New Invoicing - Keep Classic Invoicing

Hi everyone, appreciate your continued feedback on new invoicing. As mentioned in my last update we've now added a new Xero Central page for new invoicing.
Along with updates to individual ideas on Xero Product Ideas, this page will become the single source of truth for key feature rollouts including:
- what’s available in new invoicing right now,
- timelines for features and enhancements going live in new invoicing, as well as
- a comparison table between the classic and newer versions of invoicing.
We'll be updating this page regularly.
Relating to some of the more recent feedback there are some existing ideas that may also be of particular interest that you can join, like the ability to see the email the invoice was sent to in the history, or being able to see a timestamp, and reducing clicks and steps.
Fiona Eagle commented
I also have give 'new invoicing' a good go. As a self emIoyed person, I work with different rates for the same product. Often on a split screen. I don't want to use the width toggle to see the whole width of the invoice on a half screen, Also the colours and style make the info you are interested in as a user much harder to read. It is not a calm list anymore. I'm very disappointed with the feel of this change. I also like to approve and then send later. So this is annoying.
Trisha Butler commented
Please LISTEN!!!! to your customers and users and keep old classic invoicing, or at least keep it as an option to use.
I find the that the new invoicing takes so much longer than Classic invoicing, especially when copying an invoice. Also, I don't want the default to Approve and Email invoices, I just want to Approve it. I have given the new invoicing a good try, but I will continue to use the classic invoicing for as long as possible I find it just so much easier. Please don't change it. The new invoicing just does not work efficiently for me -
Fiona Davidson commented
Has anyone else noticed that 'new' invoicing spelling is defaulted to US but classic is UK/NZ/AU?
I also noticed a pop up today asking if I liked new invoicing on a scale of 1-5, then more follow up questions, so I filled it out again.... I am surprised they keep asking and expecting a different answer given the amount of issues there still are.
Jo Heuston commented
It seems you are not listening to your customers. We don't want "New Invoicing" we like the software as it is. Why are you still ploughing on with the changes when its very obvious its not working for us.
Andry2 Andry2 commented
Agree, please keel the old invoicing, as the new invoicing is not helping at all and feels for clunkier.
Many features are missing in the new invoicing such as exchange rate change option.
Please help to listen to the actual Xero user who use it on day today basis
Margot Clarke commented
I really hope that the old invoicing will be kept and the new invoicing ditched completely. I agree with all those that find the new one clunky. To be able to do what we did before it involves more steps, more time and a lot of frustration. Really Xero? Is this what you call making things more stream-lined and improving on what was there before? In reality it's far from it!
Sarah Morley commented
I agree with many of the comments, it feels clunkier than the previous version.
Not an improvement. -
Fiona Davidson commented
@Jo Heuston - Its a countdown of doom. A ticking time bomb designed to impose as much stress as possible.
Jo Heuston commented
Please can you stop the pop up every time I raise an invoice telling me about new invoicing. I am aware but I don't like it so I'm clinging onto the old version as long as possible. Not sure why you are refusing to listen to your customer base and are ploughing on with this new interface which is obviously hugely unpopular. Please remove the annoying pop up
Bianca Davitt commented
What the **** is this new AI style pop up about?!?!?!?! Every day I switch back to classic invoicing (because "new" invoicing is not yet fit for purpose) but today, EVERY TIME I look at or raise/approve a new invoice, I'm getting a pop-up telling me to switch to new invoicing. I have deleted the pop up but it keeps coming back!!!! It's gonna drive me nuts! WTAF?!?!?! Is Xero now resorting to psychological warfare to get their own way? Not impressed! :-(
18/12/2024 UK
Maurice McKinnon commented
Im Not a fan either. It was a lot easy to add a payment in the classic invoicing. Lots more clicks than before - dont see that as an improvement.
Also, when you use a NEW invoice from Practice Manager / Tax - it is not possible to have the tax field set as Tax inclusive. That would be a really good improvement . -
Theresa Osborne commented
I have tried to work with the new invoicing version for a while now, and it just doesn't work for me. Picking dates is too tricky, writing in my own invoice number isn't always taken and I have to put it in 3 or 4 times before it takes, it takes so much longer than Classic invoicing. I don't want the default to Approve and Email invoices, I just want to Approve it. I have to Approve before attaching files, otherwise I have to wait 5 minutes before I can attach things. It just doesn't work, I gave the new invoicing a good try, but I will be using the classic invoicing until I can't, its just so much easier. Please don't change it.
Andrena Miles commented
I must admit that I don't like it, my colleagues don't like it and I was speaking to two customers yesterday and they don't like it either. I know change can be hard but we can't see any benefits.
