4656 results found
Reporting - Add a Forecast in addition to a Budget, and include in Profit & Loss
Ability to insert forecasted figures into Xero and run a forecast report alongside the budget report. We get to half year and assess how on track we are with budget and more often than not it makes sense to adjust the forecast numbers for the remainder of the period but not lose sight of what the budget was in the first place.
If we're able to run a report with actuals for YTD and forecast for the remainder of the period it would be hugely helpful34 votes -
AU Payroll - Automatically accrue leave on additional pay items
Have the option to accrue leave on other pay items. ie. Saturday rate has to be set up with its own rate per employee as each employee is on their own rate for Saturday and isn't a "mutplication of the ordinary rate". This also needs leave to accrue on it.
Spoken to Xero adviser and they don't have a set up for this yet.19 votes -
Xero Files - Ability for Read Only users to access Xero Files
We would like our auditors / account reviewers to have Read Only access to our accounts in Xero however this does not enable them to view Xero Files, which is where we save our bank statements, etc.
Currently we need to give them Standard Access so that they can have access to the documents in Files, however this also gives them the ability to change the accounts as well.
We would like to suggest the Xero files be added to users with Read Only access.
Maria23 votes -
Billable Expenses - Assign single line items to separate contacts
Hi there, I would like to be able to assign line items (that are the same) on a bill to multiple customers.
i.e. 2 x oil filters, assign ONE of each to separate customers without having to enter them on separate lines on the bill to do so.
Also, when creating an invoice and viewing "items to assign to a customer" I would like to be able to see the Supplier AND their invoice number in that list.
6 votes -
New invoicing - Auto tax rate to recognize non US address
Had to switch back to Classic INVOICE again... Because new INVOICE does not work...
Auto tax rate for us in the US can be a good feature if implemented with smarts... That seems to be a big IF... Some of us do business internationally. So not all our invoices are for US based customers.
Creating an invoice for a customer in Germany... !!!Unable!!! to complete the INVOICE because Auto tax rate insist I have to have a state for it to work???
IT IS IN GERMANY... No state required and being outside of the US Auto tax rate should recognize…
2 votes -
Credit notes only view in Sales overview
Sales overview should include an option to view credit notes only (appreciate that this can be done by sorting on amount and looking for negatives) but would be nice if there was a one click option to show credit notes only
2 votes -
Xero App store - Connected apps price and feature comparison
I am trying to find an app to help with cash flow forecasting. Xero could not have made it harder to compare. Why does the app overview page not say anything about the cost of the app? It only says free trial is available, however, I want to see what the ongoing cost is, before I even consider giving it a go. With Xero increasing costs so often and by an outrageous percentage, I find the lack of transparency of connected apps cost rather disingenuous. Xero needs to make it easier to not just search but also to compare features…
5 votesWe appreciate for many small businesses having more information about connected apps pricing is important when making and choosing solutions for your business.
While this isn't currently available, it's something our team are looking into surfacing through the Xero App store.
There's a bit of work to go into it, but we'll keep you updated of any progress for this here. 😊
Fixed Assets - Option to Show Depreciation Expense in Cash Basis Reports
This is an ongoing issue for a lot of accountants, as seen in the forums: https://central.xero.com/s/question/0D51N00005Ok9naSAB/regarding-depreciation-not-appearing-on-cash-basis-reports
114 votes -
Invoices - Ability to batch print packing slips
Batch print packing slip
We are able to batch print invoices through the awaiting payment page, but having the ability to batch print packing slips would be great. Having to click in and out of invoices to print the packing slip for multiple entries daily takes quite a bit of time. Can this feature be added?
22 votes -
Xero Accounting app - Add a credit note
Xero app - it would be good to be able to add credit notes via the Xero app
13 votes -
AU Payroll - Super Accruals Report to include TFN and Addresses
Recently did the super and needed to add the TFN of each and every individual employee manually into the file.
If it's a required field for the clearing house file then it should be included in the super accruals report - obviously.
4 votes -
Hubdoc menu
I just started using this program and the ability to close the left-hand menus is needed, at minimum the ability to adjust the column width.
When the "Folders" and "Docs" menus are both open constantly with no way of adjusting them, I lose almost 1/2 the screen.
The webpage is basically broken up into 4 columns, yet there is no way to adjust any of them for a better user experience or easy viewing of documents. Currently it is impossible to view all of the information needed for individual docs without moving the document around a bunch. It's a very…
1 vote -
Date Fields - Hotkey shortcuts on all Forms
Similar to QB, in the date field, use hot keys to move quickly without all the clicks.
Use the "+" to go up one day at a time, the "-" key to go down one date at a time.
Use "w" to go to the beginning of the current WeeK and "k" to go to the end of the current week.
Use "m" to go to the beginning of the current MontH, and "h" to go to the end of the current month.
Use "y" to go to the beginning of the current YeaR, and use "r" to go to…1 voteHi Terry, not exactly the same shortcuts as you've mentioned here, however there are date entry shortcuts that you can use in many places throughout Xero. You can see all of the different options in our Xero Central article. Is there a particular place you're wanting to use these shortcuts where they aren't currently applied?
Tracking - Increase tracking options limit
Hi there, we have been using tracking options for our projects and we have now reached the maximum number and reached the limit for it, but we don't want to delete the previous projects<. Just want to know, if we can increase options limit to numbers. Thank you.
Limin Kaka Luo
Thee Group19 votes -
Bank rule - Ability to set up overpayments to a supplier
We have standing orders set up for multiple properties for water rates, business rates, electricity and rent all of which are invoiced quarterly/six monthly/annually.
Can we have the ability to create bank rules for supplier overpayments to a contact??
3 votes -
Quotes - Ability to archive quotes
I am trying to archive legacy quotes - I have followed your instructions but when I highlight the selected quotes, there is no option button for archive?
We want our quotes section to a more true reflection of the current business activity but at the same time do not want to have to delete legacy quotes. There is a need to archive similar to Inventory feature.
5 votes -
1 vote
UK Payroll - Unscheduled pay run in advance should only stop updates to staff included in the run.
UK Payroll - when an unscheduled pay run has been posted for a period it stops any updates to salaries even when a full payroll hasn't been posted. It makes sense that a full run would stop updates but only people included in an unscheduled pay run should be barred from having updates applied. For instance, with an unscheduled run posted I can't adjust starting dates or salaries for staff, and these may have changed after the unscheduled run was posted.
1 vote -
New Invoicing - Approve & email + add another option
Hi Kelly, could we have approve + email plus add another invoice on the same option drop down please, saves soo much time 🙂
5 votesThanks for the suggestion! I've made sure to pass your feedback on to the the team, we don't have any immediate plans for this but will be good to build the interest of this here and I can keep you updated if any plans are made.
UK Payroll - Option to view terminated Employees in History/Past dropdown
When viewing historic employees, being able to view the next historic employee would be great, rather than having to come back out of history employees, which only shows the historic employee you have selected, with a drop down list of current employees only, then you have to go back in again to employees/history again to look up the next historic employee
6 votes
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