New Invoicing - Keep Classic Invoicing
Hi everyone, appreciate your continued feedback on new invoicing. As mentioned in my last update we've now added a new Xero Central page for new invoicing.
Along with updates to individual ideas on Xero Product Ideas, this page will become the single source of truth for key feature rollouts including:
- what’s available in new invoicing right now,
- timelines for features and enhancements going live in new invoicing, as well as
- a comparison table between the classic and newer versions of invoicing.
We'll be updating this page regularly.
Relating to some of the more recent feedback there are some existing ideas that may also be of particular interest that you can join, like the ability to see the email the invoice was sent to in the history, or being able to see a timestamp, and reducing clicks and steps.
Kathy Skinner commented
@ Nerissa
Good point on the Audit trail for voided invoices. I have Auditors for some of my clients due to being Not For Profits and they have asked why there were missing invoice numbers and it was easy to check why that was - they were voided rather than cancelled and they could see that. I rarely void invoices now if I can help it and will credit off instead and put an explanation on the credit note then apply.
Doubt these so called developers even consider Auditors may be required and there has to be an explanation for everything done in the accounts. Even IRD would want to know why there's missing numbers if you were ever to be audited.
Probably no-one involved in all these so called improvements actually thinks outside the box about "paper trails" being needed. Especially that Kelly M - person who turned off voting on one of these posts - maybe if there's ever any query from an Auditor I'll send them to her to explain why the feature was removed and she can answer them instead of me trying to explain to them that Xero changes things without proper consultation with their actual users or else don't listen and just go ahead and do what they want irrespective of feed back.Rather than replace Classic why not just update the look at least then we'd still have everything we need. By setting up new invoicing just trying to justify their employment as I see it since obviously it's going to take some time to get it to work properly.
Nerissa Cope-Allen commented
The new invoicing is missing most of the efficiency functions that I use in Classic invoicing and that's the reason that I absolutely won't use the new Invoicing format (and am now exploring other accounting tools). I was finding the pop-up telling me to "switch to new invoicing to save time" absolutely laughable at first as I was definitely not going to save time, then when there was no option to "don't see this message again" it was bloody annoying and now I am appalled at the new messaging that Xero is retiring Classic Invoicing all together. I don't want or need any fancy tools - I want plain, simple, stock-standard, template driven (efficient) invoicing, which is why I chose Xero. I'm sure there are many businesses that need to create a new invoice each time they make a sale, but we are a carpentry business that only invoices on Purchase orders. We don't deal with little piddly jobs that cost more than they make with the amount of time it takes to invoice.
I gave the new invoicing a couple of tests. I did what I would normally do in Classic invoicing and attempted to copy an old invoice to a new invoice. I was a bit thrown by no "copy to new invoice" option, but I figured copy to draft invoice would be the same. not the same....I'm not a fan of the new display format of the draft invoice. I want to see how it's going to look to my client, while I'm editing it.... but I guess that's not a deal breaker....
......but then I notice...........
Efficiency fail #1: Instead of just copying the old invoice contact across, I now have to start typing it in (WHY???!!! - If I wanted a different contact, I would have copied a different invoice!). Super annoying and this is going to add time to my invoicing tasks.
I was only testing it, so I then tried to cancel/discard the draft.....
- but the only option is to Save and Close... (and it auto saves the draft whether you want it to or not).
I went to the elipses, assuming that's where the option to disgard the draft was.....
NOPE! The only potential option was "delete" which may as well be "void", as, lo and behold..... the next test (draft) invoice that I tried didn't re-utilise the discarded draft invoice number, it was a subsequent invoice number. It's a draft for a reason - I may or may not want to keep it! I should be able to discard it without screwing up my invoice number sequence. Now I'm going to have missing numbers when I reconcile and I'll think that they have been voided!
THIS is both an epic fail for efficiency and good governance. What happens if the ATO decide to audit me? Are they going to accept my explanation for apparent missing invoices? There's no audit trail of a voided invoice - looks like I'm hiding something. FFS!
So, I'm with Claire Parker: Fix the issues with new invoicing before even considering adding new features and retiring Classic Invoicing.
- copy invoices should have a default setting to use the same contact
-The only change to this that I would find useful would be radio buttons to choose whether the copied invoice defaults to (option 1) the same date as the copied invoice or (option 2) today's date (and then making this the default selection for subsequent copies until changed to the other option). For one client, they demand all invoices be dated on their end of period date - it's annoying and something I often miss when editing.I need functional efficiency, not fancy **** that I'm never going to use in my invoicing tool. Your reason for retiring the classic tool is stupid - just add all the classic features into the new invoicing tool and make it customisable in settings to allow the user to select the default functions they want.
If your developers are bored, rather than replacing a near perfect tool, maybe add some additional functionality to existing tools eg:
- it would be useful to be able to search by key words in the "description" section of the invoice to save time when trying to find something a bit left of centre that I've previously invoiced.
And there is a bucket load of stuff that I would change in other areas of Xero, such as making invoice templates more flexible so that all fields can be customised (eg: save existing invoice as template) and making payroll item settings more user friendly, with more information available so that you don't need an accounting degree to select the correct option.