Jo Barnett commented
Just adding my name to the list of people who don't want new Xero invoicing due to the clunky feel of it compared to Classic and the slower speed. Due to the way we work we issue an invoice from Xero, washup the wip against the invoice credit in XPM, then have to go back to Xero and tidy up the nil invoice that feeds back to Xero but new invoicing makes us click and select the Partner name on each line, whereas Classic just let me click the field and would automatically put in the Partner name based on who the client is allocated to. And because it's "learning" to code line items as it goes, it's completely ignoring the chart codes I have set up in XPM and over-riding them and sending them where it thinks they should go which isn't necessarily right. And today that has finally included come over as a NO GST line item when it should be 15% GST. Making an already laborious tasks of invoicing/washing up/washing up the washup even more time-consuming. There endeth.
James Slattery-Kavanagh commented
Please keep classic invoicing. I just discovered an invoicing error caused by your switching from classic to new and not respecting the vat inclusive/exclusive setting. This resulted in the customer being undercharged. Xero, please stop messing with our business procedures - it’s unwelcome and more trouble than it is worth. At the very least make it opt-in and stop bullying us with a one-day only usage.
Morgan Lee commented
I can't believe you're still pushing this nasty new version of invoicing. Maybe it makes sense from the perspective of including tablet users? That's the only way I can understand what you're doing with it. I can't work with it for more than a few minutes before I lose my rag with it and revert to classic. I forced myself to use it for 20mins just so I could drop some feedback, which I'm not confident will be acted upon.
I work with an invoice book pinned under my mouse wrist while I type. I tab my way through the interface and use the mouse when I'm forced to. I could use my previous accounts sofware without ever touching the mouse. Since using Xero I've developed a real appreciation for that software, wherein before I thought it was archaic I now have a real soft spot for it.
Here is a few things I'll use for examples. Some are very minor, some of them prove infuriating when you're trying to work quickly.
The date field doesn't accept spaces anymore. Like "10 10" would be enough to enter 10th October.
Can't use keyboard on date field on payment screen. That's lovely on tablets I'm guessing.
No address lookup on add customer. That was one of the features Xero had I genuinely appreciated when I moved to it.
Forced to mouse for entering payment codes on payment screen. It's so much easier to tab and type them when you know them all.
It would be nice to have options to change the interface, like the approve button for instance. We don't email invoices, so having just approve as the main button is much better for us.
When typing the customer name I can't tab off the customer details section and have to go to the mouse.
Aside from new issues, it would be nice if the customer's address shows when hovered over. I have to keep another tab open to check all the customer addresses and this small feature would make trips to the other tab much less frequent.
I get that tech companies now have to think about more devices types now, but try doing it not at the expense of computer users. Give us the option to work at the same effiency as we always have. Look at the train wreck that is Microsoft Office. That ribbon nonsense is still a major step back from the interface it had twenty years ago. The windows shell and start menu loses functionality with every interation. Luckily there are ways for the user to fix these missteps themselves. We don't have that luxury if you withhold the classic interface from your users. I'd happily use a legacy Xero interface that doesn't get feature updates. I probably wouldn't benefit from them anyway.
Fran Whittington commented
So glad to see others not so happy with the new style invoicing. I agree with the issue around the dates - too many extra clicks to do.
I also forward to Xero Files emailed revenue reports from our Sumup sales. On the Classic invoicing I could go to Files click on the side options by the report there and open a Sales Invoice - this revenue report would then be automatically attached to the invoice and open in a little side box to help the completion of the invoice. New Style invoicing doesn't do this - I know I can add it separately but again, many more clicks and not able to view instantly - please sort this out. -
Deborah Holton commented
Two things that frustrate me with the NEW Invoicing is that you can no longer just drag and drop and invoice/document - you now have an extra step or two
Also having to go into a drop down box to 'Add a different date' instead of the calender coming up so I can choose date straight away is also and EXTRA step so as far as I am concerned, the new invoicing makes my life harder not easier. Please let us KEEP the CLASSIC INVOICING -
Angela Young commented
Please keep classic invoicing!
Your responses in March and April of 2024 are basically saying you aren't interested in what your customers want and need. Why do you absolutely have to retire the classic invoicing? Why can you not leave it open as an option so those who benefit from the classic can use the classic and those who benefit from the new can use the new. We have been able to toggle between the two for months so we know it's possible. Your statements that classic absolutely has to retire is telling your customers that what you want is more important than what your customers, the ones who actually use your products, are begging you to keep. -
Genevieve Watson commented
The new one is awful, really hate it. It's not an improvement, it is worse.