Bank Reconciliation - Sort and Filter
Add Sort and Filter to the Main reconciliation screen.

Hi team, back again to let everyone know that the recent changes in Bank Reconciliation page have now been rolled out to 100% of users. 🎉
As mentioned in my last update this includes a bar at the top of the page so you can search and filter statement lines based on your preferred criteria, and the options to the right side of the Search enable you to set a date or amount range to help filter down your view.😁 You now also have the ability to view up to 50 unreconciled statement lines on one page - See our blog for more recent updates
We thank you all for your contributions in this idea. I know there are some that are interested in still seeing the ability to sort from this view, and I wanted to share the new idea that's been raised where we'll begin to track this specifically as a possible future improvement.
Ronan Browne commented
In reply to Kelly Monroe's message from March 07 2023,
Firstly, at the start of your second main paragraph, you say, "Being open, the platform in..." What do you mean by "Being open"? Is XERO open-source? If so, let's get going and fix all the lazy basics! Where is the link to the source code?
Secondly, you say there is no direct work planned on sorting and filtering of bank statement lines. That's one thing but I don't think it is what the OP requested. What is wanted is a way of sorting the lines in the reconciliation page. As an example, I had to use my credit card recently, instead of my dongle, for tolls; instead of a monthly transaction, I had tens of tolls every week. I now have to wade through each single toll rather than having them all gathered together, run my eye quickly down them and reconcile them all in one or two mouse clicks. This would change a few hours of extra work into 30 seconds. Isn't that why we bought the computer and your software in the first place? Bob Cratchet would do a quicker job with his mittened hands in his pockets!
As someone else said, let's Build the Basics before lashing out impotent buzzwords.
Now, we are open source – YAY! Let's get fixing this thing!
(Why do I think that wishing and reality are the same thing...) -
Guy Butters commented
The reply states that there is no "work planned for sort and filtering of bank statement lines right now" but it is possible to search bank statements already. The request is for a similar feature on the bank RECONCILIATION page. The argument that there are too many lines of information to search/sort cannot hold up if such a feature is already being used on the bank statement view, as there are the same number of transactions on each.
All we are asking for, is the same function as is already applied to bank statements and account transactions views, so that we might be able to, for example, reconcile several payments to the same supplier without having to scroll through the full bank reconciliation listing and hoping to spot them.
Becky Muthler commented
Right now, Xero first tries to suggest a matching existing transaction by comparing the amount, then contact name, reference and due date. If no transaction exists to match to the statement line, Xero looks to see if any bank rules apply.
However, what is the point of creating a bank rule then? Wouldn't you prefer Xero pull your created bank rules first?
We've been fighting with Xero to implement this change, but they're refusing because their system is 'working as designed' even though their design makes no sense.
Here is a current example as to why their system doesn't work:
I have a transaction currently in my system that needs reconciled. However, because Xero pulls a match of amounts first, it wants to match my current transaction to an invoice. However, this invoice has ALREADY BEEN PAID. Why in the world is Xero even considering paid invoices simply because the amounts match?! You can see in the pictures that Xero is trying to match the invoice, but shouldn't be because a bank rule is already in place for these transactions.
Please up-vote so they will make these changes!
They need to change their order of operations to matching BANK RULES FIRST!
Charlene Croukamp commented
This will be very helpful
Prizm Vinyl Corporation commented
Search by date or amount right from the reconcile screen rather than having to go to the bank statements tab.
sammy cooper commented
just one simple search bar resolves a long time searching
sammy cooper commented
quickbooks are so much more on the ball i was going to move another company to xero but liking quickbooks as its less time consuming with reconciliation and vat
Stephen Burford commented
this would be very handy, to gather all payments from one supplier and then simply go through their invoices to check gst amounts in one hit. one by one this is very painful. Also great for locating or splitting invoices.
Charlotte Gaskell commented
I wish that Xero would listen and, act upon, the so many requests to improve the bank reconciliation pages. Within other accounting packages I can sort by by date and amount; and filter by contents of memo, in fact all that I need. With Xero on the bank reconciliation pages none of these is covered. I am not impressed at all. These requests have been raised years ago and still nothing is done!
