AU Payroll - Ability to calculate Super accruals for U18s working less than 30hrs/wk
Currently, Xero lists a super accrual for employees under the age of 18 when they earn over $450/mth. However, it doesn't take into account how many hours that employee works per week. Under 18s are not eligible to be paid super unless they work over 30 hours per week (even if they earn over $450/mth), but Xero doesn't recognise this. Unfortunately this shows up a s liability for the employer, even though a liability doesn't exist. I know that it can be worked around in the pay run, but it just means extra work for the payroll admin - particularly if they have a lot of employees. Xero should automatically be able to see calculate that an employee is under 18, and whether or not they employee has met the 30hrs per week criteria before calculating any accrual for the employee.

Jamie Della Madelena commented
xero this is urgent. Cant believe this is not implemented. I just moved to xero from myob after 20 years and now I find this out.... your leaving small businesses open to major compliance issues with junior staff. This should be a priority. To read the below messages and see you have been ignoring this for years... shocking. makes me worried about my move to xero
Ashkan Tavassoli commented
Myob can also do it - we switched to MYOB 4 months ago and best decision ever
Sameer Jain commented
I am not sure why other features are being prioritised over critical compliance features. This is putting tens of thousands of small businesses at risk of non compliance.
A number of smaller competitors do this.
Surely, XERO should be able to - on top of the recent price rise, the XERO proposition is no longer attractive. -
Nick Munro commented
It is 2024 and Xero still hasn’t addressed this issue. The $450 limit was removed, but not the 30 hours. With the recent price rises and removal of levels of partner product, the value proposition of Xero over Quickbooks is largely diminished
Alisia Cross commented
Quickbooks can do it, why can't Xero?
Tessa Roberts commented
This is a compliance issue and strongly recommend that this be addressed
Sharon Casagrande commented
This is a critical feature and a compliance issue that should be addressed.
Katrina Clark commented
This is a compliance issue and needs to be addressed
Janet Harney commented
Many of our clients are small service industries. This function is very critical to their businesses
Jenny Plunkett-Jones commented
With a large casual workforce, this ability is critical. This rule is part of correctly processing payroll - I'm not sure why Xero has elected to ignore this.
Dion Fallace commented
Xero, this is a vital feature to help businesses ensure they are compliant with the super rules!
Currently, a warning shows in the payroll when not adding super contributions when an employee is over 18 - which is great.
There is no warning if the employee is under 18, but more than 30 hours have been entered in the payslip. We need it to simply show an alert like it does when they are OVER 18.
Or, it needs to automatically calculate super (or not calculate it) based on the hours worked for an under 18 year old.
Mandy Fennell commented
This inclusion is a must for employers that employ under 18 's and don't need to pay super - why would they or should they.
If they work more than 30 hours then pay it - surely just unticking the super from the employee template should work but my payroll has been rejected because there is no super -
Maryann Coghlan commented
Why is this not a priority XERO.
The information needed is available, hours worked by the employee as is the employees date of birth.
There should be an alert in the pay run at the VERY least prompting the user of the ATO guidelines for employees under 18years old. -
Jason Templeton commented
Absolutely critical. MYOB has the functionality - why don't you, Xero? Its an easy configuration, get on it please.
Pankaj Halwai commented
Hope this gets picked up asap.
Carolyn Hess commented
This needs to be updated asap as businesses can be charged the SG charge if it not picked up
Clare Channing - Williams commented
frustratingly have also fallen into this trap & have employees under 18 owed super. This should never have been able to happen using such a reputed platform. It is absolutely critical that this be fixed asap.
Lenell Storey commented
When will this matter be addressed and resolved by Xero - will Xero take responsibility if the super is missed and not paid within the statutory timelines, which could result in the employer being fined for non-payment
Michelle Thomas commented
Why has this still not been addressed as an urgent issue/update ?
Emma Rosenblatt (Accounts) commented
When Xero advertises itself as a program which automates admin tasks then that is what you expect. Not calculating super accruals for under 18s is a HUGE MISS because this is something we then have to do manually, the opposite of what Xero sells itself on.