705 results found
Invoicing - Add the 'unicorn' Easter egg to New Invoicing
On the classic invoicing, you could type 'I want to see a unicorn!' and this would appear across your screen for a brief moment however the classic invoicing is retiring soon so is it possible to add this also to the new Xero invoicing as well?
30 votesIt's really nice to see more light hearted ideas like this come through community from time to time. For anyone that was around when we first introduced the unicorn in classic invoicing there is probably some sentiment tied to seeing this inherited in new invoicing, too!
I'm happy to share that we have re-introduced the unicorn in new invoicing 🦄
Now, if you type 'unicorn!' in the Description field and tab or click across to the next field you'll see how we've added this little easter egg back into the mix. We hope to bring a smile back into your day as you're working in Xero 😁
Ability to mark multiple invoices as paid at the same time. Bulk Payments on invoices.
We often get cheques or direct deposits from companies that are covering 5-10 different invoices. CSV functionality would be overkill for what I need.
Right now I have to go into each invoice and mark them all separately as paid, and put a note that cites the total deposit amount so that we can keep track of the bank transactions.
On the customer's invoice page, I would like to be able to click a checkbox button for the invoices that are included on the cheque, and mark them as paid under one transaction.
With this check box functionality, you could…
2 votesHi team, it sounds like batch deposits would meet your needs here. From the Awaiting payments list view you could select up to 50 invoices to batch together as one payment. When the cheque or deposit appears in your account you could then just select the one transaction to reconcile.
While you can only batch 50 invoices at a time, you may like to add your vote and support on this idea, Peter. It's not something we have in planned development atm but if there's any change we'll update you all there.
Reconciliation - Manually mark as reconciled multiple items at a time
There are some cases where banks do not have feeds available and the items posted as received or paid from these banks must be reconciled on an individual basis which takes a lot of time!
We need a reconcile all or a tick box system down the left hand side to be speed this reconciliation process up. I have many clients with these manual banks and it's extremely time consuming marking everything individually as reconciled.15 votesHi team, this is already possible. However you'll need to enable the mark as reconciled option on the Account Transactions tab of the bank account. If you click on the '?' icon in the top right of the blue banner you'll see an option to switch this on. Once turned on you can check the lines you need and select the More option where you'll be able to bulk Mark as Reconciled or Unreconciled. 😊
New Invoicing - 1-click option to delete lines
In Classic Invoicing there is an X to delete a line. In New Invoicing I have to click on the 3 dots then select Remove from the 2 options that are displayed (Save to inventory or Remove). Please can the function of a single click on the X be retained.
34 votesThanks for your feedback and tuning into the idea here, everyone. Our team have been doing a lot of work in this space to iterate on new invoicing and improve the experience for our customers.
With one of our most recent updates the team implemented a change to the way you delete lines of your invoice. You'll now see a small 'bin' icon at the end of each line enabling you to easily delete lines as needed, without any extra clicks. 🙂
W-9 - Integrate sending with Gmail
Xero doesn't have a built-in option to directly integrate with or automatically use Gmail for sending W-9 requests. That would be really helpful ~
2 votesIt sounds like you're referring to the Request W-9 window, Reuben? You should be able to set up Gmail as your default email app on the device you're using. If this isn't opening Gmail by default you may want to check your device's settings.
Contacts - Money in/out graph from the contact overview Why removed?
Why has this been removed? I genuinely can't understand any good reason for doing so from a Xero user perspective. Please reinstate as soon as possible! It is such a helpful, immediate visual tool to be able to qet a quick insight into a client, or suppliers, payment history and patterns of behaviour. It highlights immediately where there may be gaps and is something I (and others in our business) make use of on a daily basis. Additionally, as someone who benefits from visual learning, to completely take this option away is hugely disappointing. I'm now faced with a page…
95 votesHi all, if you hadn’t already spotted, the Money in/out graph is back 🎉
It shows the cash in and out over last 12 months, and you can still mouse over the graph to show the actual amounts. The bars now have a minimum size for visibility! In the old graph depending on the difference in cash amounts the smaller bar would sometimes not be visible.
With this updated version you can switch to a table view that was added for our accessibility users/ those who prefer seeing a table rather than a graph. You can also choose to show or hide the graph entirely, just use the overflow menu above - see screenshot for illustration.
