Invoicing - Remove 'Powered by Xero' in Footer of emails
Remove 'Powered by Xero' Advertisement on the footer invoice emails (only recently added)
Hi everyone, appreciate this topic has picked up momentum in the last couple of months since “Powered by Xero” was first introduced to our invoice emails.
Our product team have been working through the next iteration of the invoice email. They’ve reviewed feedback about this email from multiple sources and are planning some changes to address some of the concerns, in particular that the purpose of this feature is for marketing and advertising purposes. This feature was developed, designed and implemented will the sole intention of increasing trust with the invoice emails we generate inside the Xero platform. The data after delivering this has shown that it does just that, increasing engagement with your invoice emails and ultimately getting you, our customers, paid faster.
Therefore the “Powered by Xero” footer will remain in place, however we will be reducing its size, better integrating it into a redesigned email experience and removing the hyperlink to
This new email experience is focussed on uplifting our invoice experience to meet expectations from you and your customers to provide a professional, informative and modern experience. This new experience will be coming to New Invoicing first and then to our other invoicing tools like Reminders in the coming weeks.
Gordon Lyon commented
If Xero is trying to "add legitimacy" to invoice emails, adding a title and summary feature to invoices (just like you already have for quotes) would do way more than forcing unwanted Xero marketing logos onto our invoices. Right now we have no place to put key information on the invoice besides shoehorning it into a description-only line item. And that hideous kludge definitely detracts from legitimacy and professional appearance.
Jonathan Tudor commented
At the beginning of January 2024, I requested that the "Powered by Xero" branding be removed from our emails and left a comment here at the request of Xero support. Following this, it was removed. However, yesterday, without warning, it has returned.
I imagine this may have affected other customers in the same situation, so posting it here to raise awareness.
Roger Marshall commented
The 'Powered by Xero' branding on emails can't be justified. Companies paying for the software should have the option to keep or remove it. Please listen to the customer.
It doesn't 'uplift' the invoice experience - it weakens it and is purely an additional marketing exercise to promote Xero software. It serves no benefit to customers or the invoice recipient.
Annie Boate commented
I am shocked that:
(1) The 'Powered by Xero' message just appeared on messages - without any warning.
(2) This message is not 'optional' - especially given the fact that the software is being paid for.
If it was a free version, fair enough, but it is not, and we should not be forced to have Xero's advertising on our invoices.
The truth is, this has raised concerns for my clients; it is unprofessional, and it has NOT had ANY of the intentions/outcomes you claim!
The bottom line is this is a bad idea, so please stop trying to justify it!
- In fact, this should be a valuable learning experience for your 'product team'. However, your response indicates they are being defensive rather than being open to feedback.I therefore request that your product team listens to your customers and provides the option to remove this urgently!
Michael Yiptong commented
Powered by Xero logo should be removed. No free advertising please. I am a paying customers of Xero. This would be OK if on a freemium account but not on a fully paid account. Please non of the nonsense of increasing trust. Please listen to your customers. I am sure there are better ways for you to promote your brand.
A.C.Horticultural Services . commented
I have had several complaints from clients receiving my invoice with the new "powered by xero " footer and the first thing they see when they open the email is how much they owe in enlarged bold writing. Real subtle Xero!!!!!!
Nitesh Hirani commented
Either make this optional, option with free account if you want to advertise. Or else remove your pathetic marketing logo from emails. It is our customers, our invoice, our email, NOT yours. So remove your logo before the matter needs to be raised to the Ombudsman.
Ashley Walker commented
Hello, please can you remove the powered by Xero logo from our invoices.
Danny Manu commented
Remove Powered by Xero for paid users or create a new free package showing powered by Xero. For your information, deals are closed before sending an invoice and your claim of showing trust by implementing a big Xero logo is completely false. Be honest and remove it for paid customers. It's as simple as that! No marketing. Thank you.
Ben Cannington commented
Hi Xero people - please be honest with us. Plastering “Powered by Xero” all over our paid for email service is all and only about promoting the Xero brand and has sfa to do with trust generation. As has been said before, Xero does not allow their supporting infrastructure companies Amazon etc put their logos over the Xero website so why make us carry your advertising...
As everyone has said, make it optional...
Do you peeps realize that for every complaint here there's another 100-300 dissatisfied customers out there???
Darian Cabot commented
Support had me jump through hoops - Said I had to comment here and screenshot it for them, and I wouldn't receive email improvements for 3-6 months. Strange, but I did all that a few weeks back, and they confirmed that they would remove the "Powered by Xero" footer.
Guess what? They are still advertising in our invoice emails!
The official Xero response about "trust" is gas-lighting. The emails are already signed with DKIM as validation that they are from the Xero domain. And a spam email can just use the Xero logo for "trust". It's nonsense. I think it's a way for them advertise and get eyeballs on their brand. There is no upside for us, this confuses our brand identity. We're paying for this product, so you shouldn't be forcing us to advertise for free.
If you're going to stick with the "trust" and engagement reasoning, then make it optional (opt-in), and let us decide how to communicate with our own customers.
Natalie Grigg commented
I need the sales invoice item lines & associated charges removed from emails ASAP please. Please do not reinstate this without consultation. Thank you
Kim Yates commented
We want to choose to not advertise on our emails please. How do we remove this? Thanks
Winnie Wong commented
I have client complaint about it and would like to opt it out if we can. So Xero should provide solution/option for adding or removing it.
Heather Bamfield commented
Please remove "powered by xero" branding from OUR company emails.
Please do this ASAP. -
Matthew Dipple commented
Could we have an opportunity to add our own logo instead of Xero's? It seems to me that that would be a better solution to increasing trust. The Xero logo could still be a OPTIONAL default for users who do not wish to add their own logo.
I agree with some of the other comments that it seems odd to have Xero branding in my email footers when I'm paying for Xero. For other services I've used, such as Mailchimp, one of the perks of paying for a subscription is removing the service provider logo from email footers.
Would you be able to share the research that you used to come to the conclusion that including the Xero logo would increase trust?
Matthew Dipple -
Steve Jones commented
I pay proper money to Xero every month as a tool for MY business. I am not there to provide free advertising for Xero to my customers. It looks really, really cheap. Having two logos in an email is a real no-no, and in fact your logo is bigger than mine.
Lose this spammy feature.
Also "Idea has been closed" so no further people can vote on it? Nice work Xero. You just don't want this to gain any more momentum.
Ivelina Ivanova commented
Ryan Freeman, and maybe also post a review on TrustPilot :)
Unbreakable Media commented
Another reason why Xero sucks..
Jan Fitzgerald commented
Please remove "powered by xero" branding from OUR company emails. I will not be using this email feature until it is removed. Thank you!