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  1. When entering dates, can you please bring back the mouse scrolling function, where you could scroll down to go to the next month.
    Rather than now, we have to click the right button to go to next month.

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  2. I work in the payroll team at a business where the majority of our employees are on salaries that include super. This means every July, I have to go into every person's pay template and recalculate what their new salary is (because xero works only on an excluding super basis).

    My suggestion: The ability to select whether a salary is including or excluding super per employee. Then every year when the statutory super amount goes up, I won't have to recalculate everyone's new salary for xero. This also means that an employee's payslip has the same salary as what is…

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  3. Can you please add a profit and loss formula / row in the trial balance report or create a new trial balance report that includes the profit or loss for each selected period.

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  4. Invoice branding is only possible using Microsoft. Would it be possible to make this happen using Google OS also?
    I know there are hundreds of millions of Google users worldwide many of which will be Xero users since your software is excellent software.

    Thanks for listening.

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  5. Ability to set a default check style per bank account.

    On the operating account the check stock has the check on the top, on the payroll account, the check stock has the check in the middle, and on the sales tax account, the check stock has the check on the bottom. Three separate checking accounts, three separate styles.

    It would be nice to have a setting where you can say, "if a check is generated from the operating account, apply the operating account style."

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  6. Be able to sync multiple Xero organisations to the one external program (for us it's Splose) to allow invoicing from one program to split to appropriate Xero organisation.

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  7. When invoicing, there is a drop down arrow/menu next to the "Print PDF" button, where you can select 'Invoice' or 'Packing Slip'.

    We need this feature to be available in the quote for printing a picking slip / delivery docket.

    Is it possible to add this functionality?

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    Thanks for raising and supporting the idea here, community. Being open this isn't something we're looking to develop into Quotes for the time being. However, if needed you could have two branding themes, with a different Quote template: one for the quote itself, and one for a packing slip.

    You could then edit the quote, and switch the branding theme to the one you want to send out.

  8. The "Outstanding bills" amount shown when viewing an invoice online is always shown in the Xero base currency, even when the invoice is in a different currency. This is not a good customer experience for international customers.

    Specific example: My base currency in Xero is NZD. When I send an invoice to an Australian client the invoice is in AUD. When the client views the invoice online, it has AUD for the invoice amount, but in the blue bar at the top it shows "Outstanding bills" in NZD.

    Example screenshot attached.

    In Xero we have assigned "Australian Dollar" as the…

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  9. We need to be able to run a report of historical Expense Claims, by Customer contact in order to see what Expenses were entered for a certain time period. The Expense Claims Detail report does not show anything when I run it. I need the Expense Claim Report to be able to be sorted by our Customers names, not sorted by our employees.

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  10. We would like the option to setup a data feed in our Xero file for BPoint transactions to feed directly into Xero (like we have a data feed for our CBA business account). Currently these transactions come in through the CBA business account with no detail other than that they are a BPoint payment, whereas if we had the BPoint data feed setup we could receive all of this information (client name, invoice number, amount etc) to reconcile automatically.

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  11. Ability to do a bulk transfer (to another account) from the cash coding screen - as we have to do this one by one currently

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  12. To simplify payroll it would be great to be able to load more than one account for the payroll batch to be processed from. We currently pay our staff from the salaries bank Account and the Manager from the Owners Bank Account. If there was the option to nominate a different debit account this would enable my payroll to be processed as a batch. Also I would like to be able to batch a transfer for PAYG Tax and Super to go from the Salaries Account to a that bank account.

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  13. Ability to show or report the variances/differences between the draft payrun and the prior period payrun.
    This would save a huge amount of time going through each payslip to ensure the usual pay is being processed and nothing has been accidentally added or missed.
    Especially when you have a large number of employees.

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  14. Our new system separately invoices every job we complete. This gets loaded into xero invoices, ATM you can copy these individual jobs and they can be put on to one invoice, great.

    However Xero wont let you add more jobs to this invoice by the same copy facility.
    It only gives you the option of a customer name not an invoice number.
    I would like to be able to add jobs daily to this invoice and send my customer one invoice at the end of the week/month.

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  15. To be able to run Top Customers report showing the net figures and not just gross.

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    Aaah thanks for the clarification, Vicky and Alex. You could use the Management report to add the Top Customers report. Appreciate that the chart itself displays for Gross figures right now. We'll continue gathering interest for this here. 

    In regards to the sort order of the report - By default contacts will be sorted by the Gross column, however you can add a Net column and re-sort by clicking on any column header. 🙂

  16. It would be nice to have the option to attach files when using cash coding on the bank. To attach a file, I have to go back to the bank recon tab, find the entry and then attach the file. This wastes a lot of time. A small attach file icon or the option to attach a file on the drop-down will save a lot of time.

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  17. "Days paid" on timesheet defaults to number of days loaded in "Salary & Wages".
    It needs to be overridden to actual days worked for the week when a timesheet is approved. Many staff work more or less days than the average and changing each one manually is incredibly cumbersome and has a huge margin for error

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  18. Ability to switch between payroll calendars for an employee with multiple roles eg Jane is on the weekly payroll for her role as studio manager. She is also paid monthly super only for her roles as a sub-contractor yoga teacher.

    So far we have managed this by posting Jane's weekly pay, and then switching the payroll calender to process the super and then switching it back again. The problem is that if Jane is already in a draft weekly payrun the calendar can't be switched until the draft payrun is processed. This makes the process fiddly.

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  19. We've started using Projects and I've created a test project, sales and purchase invoice and have marked the sales invoice as paid.

    However the project summary report doesn't show that the client/sales invoice has been paid and this is so important for us to be able to plan our payment run for the direct costs relating to that client/project.

    Can this field be added to the report?

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  20. The "View recent bills report" functionality on a Contact page has changed since the new reporting was deployed this week. Previously, if you clicked on the link you would see a nice list of all approved bills for that vendor whether paid or not. This functionality has now changed and is effectively useless. Yes, you can get the same info by going into Business/bills to pay but that it is more clunky. Thank you.

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