Thanks again for all your feedback on this change, we’re glad to be able to bring back an improved version!
Xero Me - split accounts on expense
Can we have added the ability to split an expense new claim over more than one account from within Xero me, or at least be able to edit this from within Xero once claimed submitted.
19 votesHi team, sorry we've not updated you here sooner. You'll find you can itemise expense claims using the Xero Me app on Android and iOS.
You'll find this option at the top of the screen;
- On Android this looks like an arrow that splits
- On iOS there is the word 'Itemise' followed by an arrow that splits
When you click this option you should see the ability to add multiple items to a single claim where you can set the Account and Tax rate for each item within the claim.
Thanks for sharing on this with us, and contributing to ideas in the forums here.
New Invoicing - Show invoice number on tab
The new invoicing system no longer shows the invoice number on the tab. It's handy when going between programs to use the said invoice number
35 votesAppreciate you all staying tuned into the idea with us here, everyone. We've made a recent update where you can now see the invoice number in the browser tab when viewing an invoice with new invoicing.
Changing subtitles on reports when changing the year end
Changing subtitles on reports when changing the year end.
When shortening the year end, eg with Basis Reform periods, the year end is showing incorrectly as 'year end and the original year end date' rather than period end and the new year end date. It would be great to have the flexibility to amend subtitle dates within reports so that the accounts can be produced straight from Xero.5 votesHi team, sorry we haven't caught the idea here sooner. Listening to feedback we know the sub heading was a bit of a confusion point for organisation's with a longer or shorter FY.
We've recently made a change so the subheading will now read 'For the 'x' months ended' so the report will be more accurately reflected.
Thanks for your sharing on this with us here.
AU Payroll - Information on setting up a novated lease for an employee
Can you please post up instructions on how business owners can setup novated leases for their employees and also identifying the process where the vehicle is FBT exempt or subject to FBT. We have had a few of our clients ask why Xero doesn't provide much guidance regarding this issue.
7 votesThanks again for sharing your feedback on this with us, Carmen, and to others that have since supported this idea.
I'm pleased to share based on your feedback we've added a new article to Xero Central to help customers understand how they can record novated leases in Xero.
Contacts - Attach file to contact from file library
Can I also please say, how frustrating it is that you can not now attach a file to a contact from the file library. This is how we have always attached our end of month creditor statements, that are emails to us, we have always forwarded these directly the file library, re name as required and then attach to the contact from the file library when completing the checking process for each creditor. This now will mean that statements can not be forwarded directly from the creditor email but will have to now be saved into a PC desktop file…
76 votesHi team, we've now released the ability to upload files directly from your computer to a contacts record! As noted in our last update, you'll find;
- The file library uploader option is now back on the Files tab of the Contact overview
- We display all files (including previously attached ones) allowing you to attach a file to multiple documents (e.g. Contact, Invoices…)
- We've enabled the ability to add multiple files from file library in one go
Thanks again for all your feedback around this and we appreciate you staying tuned to the idea here. 🙂
FX rates used on Balance Sheet report
The 'old' balance sheet showed the fx rates as a note at the bottom - can we have the option to add this to the new balance sheet layout.
99 votesHi everyone, we've just released disclosures for foreign currency in Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Trial balance, Movements in equity, Budget Variance and the Blank reports.🙂
When you run one of these reports in base currency you'll see indicators next to amounts that have been translated that show the exchange rate that was used.
Where applicable and you run one of these reports in a foreign currency there will be an indicator next to the currency sub heading that links to a note which display the exchange rates at which the base currency has been translated to foreign currency as at the report date, and any comparative dates.
We'll be extending this feature across more reports and I'll return to share as these come available. Thanks! -
Activity Statement - Ability to dismiss ATO outage notification
I appreciate getting a notification of a future ATO outage but I'd like the ability to dismiss it; I've already checked the dates and confirmed it won't affect me, but it stays on the page while completing the BAS.
1 voteThanks for your feedback on this notification banner, Shannon.
After a quick check in with our team on this, I'm pleased to share they've made a small change so you'll now find it's able to be dismissed!
UK Payroll - Birthday Notifications for employees
Notifications on xero to alert you that an employees age has increased due to a birthday, as they may have hit a new age bracket in the wage rates and they could be getting underpaid if not noticed. Example - employee goes from age 20 to 21 this would mean that if they are on the 18-20 year old wage rate and they are on the £7.49 once they turned 21 they should then be on £10.18. so notification of birthdays would help keep you aware of age changes.
