4646 results found
AU Payroll - Long Service Leave report to show start date
It would assist us if the Leave Accrued Report could also show the employee's start date. Long Service Leave is only applicable to staff from the 5 or 10 year mark for us in NSW but to ascertain whether staff are eligible for it is requiring external spreadsheets that have to be manually adjusted each month. Xero already has the functionality to enable this so it can't be hard to action.
2 votes -
Bills - Add 'Upload bills' to Dashboard.
Add the 'Upload bills' feature as a widget on the Dashboard, for convenience.
At present you have to navigate to 'Bills to pay', then from the 'New bill' dropdown, select 'Upload bills'. It's a great time saving feature, but seems tucked away, and would be great if right from the dashboard I could just drop bills, and invoices, ready to process later.2 votes -
Bills List View - Show Project number
To be able to add a description column on Xero when looking at Bills or to even add Project number as a column so we can see what Bills relate to Which Project
4 votes -
eInvoice - Ability to add this to a contact record
eInvoice option should be able to be set in a clients contact card much like the Xero to Xero network key or as an option where these options are when emailing the invoice.
Include files as attachments
Include PDF attachment
Send me a copy (Email Address)
I feel that the new changes have made things slower for Clients and bookkeeper's
Some of the updates are not as straight forward.6 votes -
Bills - Add overpayment/older bills tab
Under the Bills and Invoices sections, could separate categories be introduced for overpayments and older bills from prior quarters? This would help declutter the Awaiting Payment section, especially for businesses with long credit terms, where bills may remain unpaid for several months.
3 votes -
New invoicing - Print packing slip in one click
We print packing slips for every invoice we print, since the changes xero has made it has added another step in out process, we are all about streamlining our processes. We would like to revert back to the old way as this is adding time and is also adding more unnecessary files to our computer system. please help us to streamline this process again as the current system doesn`t work for us
14 votes -
Invoice list view - Ability to tally by checkbox with search applied
Please add option to show invoice values excl/incl tax in invoice list views
Bulk invoice features. We would like to see more functionality added to the bulk editing in the sales overview/invoices:
- Bulk editing of Due dates
- Bulk editing of Expected date
A more consistent 'Tally by checkbox' - this works really well in the invoices lists where a sum of all checked invoice values are shown but this feature is missing in invoice searches.3 votesHi Jonas, it's best if we have each idea as a separate thread in the forums here so other members know exactly what they're adding their vote for and our product teams can gauge the interest in a specific feature.
I see you've already found and voted for this idea on bulk editing expected date. I've also just added your vote to this idea on bulk date change, and I'll slightly amend the title of your idea here for the 'Tally by checkbox' when you have a search applied.
While the current amount due shown on the list view will show as tax inclusive, if you'd like to view inclusive v exclusive you could run the Receivable Invoice Summary report where you have the option to add Gross, Net and Tax columns. Alternatively if there's a specific reason you'd like to view this from the list of invoices…
Semi-Annual Sales Tax Report
The new Sales Tax Report does not allow for a semi-annual tax reporting period. The non-profit youth camp I work for pays a small amount each year, and the state has us on a schedule to pay twice a year. That is not an option that can be selected, as the only options are Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually. Please add the option for a semi-annual reporting period.
2 votes -
Xero - Maintain previous design style in Xero
Keep the Xero Classic Look everyone preferred.
The design of the New Invoicing, Bills and Fixed Assets pages are sadly reminiscent of an excel spreadsheet.
One of the enjoyments of the Xero software compared to its competitors are the fresh, clean pages that make it inviting to use. When changing to new function, Xero has changed its design elements and is missing the 'attractiveness' that has been part of Xero's signature branding.
Specifically black text, flat checkboxes, grey cell borders and grey column headers makes it feel like an outdated 1990s program.
I am hearing similar comments from my clients.…
5 votes -
Bank Reconciliation - Reconcile expense claim against multiple statement lines
When an expense claim is created via Xerome a 'spend money' transaction is created instead of a bill which means that if there is more than 1 payment against this claim I cannot opt to split the transaction when reconciling the payments. There needs to either be an option to split or the expense should create a bill rather than a 'spend money' to enable easier reconcilliation
9 votes -
AU Payroll - Show pay earnings rate in Pay Template
When using the show earnings rate in the employee template have the amount show that you can verify that it is correct - rather than waiting for it to appear on the payslip.
2 votes -
New Invoicing - Files - 'View' and 'Delete' UI
There is a significant design flaw in the new Files UI:
1. The delete button will remove an attachment on a single click, rather than prompting a confirmation.
2. The 'View' file button is directly next to the delete button increasing the chance of accidentally clicking delete instead. Given the point above there's no way of recovering the attachment as clicking it will instantly remove that file.In the old invoicing you could simply click the file name to view rather than clicking a 'View' button. The delete button was under a cog and initiated a second click to confirm…
6 votes -
BAS - Add a GST calculation worksheet
Please include a "GST Calculation Worksheet" in the Activity Statement report for the new BAS experience based on the same format of the GST Calculation Worksheet which is included with the previous BAS experience.
28 votesAppreciate the feedback on the use you found with the previous worksheet.
With the newer BAS while there is no GST calculation worksheet, you can run a Custom Date report to get YTD figures, which can be accessed through the Activity Statement dashboard.
Being open we don't have plans of adding the worksheet to the new BAS report at this stage, however we'll continue to get a sense of interest on this here and share if there's any change.
Bills - Split once paid
Allow the split on a bill that's been paid to be modified.
2 votesHave you heard of Find and recode, Wade? This could possibly assist with what you're asking here. As the changes made using this tools aren't reversible it is restricted to users with the Adviser role, and we highly recommend trying it out in the demo company before using in your own.
Alternatively the best way to make changes to the bill would be to remove the payment, Edit, then reapply.
workshop expenses
Track workshop expenses
1 vote -
Printing quotations as job sheets
It would be so helpful if tradesmen could create a printable & electronic job sheet from a quotation containing materials and time scales etc
This would be amazing as I have to use other software for this .
Wired electrical1 vote -
Receive Deposits on Sales/Jobs to be Supplied or installed
Record deposits on a quote or future invoice sale without raising the invoice value against a customer.
We manufacture a product and then install for a customer - with a deposit of either 50/50% or 30/30/30/10% at the point of approved sale. We are happy to create an invoice number but with a deposit on each sale this creates a "negative balance" and we do not want to create a sale until the final invoice has been agreed at installation. ie. a negative receivable.
2 votes -
Pricing plan - Add one off fee 'Read Only' plan
Have numerous SAGE systems not now in use but it would be useful to get into Xero but do not need a monthly subscription although it would be nice for a one off fee to get a xero (READ ONLY)
set of SAGE DATA in case any historical info required.34 votes -
New Invoicing | Contact details - ABN
New Invoicing - Show ABN details with Client details in the "To" section of the invoice. All other information is there for reference, excluding the ABN.
To view the ABN details, you need to leave the invoice screen and go to Contacts.6 votes -
Xero Projects - Auto attach files from Expenses to Project
Automatically add expense receipts associated with an Expense Claim to a Project that converts to an Invoice within a Project. Currently, the Expense Claim description is the only info added automatically to a Project when the claim is associated with the Project. Ideally, we need the receipts associated with those Expense Claims also added automatically from the library to the Project without having to search in a long list of library receipts for a match when creating a customer Invoice for expense reimbursement. When we have 100+ receipts at any given time in the library, then we have to search…
8 votes
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