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  1. when in an employee file, be able to search by entering next employee's name you want to view next instead of having to scroll down to the name

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  2. Have a 'Test Rule' button when making a Rule.

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  3. It would be useful to see the status (approved/awaiting approval etc.) on Purchase Order pdfs - to avoid the risk of unapproved POs being sent to suppliers. Requested by a client.

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  4. Locking Invoices and Bills so they cannot be deleted once Finalised.

    We often see clients raise invoices, or bills in their Xero file, and then later delete them if a change is required, and then raise another invoice or bill.
    From an accounting perspective, this is a huge sin.
    Once an invoice or bill has been finalised, the only way it should be altered is by raising either a debit or credit note against it. Xero allows a user to raise debit or credit notes, but the average non-accountant does not understand what these are, so they do the easiest…

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  5. I refer to the Customer/Supplier Bill Activity reports which shows transactions as positive and negative figures. Could you *** create a report to show bill activity in Debit & Credit separate columns format instead of positive and negative figures in 1 column? Thank you

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  6. Short cut for payment date to be equal to transaction date.

    For example, you have entered a bill say 20/3/2023. The client has also paid it on the day. Rather than entering 20/3/2023, would be great to just enter say "s" in the date field and uses the transaction date for the payment date.

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  7. When running the Payment Summary Details report for a previous financial year, the report does not show the dates of the financial year the data belongs to. The report is titled Payment Summary Details as at Today's Date. For example: it should show Payment Summary Details reporting period 1st July 2017 - 30th June 2018. For audit purposes, there is no way of determining the date range the reported data relates to.

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  8. Create batch files for spend money transactions so if a payment needs to be made to say the ATO can create a batch file and upload to bank without needing an invoice.

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  9. FILTERS have to be reset each time you return to a page. This is common throughout Xero and is a real nuisance, but especially if you are editing sales invoices. E.g. filtering on a group of customers and a date range has to be done to edit each invoice individually. Resetting the filter for each invoice you edit is a real pain.

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  10. Currently if you export your fixed asset register, the dates are exported in mm/dd/yyyy format. If you use the dd/mm/yyyy format, then the figures are wrong in excel. e.g. 06 April is read as 04 June (and the figure eg 44088 is the wrong one). Other dates come as text e.g. 2/28/2022 and are not read at all. It should be possible to export them as number eg. 44080, which can be formatted as required.

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  11. Employer pension contributions for employees on SMP should be calculated on the employee's earnings before they went on leave, not on the reduced rate of 90%. Xero's calculation is currently on the latter with no option to overwrite. The correct calculation would be first choice, but the option to change figures would be helpful also

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    2 comments  ·  Payroll  ·  Admin →
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    Hi everyone👋, thanks for the idea and support here. To be open and upfront we don’t have any plans in the near term to expand this functionality.

    Right now, you can create an additional Employer Pensions pay item and add it to the employee's Pay Template. When the pay run is processed you'll be able to enter in the difference due, to ensure the total contributions equals the required value. If anything changes in this space, we’ll update you on this idea. 

  12. Payment Schedule Date - add from other screens

    Make it easier to schedule payment dates. I love the ability to schedule payment dates but it is only available from one screen. It would be great to be able to add a schedule payment date from within the purchase. That would mean you could approve and schedule from the one screen.

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  13. Projects - Would be terrific if we could produce a report based on employee projects, for example to be able to see what staff currently have on, the $$ they have quoted for a period of time etc.

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  14. Applying Mark up in Quote - Ability to hit 'apply mark up' and select specific costs / folders that the mark up is applied for. Ie labour costs are not based off markup but the products are. If you hit 'apply mark up' the markup gets applied to every single cost.

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    Rounding back on the idea here it sounds like using non tracked inventory could be a solution. 

    In Products and services you can add items and enter a Purchase price and a Sales price for the same item. 

    This means you can add the marked up price for Sales and when you select the item in Quotes or Invoices this price will be reflected for the line item.

    Alternatively, you could add a discount to lines of your invoice if there is a general amount or % by which you would mark up items. 

    Keen to hear your feedback for these options. 

  15. With the current GoCardless for Xero system, there are three options for scheduling payments:

    1. You can select an individual invoice and take payment for the full amount in one go.

    2. You can select an individual invoice and split the total amount over a number of payments.

    3. You can select multiple invoices (for the same customer) and take payment for the full sum amount in one go.

    What we need added is a 4th option, where you can select multiple invoices (for the same customer), that the sum total owed and split that total over a number of future payments.


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  16. The new Bills To Pay screens seem to be causing a lot of discussion. For those users who extensively leverage the Expenses module, there are a number of improvements that could be made:

    • Please Add “Spent At” in the columns so that Expenses make sense viewed in this context, otherwise every line says “Expense Claims” and the entire column is superfluous when dealing with Expenses (reduces redundant data display)

    • Please add a link from the Bill listing directly to the Expense Detail if it was generated by Expenses (reduces click-through and page calls, improves efficiency)

    • Please add…

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  17. Hi Xero,
    could you please add a tick box button TPAR reportable in Supplier Contact - when adding new Supplier to have there option to tick "TPAR reportable"?
    It would really help with ATO reporting when working with high volume of Suppliers/Contractors.
    Atm Xero does not have a tab to differentiate between Supplier providing material only and Supplier/Contractor providing service, labour on which we need to file TPAR every year and within a year we are taking on numerous new contractors.

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  18. Please can you create a year end inventory report with last purchase date please associated with an item. This was a feature on sage.

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  19. An Employee's payslip gives the current pay period earnings, deductions and net take home pay. It's missing YTD earnings and deductions information on a payslip. Please consider including the same in your future updates. Thanks, We are a Canadian based business.

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  20. We are a multi-currency business. We send out invoices in GBP (base currency), EUR and USD. We have 3 bank accounts (GBP, EUR, USD. I therefore had to create separate invoice templates for each currency, to show the correct bank details. I added the relevant invoice theme when setting up a new contact (customer). This works well when raising an invoice. However when manually sending out a statement it does not take the invoice theme from the one chosen on the invoice (= in our case normally default invoice theme on contact). It takes the ‘default template’ = the first…

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