124 votesHi team, this is now released!🎉
We've recently updated Xero Payroll(UK) and now a new NI category will automatically be applied to a pay run based on an employees birthdate, and if they are entering into a new NI category. Helping to save you time from manually tracking and updating yourself. 😊
Thanks for all your support and input via the idea here.
New Repeating Invoice - Include option for "Fortnightly" Transactions
In the "New Repeating Invoice" section, Sub section "Repeat This Transaction Every" only has weekly or Monthly. A lot of employees get paid Fortnightly (Two weeks) and would be a great addition to add the "Fortnightly" option. Also adding the "Fortnightly" option in the Reference, Place Holder area. Please see the attached image as these area are highlighted.
5 votesHi team, this is already possible with the options in the repeat template. You'll want to enter the number '2' and select 'week(s)'. 🙂
New invoicing - Show invoices with "includes Adjustments to Tax"
In Classic views if there was an Adjustment to Tax it was quite obvious when the Invoice (or Bill) had an adjustment to tax. Compare that to the new Invoice screen where there is nothing showing that this adjustment exists.
It must be sitting in the database somewhere as its shows in classic invoicing.Could this be added back into new invoicing plus could there be a report or filter that could show invoices or bills that have an adjustment to tax?
11 votesHi everyone, apologies we've not updated you on this idea sooner.
Where you're using the UK or Global editions of Xero it is possible to manually adjust the tax amount of individual lines of your invoice with new invoicing. This is slightly different to classic where you would adjust the overall tax amount of the invoice.
If the Tax Amount column isn't shown already, click the show/hide fields button where you'll have the option to check this - While this column is possible to view for all orgs, as with classic invoicing only UK and Global editions will find the option to edit the Tax amount of your invoice lines.
New Invoicing - Use item sales price when copying from Purchase order
New Invoicing problem - we are copying new invoices from the existing purchase orders and prices on the new invoices are showing as a cost price instead of the sales prices! :(((. A massive issue! Also, the new invoicing look is not user friendly with a lot of space on the screen. We were very happy with the current invoicing when everything was working perfectly, and the new invoicing does not work for us at all. Dear Xero developers, please do not fix what is not broken and leave the current invoicing as it is.
13 votesHi everyone, we appreciate your feedback on this and I'd like to confirm that our team have implemented a change. Now, when you copy a purchase order to a draft invoice, where it includes items from your Products and services Xero will use the Sale price and account saved for that item when creating the invoice.
Thank you for sharing with us on this and staying updated though product ideas, here.
It would be good if you could you could add a batch of invoices from the same supplier
It would be good if you could you could add an option where you can enter a batch of invoices from the same supplier without having to add each one separately and approving them, and then have to enter the supplier name each time.
1 voteHi Jayne, there are a few different features you could use to help with your bills entry. If you have a copy of your supplier invoices you could upload them, alternatively you could use email to bills, Hubdoc or manually import via a CSV file. Aside from the manual import many of these options will extract data from your bill to create a draft bill for you.
Contacts - Show information on one page
The edit contact format has recently been changed and I now have to click through multiple tabs to edit and view contact info. This is much more time consuming. I would like to be able to edit and view all contact info on one page.
521 votesHi all, returning now a few weeks on from our last update, we’re going to move this idea to Delivered! ✅
You'll now find a single page for editing contact details, with the added benefit of using the tab selections on the left panel to go directly to your chosen section on the contacts add/edit page.
Again, thank you for all your comments here - we know this has been a highly anticipated feature for community. Your feedback helps us to continue to shape the future of contacts at Xero.
new invoicing
New invoicing - Not user friendly
I am sure that there are some great features with the new invoicing but I cannot see them!!
On the new invoicing screen, where do you see the exchange rate and the payment status of an invoice or if a credit note was applied to an invoice.
The Classic invoicing working well and if it isn't broken then don't fix it!
1 voteHi Celeste, appreciate your feedback here. Each of the points you've shared should be visible within new invoicing.
If you're entering a multi-currency invoice the exchange rate is shown at the top right of the invoice, and you should see the status of the invoice i the top left beneath the blue banner e.g Awaiting Payment, Paid etc.
I've attached an image of this for your reference.
- Don't see your idea?