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For accountants & bookkeepers


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  1. Where on xero in the report is a customer & supplier name & address report giving account number / address details please.

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  2. Can Hubdoc extract the invoice reference or job reference from an invoice and add that as a job tag. Would be very useful when the invoice is on-chargeable to a project, especially when there are multiple projects/jobs on the go. E.g. building industry type jobs.

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     ·  1 comment  ·  Hubdoc  ·  Admin →
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  3. Xero have announced that they are removing the ability to automatically send batch files across to Kiwibank & ASB on 16th November, in order to "focus our efforts to support areas of Xero that provide the most value for customers."

    Speaking on behalf of my clients who actively use this feature, it's of huge value to them. It automates a process that otherwise involves manually downloading a file, logging into internet banking and uploading that file. It's even better for users who don't have internet banking access, but need to set up payment batches on behalf of those that do…

    36 votes
    10 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  4. When invoicing a job for a client that has a Billing Client I would like to able to sometimes invoice the Job Client instead of the Billing Client. Currently if there is a Billing Client exists XPM forces you to invoice the Billing Client.

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  5. It would be useful to be able to file historic tax returns prior to the dates shown in Xero. I have a client who submitted his own accounts but has never submitted his own tax returns so we need to file 4 returns for him but we are only able to go back 2 years.

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    1 comment  ·  Xero Tax  ·  Admin →
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    Hi Natalia, just to make sure I'm sharing this back with the right team internally. Where abouts is your client based. Our Tax products for each region are developed separately for their own needs and regulations so this information will make sure I get it back to the right team to consider.

  6. I'd like a dashboard showing all clients listed under our organization with all banking details as well as in the moment bank feed status (ie: is the bank feed active, does it needs to be refreshed, has it dropped). This would enable those that have many clients under their organization to work smarter to fix bank feeds as soon as they're down without delays.

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  7. ATO prefilling summary to include column displaying relevant Tax Return Label next to prefill information

    Example (Individual Tax Return - Bank Interest)
    Gross Interest $x,*** Label 10L

    Example (Managed Funds Distributions)
    Non primary production income amount $x,*** Label 13U

    Currently the ATO prefilling summary does not show the Tax Return Label which information will be prefilled into. Inclusion of Labels will make reconciliation between prefilling and Tax Return easier.

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  8. Allow users to add columns for Partner, Manager, Client Group, Xero file type and subscription owner.
    We have staff that work for a particular Partner's clients. It would be great to be able to filter the client list by all of the above information so that they can be easily identified for updating new staff permissions.

    12 votes
     ·  0 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  9. This is minor but annoying. I am working my way through a list of draft assets and when you register each asset Xero reverts to the registered list rather than returning to the draft list. This gets very tedious when you have a lot of draft assets!

    Conversely when you are disposing of assets it reverts to the disposed assets list when it would be more efficient to revert to the registered assets list so I can dispose of the next asset.

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  10. Separate the INCOME TAX EXPENSE from the normal operating expenses in the Profit & Loss Statement. for example:
    - Net Profit Before Tax
    - Net Profit After Tax
    This is the basics of accounting apps.

    80 votes
    6 comments  ·  Workpapers  ·  Admin →
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  11. The job budget is a key piece of information for all staff to have visibility. However the Budget field on a job is only visible if staff have Access Financial Data permissions. Giving Access Financial Data permissions allows staff to view and edit client billing details, edit practice subscription and export subscription. Surely, such wide ranging powers is not appropriate for ALL staff.

    Surely this permission should fall under the "Manage Jobs" permission matrix not under Finances permission matrix.

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  12. Sales Overview Improvement Request: Add "Send Date"

    To enhance our efficiency and reduce time spent looking up invoice details, it would be beneficial to add the "Send Date" to the Sales Overview page.

    Reason for the Request:

    Clients sometimes claim they have not received an invoice and ask when it was sent. Currently, to answer this, we must navigate into each individual invoice and check the history, which is time-consuming.
    Our team members occasionally inquire about the send date of invoices as well, and without this information readily visible, they too have to go into the invoice history.
    Proposed Solution:

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  13. Make the Job 'State' an editable field when running report.
    It would be helpful to have the ability to update the Job 'State' from a report.

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  14. The ability to filter by "Org access" in Xero HQ to show only the Xero files a staff member has access to, and exclude clients they only have Xero HQ Edit rights for.

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    0 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  15. Would be great to be able to customise reports generated through XPM so when generated it pulls through with the company logo, font preference and formatting instead of the generic format OR exporting to CSV and having to edit this every single time.

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  16. Bank connections page allowing you to view all clients' bank feed statuses in one central location and easily update the connections for your clients in one go rather than navigating to each client’s account.

    FreeAgent now has this ability, so will Xero follow suit and save hours if not days reconnecting bank feeds?

    4 votes
     ·  0 comments  ·  Xero HQ  ·  Admin →
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  17. Would be great to have a field option in the Report Builder that can show if a Tax Return was prepared as a 'Final Tax return'.

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  18. It would be great if there was some automatic notification to the client/job manager that a draft invoice has been raised and is awaiting approval.

    Probably just one email per day so they are not being spammed!

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  19. The ability to see the history of an item's selling pricing within the Invoicing screen would be extremely helpful. Sales staff would be able to quickly access the selling price history of items within the Invoice screen to ensure that the latest price is used on invoices.

    The ability to see this history within the invoice screen will also remove the need to access a separate report in Xero to view the history of inventory item sales price, which will save a lot of time.

    This would also be particularly beneficial for businesses who have frequent changes in their selling…

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  20. Provide an option under the client group to bill wip that's under multiple clients in the group with one invoice.

    At the moment it appears this can only be done under Invoices in the Business menu. Under the client group itself, while an invoice can be created for multiple jobs for one client, you can't create a single invoice to bill wip that's under multiple clients in the group.

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