4667 results found
Quotes - Automatically add attachments when emailing
We have to disclose certain information when issuing quotes and it would be very helpful if we could choose a template that automatically adds documents to our quotes as instead we have to; create the quote; process it; go back into the quote; attach the files and then send this out to the client. We only have 1 business manager and this is very time consuming for them as their time could be spent elsewhere.
6 votes -
Contacts - Short-term notes field
Apart from utilising the Notes function in client profiles, may I suggest a field be added for short term notes (not needed to be archived) to highlight an alert/instruction/warning for all staff when working on a particular client. As an example: do not lodge Tax returns for ABC until Paid.
1 vote -
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
Xero currently fails the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This means that people with accessibility needs are locked out of being able to use Xero effectively.
A quick scroll through shows that Xero fails a number of criteria, such as:
- 2.1 Keyboard Accessible (for example, on the new bills page, tabbing through the page includes tabbing through the search bar, and when you tab through the date fields this causes today's date to be included as a filter, which cannot be immediately undone using the keyboard without tabbing through to another field)
- 2.4.7 Focus visible (if you…4 votes -
Projects - Create more tabs for Projects
in Projects, you only have 3 options as tabs, Draft, in progress or closed, it would be great if i could create more tabs. (on proof to customer, waiting on customer artwork, etc)
7 votes -
Chart of Accounts - Ability to remap accounts in bulk
I would like to be able to have a remapping feature (similar to find and recode) but on a bulk stage. It is common that a business operation changes and the previous COA is no longer fit for purpose and updates are needed.
This can be done by having a feature that presents the COA with a current a proposed column. The proposed is automatically mapped to the current if no answer is added. In the proposed there is a drop down item that allows you to remap all historical transactions to a different account or remap.
Post remapping the…
1 vote -
Xero UI - Unify date selectors
At a quick count there at least three different date selectors used in Xero. This makes it clunky for users and some date selectors are functionally outdated. Examples, the date selector used in Invoices (best) vs the one used in Reports (worst) vs the one used in Leave.
Use the same date selector(s) across the entire product. One that allows for:
- Keyboard entry of date(s), multiple formats eg 23/08/23 as well as 23 Aug 2023 (Invoices does this)
- Shortcuts like 'This financial year' etc - where applicable
- Quick year jumps (unlike the date selector in Reports -…3 votes -
Bills - Payment files automatically sent to Westpac
To import a payment file into the bank the user must download an ABA or CSV file from Xero and save to their local drive. This file is then manually imported into the bank - this poses a major data security risk. Xero already supports bank feeds with many large banks so there should be an option to import these payment files directly from Xero into the bank.
1 vote -
Bank Feeds - BNZ feed to be 7 days, not just Tuesday-Saturday
Now that NZ has 7 days transactional banking by all banks, can BNZ who is only providing Xero with bank feeds Tuesday- Saturday, (per Xero support) now send Monday- Saturday, so Saturday/Sunday transactions can be reconciled Monday's and information be up to date.
7 votes -
UK Payroll - Don't update previous payslips when employee details change
Old payslips should retain the correct postal address for the employee for that time period. Don't update the previous payslips, just move forward with the new address for new payslips. People use their payslips for various different reasons, and tracking/validating their address history etc can be one of them!
5 votes -
Purchase Order - Order Confirmation/acknowledgement
To add a function where you can input order confirmations for purchase orders. To enable quick review of what PO's have & haven't been confirmed.
9 votes -
Reporting - Running scenario analysis with draft transactions
Dave Andrews asked a question.
Edited Tuesday, 15 August 2023 12:36 PMCan one create a report based on DRAFT information eg Draft invoice not approved
Can one create a report based on DRAFT information eg Draft invoice or draft bill (not approved and therefore not posted into the books of account).For example I would like to see what impact certain entries would have on a balance sheet or income statement but dont want to approve them only to see the impact and then subsequently void or reverse them if I am, say unhappy with the outcome ? I…
1 vote -
NZ Payroll: To be able to backdate a change in employees pay
I would like to have the ability to reflect a new increase from the agreed-upon date. Often, salary reviews occur after the financial year-end and need to be backdated. However, Xero does not allow for backdating when other payroll systems do. You have to make a note of the actual start date, which isn't reflected in any reporting, making it not very useful.
Additionally, there should be the ability for an advanced support person to modify information, enabling them to roll back a change. I recently encountered an issue where third-party software changed the review date of a salary to…
1 vote -
Xero Projects - Add GST on entry of tasks and estimated expenses
Have the option to add GST (10%) on tasks (hourly rate) and estimated expenses when creating a project.
1 vote -
Inventory - History and Notes to show the PO's that make up the Quantity on order
When you look at an inventory item, it shows that you have that item on order, but it doesn't show you in the history and notes, what PO that the item is ordered on. All it shows in the history is the Bill's and the invoices.
IT needs to show in the history the PO that the goods on order are ordered on.
3 votes -
Reporting - Attach documents to published reports
To be able to attach documents (images / PDF ) to published reports.
For example Bank Statements to Bank Reconciliation reports. Signed copies of Debtors / Creditors ledgers etc14 votes -
Invoices - Ability to send Invoices and statement to seperate email addresses
Some purchase contacts have requested that invoices be sent to an accounts email while statements are to be sent to a different email address, both of which are different from the person who is the actual primary contact. It would be advantageous for Xero to incorporate this to allow for the invoices and statements to be sent to the correct emails without the necessity of sending every document to the primary contact or to each other which is not required or desired.
342 votes -
Contacts - Show Payment Terms by Contact
Right now, we see average days we pay or receive payment. It would be good if we can have another row that shows us the payment terms we have with the contact so we can benchmark against performance that way. The data is already in Xero, just need to show it.
13 votes -
Report - Produce Dividend vouchers in Xero
Dear All,
i have the following suggestion. I think it would make sense to allow the production of a Dividend Voucher in Xero also by in-house accountants, rather than only by an accounting firm that is a Xero partner.
Many thanks and kind regards, Andrea
9 votes -
AU Payroll - Super Payment Authorisation via Xero Verify
I need to be able to approve super when I am travelling and do not have access to text messages. It is most inflexible that there is only one method for doing this! Can the Xero Verify App not be used for auto super approvals too? Then I only need wifi.
Or, can text be received to whatsapp instead?
6 votes -
Reporting - Ability to add a summary of fixed assets to an existing report
Currently fixed asset reports have to be run separately and there is no ability to add these into an existing report like the notes to the financial statements. It is reasonably standard to include a table in the notes that summarises cost, depreciation charged, accumulated depreciation and net book value for both the current year and the year prior.
Requesting the functionality to pull this data from Xero into a report, rather than either having to run two separate fixed assets reports (one for each year) or a manual table where figures are typed in and manually added.
Also requesting…
9 votes
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