1387 results found
Recurring jobs search
The recurring job search is sensitive to macrons etc so clients are not showing up when you search. This is unlike the client search which picks up the client whether there are macrons or not.
2 votes -
AU Tax | Cover letter - Add Title placeholder
Need a placeholder for title (Mr/Ms etc) for cover letters. It should be an easy implementation, as tax returns should already have that as a label. We need it for the address section of the cover letter.
17 votes -
XPM - Partner, Account Manager and Job Manager merge fields
Have standard merge field for Partner, Account Manager, Job Manager for letter templates, email templates etc
6 votes -
Hubdoc - Add Last Items line orders & Reorder lines
Add Last Items on Hubdoc invoices - lines to be populated in the same order as the previous one. And/or enable the function to rearrange the line items on a multiple line invoice in Hubdoc (like you can in Xero).
61 votes -
XPM- Recurring jobs
Recurring jobs - add or change tasks & costs for each recurring job
2 votes -
A way to flag a client's with extra ATO security and steps for lodgement.
We have an increasing number of clients with compromised TFNs that have had to get added security on their ATO lodgments. When we lodge for these clients, it isn't always obvious if it's gone through or not, and as it is our assistants lodging and not the client managers, we can't expect them to memorise every secured client off by heart. We need a way to flag the client (other than a client note or a note on the form as these aren't checked regularly as part of the lodgement process).
This is becoming a bigger issue as scammers are…
4 votes -
Practice Permissions | Manage Users - Enable practice to remove access to client org
Practice Admin have the ability to remove themselves if they have been invite into a potential clients org without manage users.
Potential clients that decide to not go ahead with a Practice but done remove the PA from the org, PA should have the ability to remove themselves.
10 votes -
Hubdoc - Additional options for supplier Due Dates
Add default options for bill due dates within the supplier rules:
- end of current month (based on invoice date)
- end of next month (based on invoice date)6 votes -
File historic tax returns through Xero tax
It would be useful to be able to file historic tax returns prior to the dates shown in Xero. I have a client who submitted his own accounts but has never submitted his own tax returns so we need to file 4 returns for him but we are only able to go back 2 years.
3 votesHi Natalia, just to make sure I'm sharing this back with the right team internally. Where abouts is your client based. Our Tax products for each region are developed separately for their own needs and regulations so this information will make sure I get it back to the right team to consider.
Xero Tax (UK) | Add table for share capital note
Include a table showing the share capital issued.
6 votes -
Unclaimed money
To minimize the maximum organise for bout party to be aware to not to be niglected
2 votesHi Raydan, not entirely clear of your idea here can you share a bit more detail of the change or new feature you'd like to see Xero develop and how this would help you?
Adding an option for reports to include Hyperlinks to Xero
Allowing for exported excel reports to have an option to open hyperlinks. For example, being able to open the ledger of the expenses of a line item from the Profit and Loss statement, or being able to open the Aged Details of a customer by clicking on the link of the Aged Summary excel report, or being able to open the invoice by clicking on the link in the excel of the Aged Details reports. This would allow for less back and forth between an excel file and having extra tabs open to view the same report in Xero. The…
1 vote -
For UK add Audit Exempt Clause to Balance Sheet to allow filing with Co House
For UK add Audit Exempt Clause to Balance Sheet to allow filing with Co House or ability to add free text - is common requirement for small entities linked to a Group. Main reason why practice accountants can not use Xero more plus a Group accounts format would be great
1 vote -
Account codes printing on journals
Would it be possible to be able to have the account codes on the pdf manual journal report pleasse. Right now its annoying not to know which codes were used without having to print the journal and then review the chart of accounts to write down the codes manually by hand. The only alternative is to use workpaer journal templates which means doing the journals twice.
1 vote -
Rework the XERO deemed supply tax code (SIngapore)
In Singapore, deemed supplies include free samples given to customers at no charge. If input tax was claimed on the purchase of these sample items, businesses are required to account for output tax when giving out the samples. Currently, Xero does not allow sales invoices to be issued at a zero value. As a result, if a sample is given at no charge, the sales invoice does not register any tax code. The workaround is to input a sales value and create a negative line item to ensure the invoice registers the tax code.
The second issue arises when using…
1 vote -
BAS - Make Finalise BAS the default option
It's great that there is now the option to finalise and create a bill on a BAS...however that is not the default choice for Tax & BAS Agents so it would be nice if the big button was to FINALISE the BAS and the small button with the option to create the bill. Leave it as default in the linked to ATO BAS (lodge and create bill) but for BAS that aren't being lodged in Xero directly it's not helpful.
7 votes -
Partner status - Client detail in points section
Partner Status - recently we handed over some Xero subscriptions to our clients to pay directly. Instead of gaining extra points for our Xero status, our points have gone down. I'd like to be able to see under each partner points section a dropdown menu of the client names and points per client. This will also help me keep on top of our Xero recharges in case a client moves from one tier to another.
3 votes -
XPM Budget Field - Only available if Staff have Access Financial Data permissions
The job budget is a key piece of information for all staff to have visibility. However the Budget field on a job is only visible if staff have Access Financial Data permissions. Giving Access Financial Data permissions allows staff to view and edit client billing details, edit practice subscription and export subscription. Surely, such wide ranging powers is not appropriate for ALL staff.
Surely this permission should fall under the "Manage Jobs" permission matrix not under Finances permission matrix.
3 votes -
NZ Xero Payroll
It would be beneficial to clients that pay commissions if we could customise the description on the pay slip for the withholding income (instead of having to set up multiple 'Pay Items').
1 vote -
contact group change delete in history and notes report
Add contact group changes to History and Notes report. The History and Notes report should reflect an audit log, which would include any and all changes. It is difficult to discern issues or why something happened when not everything is available in the report.
1 vote
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