Admin Operator commented
How Annoying & Time consuming is Xero - Sort and Filter to the Main reconciliation screen, the number of lines per page - scroll back to the botton to go to the next page plus for Bills & Invoices with payments applied having to remove the payment !!!!! What I have noticed is we are all wasting our breath posting thing that are ESSENTIAL, day after day, minute after minute - Units of measures, 30 60 90days etc - all Basic requirement - no customer service you can phone - "Building on Beautiful" how about just Building the BASICS ?
Roger Harrison commented
Should be possible to set the parameters of the bank reconciliation rather than having to start at the earliest every time.
Quickbooks has that feature.
Not having it adds a lot of extra work each time one logs in.
Jack Milner commented
+1 to all comments prior.
There should at least be a feature to 'show more' so that there isn't only 10 items on the screen to go through and reconcile. It's available on cash coding, bank statements and account transactions tabs, but not the reconcile tab.
Even if they made it so you could search for specific line items (like you already can) and either reconcile from that screen, or click into it and reconcile it from there.
Mel Fenemore commented
Some great points made by Gavin Ander and others!!
I give up hope that there is any direct work taken out on any ideas that are not only useful but fundamental to making this a workable programme!
Every quarterly update is just another disappointment from a programme that clearly doesn't engage with accountants, bookkeepers or it's users!
Johan Potgieter commented
the usual ********. Why does this Product Ideas site even exist?
I have yet to discover a product idea that is taken seriously.
It is clearly just a place where we voice our frustrations, without any result.
Like screaming at the ocean.Xero, thank you for giving us the platform of Product Idea Rejections
Paula Wyeth commented
I encountered a file this week where a search function would have been incredibly helpful. The client sends about 150-200 expenses from DEXT to Draft Bills in Xero for me to open, check, approve and find the payment that matches. I don't know which account he has paid them from and sometimes they are paid from a credit card that isn't linked to Xero (he has his reasons for this but makes it more difficult from a bookkeeping perspective). He also makes mistakes with the amounts that come through from DEXT as he converts some to Aus dollars (DEXT) and the AUD amount doesn't always match to the bank feed amount in Xero. If I had a simple search for the all Xero linked bank accounts by supplier name, or amount, or date range, I could quickly work out if these expenses have been paid from a Xero linked bank account or not. At the moment I am scrolling multiple cash coding screen pages in multiple bank accounts in Xero just to work out if they have been paid from a Xero linked bank account.
If this was in MYOB it would be more simple for me due to the ability to view all bank accounts in one screen and allocate or match to a bill. I prefer Xero to MYOB, no issue there, however one area of MYOB that I find super easy is the bank transactions screen that lists all bank feeds for all bank accounts in one screen as I can search/find transactions so quickly. I have attached a screen shot as an example. With the right hand side drop down there are additional options for extra line items, transfers etc. Makes matching transfers very easy when all bank accounts are listed together.
I am a happy Xero user but I really feel this is a feature request that would be helpful to so many.
Kind regards
Paula -
Nathan Apter commented
It's essential to offer sorting and filtering features on a list, especially for individuals managing thousands of transactions. Your argument that some people have a high volume of transactions to reconcile only emphasizes the importance of these features.
Any database can sort and filter thousands (millions) of records in seconds or less. I'm curious what kind of storage system these records are stored in, that is unable to sort/filter/index thousands of records.
Paul-John Mudie commented
+1 Gavin Ander
Paul Howlett commented
Logging in to +1 Gavin Ander.
Ronan Browne commented
Well said Gavin Ander (and everyone prior to this!)
I am writing this short message to show that ‘like’ for what Gavin says.
We are all blue in the face trying to get you, XERO, to listen to us and our extremely sensible suggestions, wants and pleas. Yet, so little ever happens. It is as if the people in control of XERO don’t actually do any accounting. A little bit like a group of librarians running Formula 1…!
Gavin Ander commented
You know Xero, this is somewhat frustrating... I think if you were ever asked to "scratch an itch" you would scratch everywhere but where the "itch" actually was. You would then tell the person this was all part of your relationship 'building on beautiful' strategy.
With comments like "Though this doesn't directly relate to sort and filter capability, this should help improve your experience when reconciling accounts with Xero". Basically, you are saying what users are asking for is not going to happen.
I agree with Lesley Christian & Paula Wyeth. We urgently need:
1. Sort and filter function on the reconciliation screen
2. One page of reconciliation transactions, or with at least the ability to increase the number of lines shown.
3. Have the ability to "like" people comments in these threads so users can show their support for the various comments.