4692 results found
AU Payroll - Next employee button on employment information screen
Currently we can search employee's data by using the dropdown arrow and selecting a specific employee. Can we also have the option for an arrow which allows us to simply scroll through each employee's record rather than having to use the dropdown option each time
7 votes -
Payment Files - Option to edit beneficiary on BACS file (remove PAIDOK)
The BACS file in Xero has a beneficiary reference of PAIDOK
Please make this editable
15 votes -
Reports - Add Product Code field to Transactions Report
Please add the Product Code as a reportable field to the Transactions Report (and any report that looks at 'Descriptions'). Any transaction description that is genrated from a 'Prodcut' needs to include the Product code to give an essentail higher layer of analysis - i really dont know how anyone can drill down into their Sales data without it? It must be a tick box to add as it will be in the same table that the description comes from. Please just add it or offer a custom report building service.
5 votes -
Reports - Add report to identify lapsed customers (include last invoice date column)
We need a report that will give us a list of lapsed customers. We as a small business need to be in touch with customers who haven't had any transactions with us for 6 months or a year. It would be great to have a feature or report where we can easily find these customers. On our old accounting system, all of our customers had a " last invoice date" column so we could easily pull a report for any of these customers who hadn't been invoiced for 6 months or more.
4 votes -
Invoice - Ability to show invoices with Korean or Chinese characters
Allow the downloaded PDF copies to show chinese characters and korean characters
Regards, Vivian
2 votes -
Journal Report - Include Line number within Journal ID
Further to Mr Howarth's request in May2022 under the title 'Reporting - Include journal ID', I would like to request one additional step to be added.
Creating mapping against Xero transactional data is very testing as it is impossible to create a fixed unique reference for each line. To narrow things down, you would have to use JournalID but then need to concatenate with other fields to differentiate between the lines within a single journal. eg. description, dates, amounts or a combination of other fields. However, these joined fields can be edited! There is no way I can currently see…
1 vote -
Batch payments - Support for NACHA file format
We desperately need NACHA file format for batch payments export file in the USA. This is the Australian ABA equivalent. Second option to that is a CSV file in a format that is accepted by US banks - the current format is not acceptable by their systems, unless we laboriously spend time making adjustments to each payment file in excel before loading it in, and even then it's barely acceptable and prone to human error, which is unacceptable from a control perspective.
No matter which US Bank we use, the CSV file export from Xero does not split the routing…
13 votes -
AU Payroll - Add Award dropdown to the Employment Tab
In the Employee section, under Employment Tab:
Have a section/box for Award - maybe a drop down menu to choose from? There are only 122 Awards and that doesn't change.
(as well as classification box - don't remove that)5 votes -
FX - Exclude currency gains when using currency bank account
Currently XERO record any FX unrealized gain or loss for outstanding foreign currency invoices and bills according to the exchange rate if the day when the invoice or bill is created and then calculate the unrealized gain or loss based on the daily rate movement. When the invoice or bill is paid, the actual gain or loss is then calculated and recorded as FX gain/loss based on the actual base currency amount received. This applies well to foreign currency invoices which are paid to a bank account in base currency.
However, this method should not apply to foreign currency invoices…
7 votes -
Projects - Report on nil activity projects
Ability to report on projects that have nil activity. Currently they do not show in the Project Summary Report until activity has been entered.
5 votes -
Invoice - Add a page break to standard invoices
Invoicing - Ability to insert a page break in long invoices
Some of our invoices have long narrations with multiple lines. At present if one of your line items goes over to a second page you have no ability to define where the page break should be. It would be a great feature to be able to place a page break at any point in the invoice.
6 votes -
New invoicing - Show discount column when copying an invoice with discounts
new invoicing - when copying an old invoice with prepopulated details, the discount column is not automatically a column, can the column appear automatically please?
2 votes -
Contacts - Add EORI number field to contacts
EORI numbers are required for all European customers especially when invoicing/shipping goods. It is an extension of their VAT numbers. Please can XERO create a new field on the contacts for this. We are recording this currently in the new notes or "FAX" number so it shows quickly. Are Fax numbers still necessary?
8 votes -
NZ Payroll - Generate invoices from pay runs
Automatically generate payment invoices when creating payroll.
The current help article suggests creating spent money entries on the fly when reconciling.
It would be better to be able to generate accurate payment and separate code tax invoices when the payday is filed.
The advantages are that:
- the payment is reconciled to where it is created ensuring it is correct,
- the invoices are easily selectable into batch payments from payable invoices which correctly connects to bank batch payments,
- payments to IRD could be raised to different contacts for each payment type allowing the right references to be attached…4 votes -
Xero - Reduce white space
There seems to be a lot of white space on each page. An accounting system really needs to show concise, compact, neat lines so it is easy to compare figures without having to scroll up and down all the time. I feel that Xero is more interested in the look of the screen, when really the information is the most important part of an accounting system.
The important information seems to start half way down the screen!
9 votesHi Karen, appreciate you shared this feedback sometime ago. Looping back to better understand your idea here - Is there a specific part of Xero you find shows too much white space?
This will help when sharing your feedback with our product teams internally.
Invoicing - Create Repeating Invoices via the API
Enable create of Repeating invoices via the API.
I've had a lot of customers who need this functionality, even a basic version, it doesn't have to be full access to do everything.
2 votes -
Inventory - Ability to select CIS labour income
I have a growing body of CIS subcontractors who would like to use products and services to save time when raising sales invoices to regular construction customers. Unfortunately, you cannot select CIS labour income when setting up a product and service. If you could it would automate so much of their sales invoices.
1 vote -
search function
Good day, we would appreciate it if you can add a feature in the search criteria to allow you to search in any field.
The purpose would be if you searched for an amount or description it would pick that up irrespective of how a transaction was processed. This will make find and recode or fixing incorrect items on the Account transactions easier.
Thank you
1 voteHi Gerrit, just to check it sounds like you're referring specifically to the search in Find and recode - would this be correct? Or would you like to search by any field in the top navigation search?
Reporting - Rollover current/GST account codes to Opening Balance account
Would like to see Current Account codes rollover each year to an Opening Current Account Balance (same with GST codes, Tax codes, HP's, Bank loans) - like P&L items do to Retained Earnings code. And show the Opening Balance on the Trial Balance.
Currently Xero Trial Balance shows Current Account codes (& all of the above codes) with accumulated Opening Balance & current year movement.
However the report formatting in the advisor standard reports appears to be driven off movements in the current year (so we can't journal the closing balances from last year to an opening balance code -…9 votes -
Contacts - Ability to view contact payment method (e.g active DD form, payment plan, CC)
It would be great if, when viewing a contact, there was a quick 'sign/flag' to show if that contact has an active Direct Debit form.
Currently you have to go to >Settings >Payment Service >GoCardless >edit >Direct Debit Forms
24 votes
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