Settings and activity
1323 results found
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
6 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
11 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
9 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
52 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
39 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
26 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
595 votes
Thanks for your expressions and feedback in a bulk download or print facility for Files (either from the Files library or at an individual transaction level)
We know that bulk operations can be handy, however at this time we have no plans to develop this functionality. We know it might seem like a small feat, however often even small change is more tightly woven and intricate to solve beneath the surface.
While we understand this must be frustrating to hear, we’re currently focused on making improvements in other areas of Xero and are unable to prioritise a bulk download or print feature right now.
However, in situations like these there are often connected apps through the Xero App Store that may be able to assist. We appreciate and will revise solutions that could fulfil needs in this space, but want to be honest this isn’t something we have plans for…An error occurred while saving the comment Freya Pieroz commented
Here's a screenshot of what downloading each. Individual. File. Separately. looks like right now when using Xero in Chrome. As you can see, the list of downloaded files in the browser covers the navigation buttons, rendering this unnavigable.
Unless you have the time to wait for the dropdown to time-out, which when I'm downloading timesheets for payroll (since holding on to timesheets is required by law, and they can't be attached to pays) I very much do NOT have that time!
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
145 votes
Hi everyone, we appreciate wanting the ability to assign files to the project itself. While this isn't something we have planned right now we'll keep tracking the interest through the idea here.
To highlight, though not currently available on the Project directly, it's possible to attach files to the individual transactions within a project e.g a Bill, Invoice, Spend money or Expense. i
Along with this, you may also find it useful to create folders within your Files library where you can collect all files related to a specific project for ease of reference.
Understand this isn't the ideal solution, but may help some for now 🙂
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
17 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
11 votes
Hi team, though we appreciate the use you'd find in being able to connect or send Xero Files to your cloud storage we want to be open that this isn't in our short terms plans.
We're keen to keep getting an understanding of interest in the capability, and will share if there are any updates or progress of this, here.
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
3 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
9 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Freya Pieroz commented
This would make things more Accessible for people who can't use a mouse - when I had wrist surgery (and beforehand, when I needed it but hadn't had it yet), it was a constant pain having to shift my one working hand from keyboard to mouse and back again, just to do basic things.
7 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
23 votes
Hi everyone, coming back across the idea here we wanted to clarify existing behaviour.
When you remove a staff member from HQ this automatically removes all org access, as long as those orgs are linked to client records, and as long as the client records are active (not archived) - Meaning you don't need to manually remove access to each org one by one.
The few cases where you would need to manually remove one by one would be if a client is archived or an org is not linked to a client record at the time of staff removal.
We intend to improve this experience and provide better visibility of staff access in the longer term, so when there is more progress on this I'll return to update you here.
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
355 votes
Thanks for your involvement and sharing your interest in adding multiple email addresses for a client in Practice Manager with us here.
This idea has been reviewed by our product team however with other priorities right now we don't have immediate plans for developing this capability. If there's any movement or news we'll definitely share with you all, here.
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
151 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Freya Pieroz commented
Xero currently fails the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This means that people with accessibility needs are locked out of being able to use Xero effectively.
A quick scroll through shows that Xero fails a number of criteria, such as:
- 2.1 Keyboard Accessible (for example, on the new bills page, tabbing through the page includes tabbing through the search bar, and when you tab through the date fields this causes today's date to be included as a filter, which cannot be immediately undone using the keyboard without tabbing through to another field)
- 2.4.7 Focus visible (if you tab through the page, can you see what you've tabbed to? Xero fails on the invoices page)
- 1.4.12 Text spacing (I'd really like to reduce the spacing between columns in tables, to increase the readability, but I can't figure out how. Compact view helps with the distance between lines, but not enough, and I can't figure out how to change that)
- 1.4.8 Visual presentation (the ability to switch between compact and regular view is not available on all pages)I can't say that the WCAG cover all situations, and there's certainly a bunch of best practices with regards to presentation that aren't specified in the Guidelines, but they are the bare minimum to ensure Xero is not in breach of the Disability Discrimination Act and to ensure that people like me can use the product they're paying for.
Freya Pieroz shared this idea ·
10 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Freya Pieroz commented
In the new contacts view, bills and invoices have an icon on the far right that is a shortcut button for "copy to a new draft". This icon is in the same place and is similar to the icon that indicates files are attached to the bill on the new bills page (files attached is one rectangle, draft a copy is two piled squares).
If I can only have one, I would prefer to have an icon for files attached, since I would want to check the details of an invoice or bill before I copy it, and it's a tedious process to check whether I've attached files to the relevant bill or invoice before I delete the file off my computer. But if the duplicate button is useful to someone, then we should have both.
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
37 votes
Freya Pieroz supported this idea ·
I regularly have every single transaction for a particular supplier flagged as 'Higher than average'. It's not significantly higher than average for that supplier, they just happen to be the major supplier for that category of thing. Like, of course the office cleaning company that comes in every week costs more than the occasional purchase of cleaning supplies from the supermarket!