4286 results found
Customer statements - Export to Excel
Customer Statements download to Excel
173 votes -
Reporting: Budget - Add Budgets for Balance Sheet accounts
Ability to add budgets in the balance sheet accounts.
Purpose: It’ll make it easier for users to see the figure when they're budgeting in Xero.
173 votes -
New invoicing - When sending show organisation's trading name at top of invoice
The email template has changed which accompanies the invoice to the customer. We have a legal name plus a trading as name which people know us by. Currently the legal name is showing up boldly at the top of the email which it didn't before. We would like the trading name to be in this place so as not to cause confusion to our customers, or have the ability to remove it entirely as it has the logo there displaying the correct name.
172 votes -
Bills - Add a second Reference field
Ability to add a second reference field.
Purpose: Because when importing invoices from another system, it generates a unique invoice number, and the actual supplier's invoice number is used as the second reference.
170 votes -
Invoices - Date columns for individual line items
Ability to add date columns for individual line items.
Purpose: To make users easily put a date for each item. The scenario that can benefit users is for them to show a specific date of when the product/service is delivered.
171 votesHi everyone, we appreciate the interest in being able to add dates to individual lines of an invoice. Currently our team are focused on improvements to new invoicing and we want to be upfront we don't have any plans for adding a date column to the details grid within an invoice atm.
Right now if you do require dates for individual line items we'd recommend adding these within the Description field of the line.
We will continue to review this as we continue to evolve the product. If there are any updates or changes, we'll share this all with you through the idea here. Thanks
NZ GST - Add Publish Function to new style GST report
I would like to request that we keep the publish button on the new GST layout. The new GST Return layout does not have the Publish to Reports function (this has been removed). The Publish Function is an important function for clients, bookkeepers and auditors to access all relevant publish reports in one place.170 votesHi community, appreciate your feedback on the new GST return and detail of how the Publish feature is useful to you. While we don't have immediate plans for developing this in the new return, this is something we're monitoring and will consider as a future improvement. If there is any change around this we'll share this with you all through the idea here.
Sales Invoices - Bulk Delete
It is all too easy to accidentally upload a batch of sales invoices to Xero from the wrong period. It can then take absolutely hours to delete these as Xero does not have the functionality to remove these en masse.
169 votesHi Sarah, when importing invoices to Xero, these should come in as drafts. You can Delete draft invoices in bulk from the Draft List view. 🙂
Would be good to better understand the way invoices are coming into your organisation if there's a step I'm missing here?
Remittance Advice - Show all credit notes and invoices
Ability to produce supplier remittances that include all the credit notes against any payment as unallocated.
Purpose: Because some of the credit notes do not relate specifically to an invoice, e.g. marketing aid, retro discounts.
169 votes -
Reporting | Budget Manager - Customise report layout
Ability to customise a budget manager layout.
Purpose: To make users able to get their preferred figures appear in the budget manager report.
168 votes -
Invoices - Permanently delete invoices.
Ability to delete invoices permanently in Xero.
Purpose: To make the lists of invoices looks cleaner, as the voided invoices will not be listed there. Especially for the ones that’s created accidentally.
168 votes -
Quotes - Import/Export ability
Ability to export and import quotes in Xero.
Purpose: Because putting quotes in/from a spreadsheet can make users better calculate future cash flow.
167 votes -
History & Notes - Audit trail for all transactions and user activity
Ability to see audit trail for all transactions and user activity in Xero.
Purpose: So accountants and clients can work better, and can identify who did what in Xero easier.
167 votes -
AU Payroll - Ability for Business Owner/Payroll Manager to view & complete draft timesheets
We want to be able to open and complete the employees draft timesheet, if it has already been started. We have enough to do without starting again from scratch what the employee may have already done but just not clicked the submit button.
It is idiotic that, as the owner and payroll manager, that we cannot see an employee's draft timesheets.
As the business owner and Payroll Admin, we should:
- not have compromise our recordkeeping by putting hours directly into the pay slip.
- not have to rely on our employees being available to correct the timesheet at any point in…
166 votes -
Navigation - Freeze bar at the top of the page to save scrolling
Can the main pull down bar (Dashboard, Business, Accounting, Projects, Contacts) be fixed at the top of the page? When viewing a screen that has 100 or more lines, it would be a lot more convenient to have immediate access to this than having to scroll all the way back up.
164 votesThanks for your engagement here, Charl. While not a complete solution you may find the use of the 'Home' button on your keyboard helps you quickly navigat back up the page 🙂
Invoices - Multiple due dates for payments/deposits along with the ability to offer trade terms
Ability to set up multiple due dates for payments/deposits.
Purpose: payments and deposits can be spread throughout different dates.
164 votes -
Purchase Order - Link Purchase Order to Bill
Linking Purchase Order to Bill
Purpose: To copy the details from the po to populate the forwarded bill from email fields.
This would enable the ease of processing bills; using the data already on the po and verifying the costs accordingly.
Also this is vital, so that you can match multiple bills to the same po.
162 votes -
Pricing Plans - Add Cash Coding to Starter plan
Adding cash coding into Xero Starter Plan
Purpose: It will help the accountant's work easier in reconciling their client’s account.
160 votes -
Navigation - Buttons at top to navigate between pages of a list
Having a ‘Back to top’, ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ page link options at the top of the page as well.
Purpose: To save users time from having to scroll the page.
158 votes -
Projects - Assign repeating invoice to a project
Ability to assign repeating to Xero Project.
Purpose: To save users’ time from manually assigning repeating invoices.
156 votes -
Payroll: Show employee leave balances when approving leave
When a leave request comes in for approval and the employee can take leave in advance (the box is ticked), it should show you how many hours the employee has available. This amount should be the number available minus the leave balance that has already been approved in the system. The leave balance report is only useful when employees can't take leave in advance in their first year. It's a challenge each time (especially leading up to Christmas) to calculate leave that is available before approving the request because you have to review how much leave has been approved in…
153 votes
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