4653 results found
AU Payroll - Ability to enter timesheet hours in previous payrun
Timesheet entry for hours in previous payrun. This allows employees who missed an timesheet entry to add their hours in . Quickbooks has this ability and it saves the employer from having to do a manual entry on the employees behalf.
8 votes -
Xero Projects - Time & Expense Approval
Ability to approve time and expenses on Xero Projects on a single (one manager) or on a multiple (one manager and one director) level.
14 votes -
History & Notes | User Role: Receive notification of changes
Every now and again we have an issue in a client account with someone's User Role being altered without notification.
I can't figure out if the client is in there making changes without really knowing what they are doing, or if Xero is having a weird glitch.
(the latter seems unlikely)
It would be nice if we could pin point who was doing it so we could explain the hassle they are creating!2 votes -
Projects | Quotes - Pull through Item description as well as name
In Projects, when we add tasks to the project (pulled from Products and Services) and then Create Quote, the Product or Service name is what imports into the description line in the Quote and not the description from that Product or Service, as it does when creating a quote outside of Projects. Having this consistency makes sense (and is strange that it is not already the default) but it makes creating a quote from projects cumbersome, as the description needs to be added manually.
3 votes -
Purchase order - Use total cost and number of units to calculate unit price
Ability to enter total amount of Purchase Order and number of units, then the unit price will be automatically calculated. Have quotes given by suppliers that are a fixed amount that cannot be changed, and because of the Unit number the total has to round up, it doesn’t give the same total.
3 votes -
User Roles | Payroll - input timesheet
Can we have the ability to have a user only able to access and input timesheets, but not have access to payroll and reporting.
6 votesHi Mona, just to confirm what you're asking. Are you after a role that has both access to enter their timesheets and approve other employees timesheets without viewing other payroll information? Or simply ability to access and input timesheets?
User Role: Ability to only create drafts + view reports
Can we have one more category of user role in Xero (A user role with Ability for only to create all possible drafts + View reports)?
This kind of user role can help to minimise recording errors when any transaction (Quotation, Invoice, Bill, expenses, transfer, receive and spend money) can have two steps approval. It can provide more verification flexibility /security for the business which managed by more than one person as well.
View reports can help the initiator to check the effect of the transaction after approval.
We are looking for your kind consideration.
Thank you
5 votes -
Xero Files | Report: Ability to see user access
Ability to identify which Xero files staff members who leave the firm have direct access to the client Xero file as opposed to being granted access from a firm level. This way, before you delete the user from Xero HQ/Blue you can check to see if any clients need to be contacted to update to invite the firm rather than a specific employee.
5 votes -
Tracking category on Automatic fees from Payment services
There should be an option to add the Tracking categories in the automatic fees from the Payment services such as Paypal, Stripe, etc. This is a small update but can save a lot of time in EOM processes so we do not need to do Find and Recode at the month-end for these transactions.
9 votes -
Xero Accounting app - Bank reconciliation - allow foreign currency payments to be reconciled
Xero allows invoices to be created in a foreign currency (with the premium subscription plan) but when clients make these payments (which get converted to the base currency) they are not able to be reconciled in the Xero app as both the currency and amount are different so they don’t match.
On the web, there is an option that can be unchecked to show foreign currency items, which then allows the payment to be reconciled. In my case it is ‘show NZD items only’.
A similar item would ideally be added to the Xero app so those paid in a…
13 votes -
Fixed Assets - Change behaviour to recognise new asset when account type updated on existing transaction
An Information message to advise implications of editing the "Account Type" when posting a bill for a Fixed Asset.
"If an approved bill or spend money transaction is edited, and the account code is changed to one with a Fixed Asset account type - a draft asset won't be created". ie- it does not automatically update the transaction to include the item on the fixed asset schedule. Unless the item is manually added to the fixed asset register, it will not be included in subsequent depreciation runs.Ideally the system should be designed to fully complete the edit or should…
9 votes -
Bills - Duplicate all fields when copying a bill
There is presently a feature that enables copying a bill and transferring its details to a new bill. However, I have observed that this functionality omits the "Permit Number," necessitating manual duplication. It would be advantageous if this copying function could accurately duplicate the specified bill in its entirety, without any omissions.
2 votesHi Jia, just to double check when you mention copying omits the Permit number. Would this detail be in the Reference field of your bills?
Contacts: See a contact's full spend history
I am a relatively new user to Xero but have over 35 years MYOB experience as an Accountant. While I enjoy many of the Xero features there is a fundamental one that is missing and frustrates me endlessly. In MYOB under contacts there is a history tab where you can easily see spend history by month for several years for customers and suppliers. This is such a simple but powerful screen that is completely missing in Xero. Running reports is slow and un-necessary.
Have you considered offering this simple enhancement to Xero?
5 votes -
Projects Reporting | Ability to report on multiple projects
Pull a report per bank account(s) with transactions indicating to which accounts the transactions were reconciled to
Projects; how to group similar projects together when pulling reports
Projects; report to see project expenses grouped by similar account allocations
10 votes -
Bills | Imports - Add Foreign Exchange rates as a column
But it would be amazing if you could set the FX rate for each transaction on the purchase upload spreadsheet.
Where you do not add an FX Rate it would default to the daily rate.
I have to set hundreds of FX rates for each transaction individually, so it would save me so much time.
1 vote -
Reporting - fields and functionality of old report pack.
Report fields and functionality of old report pack.
We are sad to see the old report packs being discontinued. We use these to complete all our company and trust resolutions as they are able to pull through shareholder salary fields as well as net profit before tax and net profit after tax. Whilst we can type these in manually, they can be prone to human error and is more time consuming. Please update the new reports so that this functionality is maintained or keep the ability to keep cusomised reports active. I don't mind if you discontinue all the other…
1 vote -
Tracking - Ability to search Category & Options
To be able to search the Tracking Categories on the set up page. Also to have a duplicate warning would be very helpful.
This search function would stop a Tracking number/ name, being entered twice. The list for us is very long!2 votes -
Navigation | Bank Rules - Add to Accounting menu
Add Bank Rules as an option to Accounting/Advanced options.
Much easier to navigate via Accounting dropdown menu than via Bank Accounts, eg when recoding transactions usually need to update a rule as well
3 votes -
Invoice Payment: Go Cardless - Pass Go Cardless Fees to client
Pass ACH fees for Go Cardless to Clients
8 votes -
Gusto integration - Change sync to avoid creating multiple bills
We create contractor bills within Xero as a way to view and track upcoming bills, but we pay them through Gusto. When we make the Gusto payment, Gusto generates its own bill in Xero, leading to duplication.
As a current workaround, we delete the Xero bill once Gusto posts the payment transaction in Xero. At that time, we also attach PDFs of the invoices from the contractors to the Gusto bills.
Can you provide a way to prevent these duplicate bills?
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?