoice (for which its sequential numbering system starts with 999).
As it stands, I am concerned that Xero has made us uncompliant in the UK with HMRC sequential numbering rules - and that this could lead to financial penalties. Thank you Xero. You've managed to create a problem when there wasn't one before...
Oh - and another thing - your survey does not allow for multiple answers to explain how and when we invoice. So even that has been poorly thought-out.
Kamil Shah commented
So today is the first official day of using new invoicing. Xero have told me that the automatic assigning of the next number is "not an priority" so I am led to believe that all the communication that they are "closely monitoring this" is superficial.
Xero have told me to use a workaround...
I am to have a separate tab open to show all the invoices so that I know which is the latest number and therefore be able to add this manually on new invoices I am creating. OBVIOUSLY this is a ridiculous state of affairs given that technology is supposed to make work more efficient, not less...
Invoice numbering is a basic practice of accountancy so for a software provider to expect customers to use workarounds to manage such basic practices is beyond belief.
Finally, I have a question for people on this group. Does anyone have experience of QUICKBOOKS and whether it is a good platform for switching over to?
Rae Stanton commented
STILL A MAJOR FLAW IN YOUR SO CALLED IMPROVED INVOICING SYSTEM!!! Please, please, PLEASE do not retire classic invoicing until you get this (and other non-improvements fixed!!
Lizette van Blerck commented
Hi Kelly,
Thank you for your feedback.
It is disappointing and frustrating to see that this feature will not be replicated before turning off classic invoicing.
We are dreading this and feel it is unfair to pass on the cost of the additional time it is going to take us to process these invoices, to the client. Our time could be spent more efficiently/cost-effectively.
Please do not turn off Classic invoicing until this issue has been resolved.Thank you.
Julian Chetham commented
I fail to understand how this represents Xero being open. This is a major flaw that you are introducing in almost all jurisdictions and environments. Auditors, governments and tax departments relay and recommend sequential invoicing, not to mention the day-to-day reliance on appropriate invoice numbers internally. This should be an absolute minimum requirement from Xero. Please do not remove classic invoicing until you have resolved your issue.
Charles Mitchell commented
Kelly, If this cannot be replicated I suggest you do not
retire classic. The trouble is your developers do not use the product in a work enviroment. -
Lizette van Blerck commented
Hi Kelly, thank you for your feedback.
We are unable to switch over to the new invoicing as we require the automatically assigned invoice number to be active. We have hundreds of draft invoices which, when it is time to raise the invoices, we encounter the same issue/s that our colleague mentioned. This is a critical issue.
We are also more than one staff member invoicing at the same time and thus, having to look manually for the next invoice number causes frustration due to using the same number and one member having to start over again. It is a waste of time and money.Your urgent attention to this matter will be appreciated.
Thank you.
Jim Morris commented
Yep, it's BS that it's still an issue—like so many other things that should have been fixed by now.
Matthew Edmunds commented
This idea has been here for 9 months but it is a critical issue especially in some jurisdictions like the Philippines where TAX invoices must be sequential AND chronological. If number are missing or out of sequence, the Tax authority will ask a lot of questions.
My suggestion is that the sequence number is only added to the document upon FINAL approval and sending. Prior to that it should be in draft mode and we don't really care what the nuber is at that stage.
I believe this simple approach would help ALL customers.
Thank you
Rae Stanton commented
I have raised this issue SO MANY TIMES!!!! It's infuriating and a backwards step with the so-called new invoicing.
Here's my standard comment that I'm posting wherever I feel it is relevant ...
I see that Xero has extended classic invoicing until end of Feb 25 (yay, coz let's face it, we all want to KEEP it!) ... so how about you let us just stay with classic invoicing instead of making us switch back every 24 hours. I would really appreciate not having to click twice to get back to where I want to be.
Alternatively ... feel free to fix the bug where Xero doesn't know the next available invoice number when I delete the existing invoice number ... coz that one is also very annoying and at this point it might be the only thing holding me back.
Thanks! And yes, I'm posting this in a few different places in the hope that I will be heard and that this infuriating bug will be fixed so that we get the old functionality in the so called New Invoicing.
Brianna Deacon commented
I had raised this same issue with Xero Support on 02 September, and on 07 November I was told in my case: "I apologise for the lengthy wait, it appears that this is not something that will be looked at before the retirement of Classic Invoicing."
Unfortunately, it feels like they aren't listening to their customers and taking on our feedback with features we need and want. -
Alison Walker commented
I will be changing jobs in the New Year and I'm considering turning down job opportunities with any future employer who uses Xero as I fully expect the abomination that is the new Sales Ledger process to be transferred over to Purchase Ledger once Xero have railroaded us to use their new Sales Ledger. The phrase 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' springs to mind - the Classic version works so well for so many of us end users why won't Xero listen???
Kathy Skinner commented
Agree - they are all about the money now, increase the price for a package that is going backwards especially now.
Platypus Billing commented
Doubt it's a glitch. Whatever they are after .... it's not in our best interest. I am pretty sure, now.
Heather Palmer commented
I seriously dont know what I will do when they retire the classic invoicing - i HATE the new invoicing it is simply awful, when you are adding things fast it just doesnt work. They need to leave it and let people decide what invoicing system they want to use and there is no need to update the classic invoicing it does its job well so why retire it.
Larissa de Paula commented
Another feature that the new invoice is missing from the classic one (no surprise) is automatically assigning an invoice number when the field is blank.
When our sales team raise the invoice from hubdoc, they put the event reference as the invoice number. When that invoice is sent to Xero, we paste that reference onto the Reference field instead and leave the invoice number blank as Xero automatically assigns a new invoice number to it when you save. BUT NOT ANYMORE WITH THE NEW INVOICING. I have to then open the list of all invoices to check what's the next number in the sequence to then apply it to my current invoice.
To be honest that are so many glitches with this new invoice that I don't understand the push since it's way much worse than the classic one. There's a discussion here ( with more than 800 complaints and it clearly shows the clients are not happy, yet it's very rare to see someone from Xero support to comment on it.
Please solve this glitch and listen to your customers!
Kamil Shah commented
I'm joining this conversation as our organisation is also facing the same issue. Xero communication has been beyond poor. They keep telling me that this is a priority matter - but this "priority" fails to be resolved months on.
@ Xero - we would expect your New Invoicing to maintain the same functionality as Classic Invoicing as a bare minimum. If you are unable to do this at present, please extend the switchover window. Your customers workflow as being seriously affected as is demonstrated by the comments in this case
Michelle Tucker commented
How long is it going to take to correct the sales invoice next number in sequence issue bearing in mind it was reported as an issue in March 24 and we are now in the middle of October 24, already 6+ months?? No wonder we are reverting back to the (nothing wrong with it) 'classic' invoicing!!