And here's my final idea: before completely overhauling an essential part of your platform, survey your users to see if they want a change! -
Claire Parker commented
As mentioned by other users all of the following must be addressed before retiring classic invoicing:
1. default Approve and email - user should be able to select their own default. we would always use Approve and it should be available with one click rather than a dropdown each time
2. date selection - we receive RCTIs after the invoice date. We must be able to input this date on the date field rather then by using drop down.
3. copy invoices should be a default setting to use the same contact
4. invoice screesnshot/attachment should be visible when entering the invoice as we copy and paste much information
5. get rid of the # in invoice number
6. Due date must be calculated from the payment terms set in the contact
7. Files need to be attached from Xero folder
8. Adding payment should be on the same screen – you have plenty of empty space, please fill it with our tried and tested functions. -
Claire Parker commented
As mentioned by other users i have real issues with:
1. default Approve and email - user should be able to select their own default. we would always use Approve and it should be available with one click rather than a dropdown each time
2. date selection - we receive RCTIs after the invoice date. We must be able to input this date on the date field rather then by using drop down.
3. copy invoices should be a default setting to use the same contact
4. invoice screesnshot/attachment should be visible when entering the invoice as we copy and paste much information
5. get rid of the # in invoice number -
Claire Parker commented
I can see why you've created new invoicing, but the improvements are not universally beneficial. For our business, I cannot see any advantages. We don't use any payment methods in Xero (we get paid from one huge customer with hundreds of invoices on a monthly basis). I feel this phasing out of classic invoicing in premature, as there are many of the features we rely on not yet available in new invoicing. I'm all for change when it brings something, but this is just cumbersome and lacking the functionality we love from Xero.
Samantha Dredge commented
Please do not remove classic invoicing & listen to all our comments. Like most people I am very disappointed with the new invoicing, & takes so much longer to create or copy a previous invoice sent to the same customer.
As an accountany pratice we are very disappointment with this so called improvement. Had many calls from xero clients & told them all to go back to the classic version.
PLEASE listen to us & act upon it before making us all use the new invoicing.
Phill Davis commented
Spacing after descriptions are no longer respected. Add lines is now a lot slower. Struggling to see the benefits at this stage.
Wan yee Lee commented
Please keep classic invoicing!!!
The new 'print' function for invoices comes up with a garbled file name instead of my invoice number. Classic invoicing allowed us to download the PDF format with the file name as the invoice number. having to manually change the invoice number is a huge waste of time! -
Claire Silson commented
Why change something that works?
Julia Williams commented
The main reason the contact is copied is to make sure the correct contact is used. Without that function invoices could be sent to the wrong contact if you have multiple contacts with similar names.
Fiona Williams commented
Enable allocate credits to invoice when it is approved.
Rose Beale commented
I agree with most of these comments. Too many to read. We're a small self-employed business and Classic works just fine! Why does it need to be retired why can't we have the option as to what to choose? For what we are charged per month we should have the right to choose what works for our business. We don't use half the features as they aren't needed e.g. payroll.
Wez Morris commented
The new invoicing does not work with my business we need to attach job sheets and satisfaction notes and we start with raising an invoice from the files we have uploaded into files and this function is now not available and without the preview of the files we have uploaded on the left hand side of the screen it’s not a workable option and makes other softwares more desirable. I love xero and have used it for years now on other businesses and advised others to use your product all working the same kind of way and now the features we need to run our businesses are being taken away!! Keep the functions of the current invoicing and just update the look if that’s what you’re going for but you needs to keep functionality or it’s pointless and unworkable
Barbara Bailey commented
Need to be able to view inventory. It is futile to track items without being able to see the inventory balance when keying an invoice. This is a deal breaker for us. When I sent an enquiry I was advised to switch back to "classic" - I won't be able to do this in September. Also the size is way too big. We have approximately 50 lines an invoice. When you can only view 3-4 lines per screen this means the invoice is many pages long. You need to consider it from the perspective of data entry, not just aesthetics', it would be like having a Excel spreadsheet buy only being able to view a dozen or so cells at a time. It was one of the attractions of Xero in the first place. Very disappointed.
Leanne McMinn commented
Please include the option to attach files from the Xero File Folder. I have all documents emailed to the file folder for ease of filing and attaching. Having to download onto a local computer is not a secure way to handle to docs when bookkeepers are located in a remote situation.
Please return the save and approve buttons to the bottom of the page.
I like to be able to tab across to each field and use the mouse as little as possible. -
Sarah Jacobs commented
Tracking needs to work and there needs to be
Samantha Klimecki commented
I've only had a trial in the demo company. But it appears as though "Overpayments are not supported"
What happens when my boss pays an invoice but looks at the wrong figure an accidentally pays too much?
(Maybe there is a work around but it was straight forward in Classic) -
Mags Crozier commented
New invoicing format isn't a workable replacement for Classic format. There are too many features that I use daily that aren't included.
Jacky McLean commented
The new invoicing is terrible to use. It has features not included, moved and/or made harder to access. Please do not force us to use this new system. The classic format is user friendly.
Tracy Rigby commented
Keep ALL of the Classic invoicing functions in the new interface.