4665 results found
Timesheets | Start & End - Calculate overtime for 1.5x and 2x based on company payroll settings
Start and finish time to auto calculate overtime for 1.5x and 2x based on company payroll settings
13 votes -
CIS - Breakdown on CIS Suffered Report
It would be a massive help if you could click on the figures on the CIS suffered report to see which customer invoices make up the report figures. Clients often ask me which invoices are included and I have to manually work out where the figures come from
13 votesHi all, wanted to share a workaround here for those who aren't already aware.
You can run the Account Transactions report on a cash basis and if you filter it by the CIS Labour Income or CIS Asset account, you can see the invoices which have been included in the CIS Suffered report.
We don’t have any plans in the near term to expand functionality on the CIS Suffered report. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea!
Multicurrency - Enable CNH currency
Add CNH.
Ability to add CNH currency which is offshore RMB traded outside of China.
13 votesThank you for rounding back, Scott. I’ve changed your idea slightly here, so it’s sounded more CNH currency instead of bank feeds. This is because, before bank feeds for CNH can be implemented, CNH currency needs to be enabled first.
In saying that, we’ll keep an eye on this idea to gauge the interest from the community here :)
Purchase Order - Add a maximum limit for user to create PO
Purchase Orders - bring a limit in that people cannot go above without authorisation
13 votes -
Contact - Ability to customise contact thumbnail
Ability to add client logos in contacts. Use for thumbnails there and in Projects. Would demonstrate partnership with them when used in communications and emails.
13 votes -
UK Payroll - Payroll Gross to Net report summarise by employment group
On the Gross to Net report being able to group by employment group
13 votes -
Payroll - Ability to organise order of the earnings rate
In the employee card under pay template be able to organise the earnings rates in the order we prefer. For example have employees working overtime, saturday sunday and monday to friday. Being able to put the earnings in alpahbetical; order not how it is saved by Xero.
13 votes -
Project - Automatically import individual time entries from projects to payroll timesheets
To import individual time entries from projects to payroll timesheets, at the moment this only comes through as a bulk time for the day, you then have to manually add the time to the particular pay item if you use more then one pay item. Very frustrating and time consuming, would be nice to have this automated.
13 votes -
Contact Record - Add Description column to Activity page
Ability to add "description" column on the individual contacts page. We often need to look through a supplier/customer to quickly see what types of purchases/sales we make, so having descriptions on this page is needed. Currently we have to run a report which is an unnecessary long way around.
13 votes -
Bank Reconciliation - Discuss tab show name of user
Add user name in discuss tab on reconciliation transaction.
Currently when discussing a transaction with another user then may have to add initials before comment to identify who said what, would be great if this was added automatically so you can easily see the thread of discussion
13 votes -
Checks - make the payee name field only appear above the address field
Ability to make the payee name field to be placed only above the address field.
Purpose: To make Cheques look more professional, as Payee name only shows above the address field.
13 votes -
Receipts - Add payment date on Custom Receipts
For invoices/receipts that are created by a custom branding theme, change the 'issue date' to 'invoice issue date', and create a separate field for 'payment date'.
This is so that when an invoice is sent in 2021, and payment is made in 2022, the receipt that is automatically generated will clearly show both dates, instead of just the issue date which implies that the receipt was issued in year 2021 when it was actually issued in year 2022.
13 votes -
Reporting - Rounding to Thousands
Ability to round numbers in reports to the nearest thousand.
Purpose: To make the figures easily read by the client.
13 votes -
Business Activity Statement - Add item 7A to track deferred GST
Ability to add item 7A to track deferred GST
Purpose: Because many organisations import goods and defer GST.
13 votesHi everyone, thanks for the idea and support here. We appreciate all the valuable feedback and ideas shared regarding adding item 7A to the Business Activity Statement.
We understand that the ability to easily track deferred GST is crucial to your workflows.
Currently 7A on the BAS is a manual field, which does not update the figures on 1B. To adjust for this, we recommended the following workaround:
- Enter the original purchase as BAS Excluded.
- Once you have the Customs Entry form N10, you're entitled to claim a GST credit. Create a Bill with the value of the Deferred GST showing on the N10. Code this to your GST account (820 in the default Chart of Accounts) using the tax rate GST on Imports so that it shows separately in the Transactions by BAS field report and gets reported under 1B. You'll still need to manually add the Deferred GST…
Bills - Assign planned date when entering bill
Please add the option to assign a planned payment date when entering bills / within the individual bill, not just from the overview tabs.
12 votes -
UK Payroll - Option to view leavers in History by leaving date
After the recent Xero upgrade, the ability to view leave dates disappeared from the employees' History. Instead, a column titled "Next pay day" was added, which does not seem useful because the employees have left the company.
12 votes -
UK Payroll - Journal summary
I would like to be able to firstly differentiate my payroll journals from other journals and then produce an end of year report of the payroll journals.
How you could facilitate this:
-Tick box on the journal to identify it as payroll related.12 votes -
NZ GST - Allow users to open multiple GST returns in different tabs
New NZ GST return - brings up the GST return for the wrong entity.
This is not a new idea, but a critical flaw in the new GST return that needs to be addressed right away. I have gone to support and they confirm that it is a Xero issue. "Currently, the Product Team have confirmed it’s not possible to work on multiple GST returns across multiple browsers using the new GST return." Then they said the best way is to put the idea on this page, so here goes.
We prepare GST returns for clients that often have one…12 votes -
UK Payroll - Employee birthday report
Would be really useful to be able to run a report of employee’s birthdays.
12 votes -
UK Payroll - Track the table based DEA Deductions
There is currently an option for a DEA to be table based when setting it up, however this doesn't do any of the calculations for the DEA. Instead, they need to be calculated manually & entered as a fixed amount. There is also no way of keeping track of the amounts deducted until the total has been paid within Xero, this also has to be done manually. This can especially be difficult if the employee's pay varies each period.
12 votes
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